Snowy Sunday

So . . . Friday

was followed by Saturday. . . .

on which Saturday, I luckily pushed myself out the door, into the newly falling snow to get my long run done, keeping up my marathon training schedule. . . .

because today, Sunday, I woke up to this. . . .

Isn’t it gorgeous? That cold blue and white, available light photography at 6 a.m., so blurry, yes, but so tranquil.

I’d debated, yesterday, putting off my long run until this morning, assuming the snow would have been washed away by an expected rainfall. But a couple of degrees makes all the difference to how precipitation hits the ground, and there will be no running today.

Fireside. Books. Knitting. Music. . . . and I’ve even got out my sketchpad and my watercolours.

Poor Pater has to hike down to the dock and shovel snow out of the boat, but he’s claiming to enjoy the wintry task. I wonder if he’s thinking of digging out his cross-country skis. . . .

I know the island kids will be gleefully throwing themselves down Snowball Hill on whatever slippery apparatus they can find. I remember ours doing the same, only coming in for hot chocolate and a peanut butter sandwich before heading out again, taking advantage of every minute of what they knew to be Winter’s Finest Gift.

For me, that gift is permission to get cozy indoors and enjoy the view.

And I’m passing it along. . . .

Happy Sunday! Happy Winter. . . .Hope you’re staying cozy too!


  1. Pondside
    23 February 2014 / 4:29 pm

    Me too – knitting, napping and trying to recover from a nasty abscessed molar that showed up while I was working away. I now have a root canal to look forward to. So far 2014 has Ben hard on my mouth! More tea and napping by the fire the snow falls. We are snowed in up here – not a bad thing at all!

    • materfamilias
      25 February 2014 / 12:15 am

      Yikes! Been there and done that nasty tooth situation — take care!

  2. Susan B
    23 February 2014 / 4:56 pm

    Oh, it looks lovely!! We're getting a bit of spring-ish weather here (alas, still no rain!) and I have many errands to run and excuses to get out of doors.

    • materfamilias
      25 February 2014 / 12:15 am

      So hard for me to imagine a lack of rain, but I know that it's a very seriously concern there. . .

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    23 February 2014 / 5:42 pm

    Planning a quiet day myself. Flurries but nothing sticking in our area. My sister is snowed in up in the Highlands. Snow is a great excuse to cocoon and knit or read. It inspires me to bake bread and cook up a batch of soup or stew to warm the cockles.

    • materfamilias
      25 February 2014 / 12:16 am

      It is a great excuse for cocooning — catching up on my rest. Bread and soup/stew? Perfection!

  4. Lorrie
    23 February 2014 / 7:11 pm

    Now just after 11 am and the snow is easing a bit. Beautiful view from your windows, Mater. Perfect for the cozy activities you've described.

    • materfamilias
      25 February 2014 / 12:16 am

      It's quite lovely from inside, isn't it?!

  5. K.Line
    23 February 2014 / 7:11 pm

    That is seriously dreary F! Very good stay inside weather. Enjoy!

    • materfamilias
      25 February 2014 / 12:16 am

      Inside is best! For now. . .

  6. ilona
    24 February 2014 / 1:50 am


    • materfamilias
      25 February 2014 / 12:16 am

      I know! 😉

  7. Unknown
    24 February 2014 / 6:19 am

    So beautiful. Nothing I like better than fireside, books, knitting and wonderful music. I'd heard about your weather, and hubs was jealous. We love everything about snow days…remind me why we decided to move to California? Stay cozy. xoJennifer

    • materfamilias
      25 February 2014 / 12:17 am

      Well, I could use a bit of California sunshine very soon, truly, but meanwhile I'm staying cozy, and it is quite pretty. . . xo

  8. Madame Là-bas
    24 February 2014 / 2:48 pm

    I love to look at the snow and to snuggle inside. It is giving oneself permission to enjoy the quiet pleasures of home.

    • materfamilias
      25 February 2014 / 12:17 am

      Yes! This is exactly what it does — give permission to hunker down and be cozy. Hope you're able to do the same.

  9. Elizabeth Musgrave
    26 February 2014 / 7:16 pm

    Sometimes snow is just the permission you need to get off the world for a day or two.

    • materfamilias
      27 February 2014 / 12:47 am

      Precisely! I've been off it now for 5 and still hesitating about the dive back in . . . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.