Spring-ing for Navy, A Little “What I Wore”

I’m adding a quick hello, Friday, March 28th, to the readers visiting from Grechen’s Closet. Welcome!  I always enjoy comments, from new visitors as well as longtime friends. And perhaps you’ll stop by again. Meanwhile, here’s to Springing for a little Navy . . . 

 We’re losing our power for the day while the local Hydro crews replace a junction box. So my time at the keyboard is limited. Plus I used up so many words inSunday’s post on contemplating retirement— worth it, to have stimulated an engaging conversation — I recommend checking it out; commenters here are so wise!.

So today, I’m just going to post some photos of my recent spring forays into navy. Do you find yourself switching to that shade, over black, at this time of year?

 Some of my pieces here have been in my closet for years (the Gap fleece moto jacket and the navy v-neck Bompard pullover), but I’ll admit to a little Spring upgrading made recently in deference to recent weight loss. A visit to J Crew yielded some pieces I’m finding very useful: the navy sweatshirt, glammed up with some floral brocade. I’ve mixed this with a little black leather skirt (I love navy and black together) and I wear it with the navy pencil skirt as well as using to sharpen up my jeans.

 This metallic striped marl-grey T is equally versatile.

 And the navy pencil skirt (a version of their No. 2 pencil skirt) is already getting worn at least twice a week, so it will pay for itself in no time!

The shoes above are my new Vince moccasins, their flatness ensuring them regular rotation, especially as an antidote to a day in heels (as below, my Acne pistols)

And because sometimes a woman needs a bit of colour in her Spring Wardrobe, this great aqua shirt with contrast mauvey-pink stitching from the Gap. All very affordable and very versatile pieces.

Sadly, today isn’t giving us much spring joy — we have April showers a month early, no surprise since we have some version of wet in any month you can imagine. Life in the RainForest!

But at least I’m ready for sunshine and blossoms whenever that combo hits.


Now I’m off to unplug everything electrical within range . . . .


  1. K.Line
    25 March 2014 / 4:32 pm

    Well, you know I could LIVE in navy. Love the outfit. And you might be intrigued to note that, just this season, Gap has revived the moto jacket in fleece. So you're right on trend, and you just had to shop your closet! I bought the greatest fleece moto jacket in Amsterdam almost 3 years ago and I wear it CONSTANTLY. Well before it was back in style 🙂 Mine is very heavy weight – more like a light coat than a sweater. Goes to show that Amsterdam, in July, was so cold I had to buy a winter-ish garment to get me through that vacation.

    • materfamilias
      27 March 2014 / 1:53 am

      I remember following your Amsterdam visit and sympathizing re the weather (still, you got to the Dylan and, especially, deKas. . . . aaah!)

  2. LPC
    25 March 2014 / 4:38 pm

    Navy is my spirit animal:).

    And I love that sweatshirt with the lace. So much better on you than on models.

    • materfamilias
      27 March 2014 / 1:54 am

      Why thank you! Do you think your mother would say it's a good-looking sweatshirt? Or is that close to being an oxymoron? 😉

  3. Susan B
    25 March 2014 / 4:48 pm

    You always look so fabulous in any blue shades, and these are no exception. I love that sweatshirt!! I've been trying to add a bit more navy to my wardrobe basics. But I still love my black… :-O

    • materfamilias
      27 March 2014 / 1:54 am

      I love my black as well, but I think you might be right that the blue is more flattering.

  4. Sandy aka Doris the Great
    25 March 2014 / 5:22 pm

    Blue, being my favorite color, means that navy is always on my menu. And as Stacy and Clinton say: "It's a neutral." BTW — I love that pencil skirt as well as the cut-out shirt.

    • materfamilias
      27 March 2014 / 1:57 am

      I like navy throughout the year, but it really seems to come into its own in the spring and summer.
      What a great name you've grabbed for your blog: Aging Disgracefully!

  5. Madame LĂ -bas
    25 March 2014 / 7:08 pm

    Navy, grey and mauve are my new spring colours. I really like the sweatshirt and I'm sure that you will get lots of wear out of it.

    • materfamilias
      27 March 2014 / 1:58 am

      I like that combination of navy, grey, and mauve — very sophisticated!
      The sweatshirt is turning out to be a great piece — and it's easy to launder, which is a big plus.

  6. Lorrie
    26 March 2014 / 12:55 am

    I love navy and don't have enough of it. That is beginning to change a little. There's more of it in the stores than in previous years, I think.

    • materfamilias
      27 March 2014 / 1:59 am

      I wonder if that's true, and if so, why? I guess if I had to go either/or I'd generally choose black, but I'd say navy is just as/even more classic. And softer, more flattering, as I age, I think.

  7. Unknown
    26 March 2014 / 3:22 pm

    I love navy and black together. I've been avoiding JCrew for quality issues lately, but I may pop over for that sweatshirt!!

    • materfamilias
      27 March 2014 / 2:00 am

      Me too, with the navy and the black, although once upon a time I wouldn't have. I've been lucky with JCrew quality so far. Crossing my fingers that continues . . .

  8. Marsha
    26 March 2014 / 9:24 pm

    Your navy looks bright and chipper, but I wore navy to hide when I was in my teens (black was out of the question then), so I am deliberately trying to include more navy in my life now, when I'm not hiding. I must say you have provided encouragement; I even considered taking up running (and rejected the idea immediately, thank goodness, but I will probably find another way to supplement my regular strenuous walks, since I can see that such efforts have paid off for you).

    • materfamilias
      27 March 2014 / 2:02 am

      Fascinating the associations clothes have for us with good or bad times in your youth.
      As for the running, it's not for everyone, and I'm glad you were smart enough to know quickly it wouldn't be your thing. I think regular strenuous walks do every bit as much good, truly. If anything, I'd like to move toward more yoga or strength-training, but there are only so many hours in a day, right?

  9. grechen
    26 March 2014 / 11:38 pm

    love that sweatshirt – and i've been coveting those vince shoes forever!!! they look so chic, and i'd love them as an alternative to my vince sneakers or ballet flats. if it ever warms up though, my toes will need free-ing 🙂 so sandals are in order. i'll save these for next fall perhaps!

    and i do sort of start to fall for navy as the weather warms up. i just can't make myself buy it. i'm just too big a fan of black…

    • materfamilias
      27 March 2014 / 2:07 am

      Aren't they great shoes? I hadn't intended to buy anything, but when I saw them . . . .they're so sleek! As I said about them earlier (in the comments a few posts ago, maybe?) they're more Jil Sander than Josef Seibel. Not sure how long I can keep that contrast sole looking sharp, but so far so good. . .
      It's true that black is somehow more year-round versatile, although I think navy has the edge in summer. I find I can get caught up in it through the spring, and then I have to remind myself to work it into the mix through the winter or have a parallel (black) wardrobe. Mind you, that way, both colour sets last longer, right?


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