A few Treats for You. . . .

MySpring Navy post of a few days ago seems rather bland compared to Lisa and Sue’s fun experiments, posted today, of dressing under each other’s influence. They almost inspire me to take my looks to a venue beyond my safely contained mirror. . . . ha!

Lisa, of Amid Privilege had the wonderful idea of having the pair each suggest an outfit that she thought would suit the other, an outfit outside the other’s comfort zone as generally represented on the two blogs. Fabulous results, but what’s most interesting is the analysis these two smart, practical, and stylish women brought to the process, analysis that we might all find useful in thinking through how we develop and settle on dressing to suit ourselves — and when it might be time to shake that pattern up a bit.

Go now, and have a look at Sue’s Diva Transformation and Lisa’s surprisingly credible Rocker Chickimpersonation.

But then come back and check out this little delectation I found (via David Lebowitz‘ Facebook page) just for your Thursday francophile pleasure. (Click on the link, then scroll down to click on a video to the luscious making of these beautiful tiny pastries. . . . mmmmmmm)

And then when you’re done all that to-ing and fro-ing and ooh-ing and ah-ing, off you go and have a lovely Thursday! (taking a minute, if you’re so inclined, to say hello, and anything else you think of,  in the comments below)


  1. LPC
    27 March 2014 / 2:06 pm

    You're very kind. And your navy sweatshirt is anything but bland. But we knew that:). I can almost hear the crunch of that rock sugar (salt?) on my teeth.

    • materfamilias
      28 March 2014 / 5:07 pm

      but it's so pretty, the rock sugar on the pink, no? — the video's positively delectable. . . .

  2. Lorrie
    27 March 2014 / 2:59 pm

    How interesting that a change of wardrobe, and out-of-my-comfort-zone experience also altered behaviour and poses. A change of clothing style as a catalyst to act out perceptions of glamour and rocker chick. Freeing, non?

  3. LPC
    27 March 2014 / 3:05 pm

    Lorrie, that's preciously what happened.

    • LPC
      27 March 2014 / 3:12 pm

      Precisely. Oof. Time to get off the internets for me?:)

    • materfamilias
      28 March 2014 / 5:08 pm

      Love overhearing this convo on my blog. . . 😉 And really, precision can be precious! 😉

  4. Tiffany
    27 March 2014 / 11:16 pm

    Yes, they both look great. I think Sue would have been more comfortable in darker pants but the colour of the jacket was beautiful with her lovely skin. Lisa completely ROCKED that look. It's an interesting exercise … maybe I'll try on something out of character next time I go shopping. But I guess the point is to have someone else's eye to make the choices for you – I don't have anyone like that.

    • materfamilias
      28 March 2014 / 5:09 pm

      Your daughter might be doing that for you before too long! Mine are my main resource since a favourite small boutique closed. . .


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