Weekends, Gotta love'em

We’ve been in Vancouver for the weekend, where Paul had these lovely tulips waiting for me on arrival. We’ve been crazy busy with family stuff (3 of the 4 couples/families for sushi Friday night at our place; helping one couple with some real estate adventures Saturday; pizza with the 4th couple and a granddaughter Saturday evening). A bit of shopping. Considerable fretting about tenderness of my knee and how to proceed with marathon training (didn’t do my long run this weekend, did get a great massage from my RMT daughter). Oh, and got to savour sight of 5-month pregnant belly of one beautiful daughter. Still savouring that in my mind’s eye, to be honest. Much happiness there, for many reasons.

And now we’re off to breakfast with a son whose wife has abandoned him to play soccer (love that reversal, not even thinkable in my mom’s day, only just barely in mine). It’s a spectacular day on the West Coast, with a possible 17 degrees of warmth. Should be a gorgeous ferry ride home this afternoon. You have a lovely day as well, if that’s at all within reach. And, as always, feel free to comment. I’ve been too busy to answer comments from the last post or so, but I’ve read them all and will pick up the conversation as soon as I get back to my home office.


  1. Madame Là-bas
    13 April 2014 / 4:12 pm

    It sounds as though you have had a happy family week-end and that spring weather has come to the West Coast. Paris continues to be warm and I bought des pois de senteur (sweet peas) for the apartment. I am curled up with Austerlitz and a glass of chablis savouring the moment in Paris. Bonne journée.

    • materfamilias
      15 April 2014 / 2:07 pm

      You're reading Austerlitz! I'll look forward to seeing what you think of it. Love visualizing that curl-up with the wine, the pois de senteur . . . . perfection. Bonne journée à vous aussi!

  2. Megs
    13 April 2014 / 7:54 pm

    What happy memories you are all making! Hope your knee is feeling better – maybe some aqua-therapy? This slightly sedentary person is always inspired by your commitment to activity. I am making baby steps to increasing my walking daily.

    • materfamilias
      15 April 2014 / 2:08 pm

      I've thought of aqua-therapy. . . . just not keen on any extra commuting, but we'll see. Walking is always good, and baby steps, baby steps are the way. . .

  3. Mardel
    13 April 2014 / 11:26 pm

    Sounds like a gloriously busy weekend in all the best ways. The tulips are lovely, but I am especially fond of tulips, the way they start out all prim and proper and then open up with glorious and excess abandon. Hope your knee is feeling better.

    • materfamilias
      15 April 2014 / 2:09 pm

      Loved your tulip post!

  4. Lorrie
    14 April 2014 / 4:33 am

    It's been a weekend of working outdoors here. Such gorgeous weather! So happy for family joy for you!

    • materfamilias
      15 April 2014 / 2:09 pm

      Wasn't it amazing, the weekend's weather?!

  5. Catherine
    14 April 2014 / 12:46 pm

    Love the tulips – my latest post also contains a tulip post – they are among my favourite flowers. Glad you had a great weekend – it's good to be busy and what's going on with the knee?

    • materfamilias
      15 April 2014 / 2:09 pm

      Oh, yours was a tulip post with a twist! Naughty dog! 😉 As for the knee, we'll cross our fingers and see. . . .

  6. Stacy
    15 April 2014 / 10:05 pm

    Our weekend was lovely and low key, just what we needed! Coffee and new car dreaming on Saturday morning, a bicycle training ride for my sweetie and yoga for me in the afternoon. Sunday had us cooking a decadent breakfast, a nap and then tacos from the food truck. Rest, activity and good food, a winning weekend combination!


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