Five Things on a February Friday. . .

First of all, let me wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day! The  heart-shaped rock, above, is one my son serendipitously found on our beach the eve of hiswedding two summers ago . . . May such serendipity point you in the direction of love today. . . .

Now for Friday’s Five Things:

1. Duchesse posted last week onwhat to do when her beloved cashmere sweaters began to wear out, how to stave off replacement, or where to find the sales if replacement became imperative.

Here’s what I did with a cashmere sweater I bought at Banana Republic a few years ago but haven’t been wearing at all because the pilling just got too, too, too! I’d bought it at a crazy sale price and got a fair bit of wear out of it, so I was ready to send it on to a charity shop. But I’ve been thinking about knitting myself up some arm-warmers to wear under my coat sleeves when my sweater has bracelet sleeves that leave my forearms chilled. And I suddenly realized I could save myself the cost of yarn as well as a few hours AND end up with the scrumptiousness of cashmere in a use that pilling didn’t detract from.

Yes, I wielded my scissors! Chopped the sleeves off at a distance that would reach my elbows (I’ve been using the short-sleeved cashmere T as an extra layer on cold-weather runs).

 I even snipped a little opening for my thumb to slip through . . .

In last week’s icy weather, these were a delight, I have to say — and they were free!

2. I finally finished the Rainbow Pants I’ve been making for Nola for absolutely ever.  I’m giving to her this weekend, just as spring is promising to make them unwearable, and I have to hope she doesn’t outgrow them before it gets cold again. . . .

3. A warning that my snow pants might be too late for this year. . . . I noticed that my crocuses are pushing their way up through the leaf mulch . . . . uh-oh. . . But it’s impossible to feel much concern when spotting the season’s first crocus blooms. . . .

4. I debated, for my fourth item, whether to offer you one of this week’s What I Wore shots, or give you another sunrise. Not much debate, because Morning’s Outfit of the Day outclassed me by whole boxes of crayons. . .

5. You love reading? You love Scotch? Or perhaps you just like a commercial that touches the emotions. . . Have I got a treat for you. If you haven’t seen this lovely tribute to literacy, to learning something new in later life, then go, now, and watch this video. Less than three minutes long, and well worth those minutes. Then come back here and tell me what you think. Or comment on something else before you go. Or tell me what you’ve been reading lately. . . .

And if the commercial inspires you to read and you’re looking around for something worthwhile, you might do worse than read  Laurie King’s The Bones of Paris, a mystery set in Hemingway’s Paris between the wars, with an amusing perspective on Man Ray and other artists of that day. Of the lighter books I read in 2013, I’d highly recommend it for entertaining light reading, especially if you’re a Parisophile as I am. . .

Oops, that was a 6th thing, wasn’t it?

Oh well. . . .


  1. hostess of the humble bungalow
    14 February 2014 / 5:50 pm

    I think we take for granted our ability to read and write. I cannot imagine life without books. This was an interesting ad with a human perspective and not at all what one expects by a company that makes Scotch!
    Great idea for your cashmere sweater….at first I thought you would shrink it for Nola to wear!

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2014 / 5:25 pm

      Actually, scotch and reading seem a natural fit to me. At least, it's a very pleasant combo on a winter evening…;-)

  2. Lorrie
    14 February 2014 / 6:13 pm

    Happy Valentine's Day, F.
    I confess to a little tearing up at the end of the commercial. Reading is such a part of my life, I cannot imagine living without it.
    Love those rainbow pants!

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2014 / 5:26 pm

      Me too. . . I always find literacy narratives very moving.

  3. K.Line
    14 February 2014 / 6:45 pm

    I LOVE that rock. How perfect. And that's genius with the arm warmers!

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2014 / 5:27 pm

      Isn't the rock great? Such a serendipitous find!

  4. Susan B
    14 February 2014 / 8:57 pm

    I always enjoy your Five Things so much! what a clever idea for the arm warmers. Sunrises, crocuses, rainbows and celebrating reading…just doesn't get much better!

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2014 / 5:28 pm

      Thanks, Sue. So much pleasure in the simple things, and I do enjoy celebrating them.

  5. Brenda
    14 February 2014 / 10:38 pm

    That is pure genius with the cashmere arm warmers. Love good book recommendations and enjoy Laurie King books. I hadn't heard of this one but just put it on hold at the library. Thanks!

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2014 / 5:30 pm

      I've enjoyed her San Francisco mysteries, but somehow never really engaged with the Sherlock Holmes ones, although I know many love them. But I really liked this one and will read others in the series for sure!

  6. Madame Là-bas
    15 February 2014 / 12:11 am

    My brother just read Bones of Paris and it is on my list. The morning shot is beautiful. Nola's rainbow pants are great. My daughter was one of those kids who loved the unusual and I'm sure that Nola will find a way to wear them.

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2014 / 5:31 pm

      I hope you're right, Madame. I'm handing them over today, so we shall see . . .

  7. Eleonore
    15 February 2014 / 10:37 pm

    I very much admire the regularity with which you keep up your "Five Things Friday". I'm trying it myself, because I think it is important (and will keep you sane and healthy) to consciously notice the small beautiful things in life.
    I loved the video. When I retire, I'm going to learn to play accordion. What are your plans?

    • materfamilias
      16 February 2014 / 5:33 pm

      Hmmmm, my plans for retirement . . . I'd love to spend more time writing, to become closer to really bilingual and pick up Spanish again and perhaps add another language. And I'd love to sketch and paint. Get back to playing piano . .. Oh, and try not to get trapped in goal-setting and too much obligation! ;-))

    • Eleonore
      16 February 2014 / 7:27 pm

      Yes, languages! It's Turkish for me.
      You are right about the goal-setting, but it's just so nice to dream.


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