Busy Weekend–Talk Soon?

It’s been a very busy weekend in Vancouver. I’m enjoying it very much but I do feel as if I’ve abandoned you all, and right in the middle of a rich and fascinating conversation.

So this is just to say that I will be back before too long, and I will be replying to all the wonderful comments about my post on memory. In the meantime, I’m preoccupied with belated birthday lunches; dinner with one sister; coffee with another; a comedy show with my brother, sister, son, and daughter-in-law, all of us watching my nephew MC masterfully.

I’ve shopped (getting the travel wardrobe ready for next week’s departure), been waxed, had my face pampered, my toes painted, dropped my shoes off to be resoled, and been insulted by a stand-up comic over my age (hurt more than the bikini wax, that one! Ouch!) Worked my way through a long list, in other words, and I’m not quite done yet.

But I’m thinking of you, loving the conversation we’re building about memory and planning to get back to it soon. If you haven’t had time to read through yet, I think you’ll enjoy doing so — I’m so privileged to have many wise and generous commenters. Scroll down to see what I mean. And we’ll chat more soon, okay?


  1. Pondside
    26 May 2014 / 4:06 am

    Busy, indeed! Can it really be only a week until your departure?

    • materfamilias
      28 May 2014 / 5:00 am

      and now only 5 days. . . 😉

  2. Eleonore
    26 May 2014 / 8:48 am

    As your trip is approaching and before I forget: Should you visit Lecce, the ice cream place I recommend is called ALVINO, it's in Piazza Sant'Oronzo near the Giardini pubblici.

    • materfamilias
      28 May 2014 / 5:00 am

      I've made a note of it, thank you! If we do get to Lecce, an ice cream place will surely impress the granddaughters (and their parents and grandparents!)

  3. Patricia
    26 May 2014 / 11:26 am

    Hi Mater, I totally missed the last post – we were in Ottawa last week, buying a house. I'll go back and take a look. How exciting – only a week to go until your trip!

    • materfamilias
      28 May 2014 / 5:01 am

      Exciting for you as well! I do hope all the move goes well

  4. Madame LĂ -bas
    26 May 2014 / 3:56 pm

    Doesn't time pass quickly? It seems that you just mentioned the whole family trip and now the time is almost here.

    • materfamilias
      28 May 2014 / 5:02 am

      Travel messes up the space-time continuum for me somehow. . . 😉

  5. Tiffany
    26 May 2014 / 10:03 pm

    Funny, when we were in NYC end of 2010, I was also picked on by a stand-up – about my age (a grand old 43 then) of all things 🙂 It was super-nasty, and simply because I was not finding the guy funny, so I wasn't laughing …

    Enjoy your productive busy-ness!

    • materfamilias
      28 May 2014 / 5:03 am

      There's a hostility there that has a scarily uncontrolled potential. I'm still processing the experience actually. Can't believe that 43 would also qualify as old!

  6. pomomama
    27 May 2014 / 4:24 pm

    Bon voyage and enjoy. May life fill you up with energy and inspiration!

    • materfamilias
      28 May 2014 / 5:03 am

      Yes! This is much of what I go back for, that energy and inspiration which fuel creativity and productivity. Thanks!


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