Family, Food, What I Wore, and Looking Back . . . Whew!

Busy’s good, right? Or at least, some kinds of busy are particularly good, and family busy, when you’re a Nana and the mom of four great young adults with four fabulous partners, busy is very satisfying. Doesn’t leave much time for blogging, and it pushes some anxiety into the work week (really have to get some prep sorted, pronto!), but this busy weekend in Vancouver with family made for much happiness for this matriarch/materfamilias.

Friday morning, we squeezed in a much-needed yoga class before heading to a bank appointment before catching “the big ferry” with minutes to spare. No surprise, then, that Friday afternoon I suddenly realized how exhausted I was after the first week of classes and plans for “dinner and a movie” date were changed to take-out sushi while watching Bones and Grimm. . . .

Saturday morning, my long run devours big chunks of time these days. 23 kilometres took me a few hours and then we were into baby-sitting privileges with a certain red-headed toddler. Highlight had to be the way she flashes her toothy smile, but if I weren’t already smitten, the last half hour of her nap, which she snoozed away with her belly to my chest, her little cheek snuggled into my shoulder . . . .Ahhhhh. . .

And that evening, we celebrated a daughter’s birthday belatedly by taking her and her partner out to check out a new restaurant. A bit of memory lane for Paul and I, as we’d eaten many times, decades ago, in Primo’s Mexican Restaurant, a Vancouver stalwart for so long. The vegetarian fare served by the new occupant here will perhaps settle into a groove as well. . . for now, it’s good enough but the menu needs focus, refining, and the service is still uneven, although friendly enough. We were impressed, though, by how full it was, and in a very slow restaurant week, early in January — clearly people are looking for good vegetarian food, with an ambiance and overall aesthetic that goes far beyond hippie health food.

From vegetarian food on Saturday night to dim sum on Sunday was perhaps a bit ambitious. But that was the plan the kids had come up with, after numerous texting to determine the best current locale. We by-passed a number of suggestions to commandeer a large table at Western Lake, and by the size of the crowd trying to squeeze in when we finally left, this is a popular spot indeed. No other tables there of 12 obvious Caucasians, the place being full mainly of people whose ancestry and food culture are Chinese — we ate a prodigious amount of wonderful dumplings and buns and custard pastries and vegetables and all sorts of ingeniously prepared and wrapped delights. We’re now thinking we might try to go back with a friend or relative who speaks Chinese, or at least knows which are the best pictures to point to on the menu . . . .So good! And a really relaxed way to visit over food with two little people at the table. Especially if one of those brings a new My Little Pony friend or two.  . .

So now we’re back trying to get ready for our respective work weeks.

And before I do, I thought I’d try to boost my occasional Sunday Retrospective back into my blogging week mix. Here’s a What I Wore from last week:

 Perhaps this doesn’t look as good as it made me feel (’cause I felt pretty close to awesome, and that’s not always accessible in reality ;-), but this was an outfit I really enjoyed wearing during my first week back in the classroom, meeting my new students.

Black patent oxfords from Browns, 3 or 4 years old; waxed-finish black skinny jeans, J-Brand, from my recent wardrobe re-boost after weight loss; a J Crew navy merino sweater I bought last fall and am really loving the relaxed shape of; and the chocolate gold beads you’ve seen here a few times. . .

Now to revisit last week’s posts, in case you missed them:

LastSunday, I finally got around to arguing, tentatively, a connection between my Introverted Self and my (supposedly) Extroverted Curls. . .

and on Tuesday, I continued that effort in another post. . .

Friday was a folding-together of random: tiny speakers, unexpected pearls, snowdrops, little girls, and a knitted cats hat. . . .

And if you’ll excuse me, I’m off now to make the most of those last few weekend hours. Has yours been restful? or productively busy? Remember to breathe . . . . Ahhhhhhhhh . . . .


  1. Tiffany
    13 January 2014 / 1:49 am

    That outfit is COMPLETELY awesome. Really. Everything about it is spot on and you look sensational. I really need some slouchy sweaters like that …

    • materfamilias
      14 January 2014 / 2:59 am

      Music to my ears. . . . thanks! 😉 Honestly, by the time I'd worn this sweater maybe twice, I was checking to see if it existed in other colours. But sadly, it must have been a limited run, 'cause I've never found it again at J Crew. So easy to wear. . .

  2. K.Line
    13 January 2014 / 2:07 am

    Those pants are awesome. Well worth whatever you paid. BTW, mine from CM do look very similar…

    • materfamilias
      14 January 2014 / 3:00 am

      I'm surprised at how everyday wearable they are — I tried a pair of Citizens and they looked much closer to, say, a faux leather. I love mine as a black jean that looks sharper than black denim (which always fades in my experience). Not surprised yours from CM are just as great at a way lower price — you're a savvy shopper!

  3. Patricia
    13 January 2014 / 3:13 am

    I agree with the above comments – a wonderful outfit, and you look fantastic in it. I can just imagine how confident you felt in front of your classes – and I'm sure that your female students were impressed!

    • materfamilias
      14 January 2014 / 3:01 am

      Thanks! I'm not sure how much what I wear registers, although occasionally I'll get queries about where I get my shoes or boots 😉

  4. Susan B
    13 January 2014 / 3:53 am

    I love the silhouette of the big soft sweater over the skinny jeans. And those brogues…perfect.

    • materfamilias
      14 January 2014 / 3:01 am

      The brogues weren't my first thought to wear with this, but as soon as I tried them, I thought they were perfect myself. . .

  5. Pondside
    13 January 2014 / 4:57 am

    Great outfit – no wonder you felt so good!
    This weekend? A Ukrainian New Year's party in Oak Bay, a shower (gasp!) in the finally-finished bathroom (I may blog about it, but some things are still to raw with regard to this longest-ever reno) a little paperwork to catch up for tomorrow at the office and a lot of lazing about. Oh – and breakfast at John's Place – too many calories, but oh so satisfying!

    • materfamilias
      14 January 2014 / 3:02 am

      That's some busy-ness! I haven't been to John's Place for ages and ages but I do remember the yummies. . . .and yes, do blog about the reno at some point. We have some serious reno horror stories here as well.

  6. That's Not My Age
    13 January 2014 / 9:40 am

    That outfit is awesome. Happy New Year!

    • materfamilias
      14 January 2014 / 3:10 am

      Hmmm, I see now I might have been fishing. . . Thanks and HNY to you too!

  7. Madame Là-bas
    13 January 2014 / 2:22 pm

    I really like the cut of those jeans. You look so slim! I love din sum but I miss the little carts which seem to have disappeared in our area. Primo's was one of our family
    favourites for decades. I have a birthday week coming with a lot of restaurant meals and I wonder how I will handle my food intake.

    • materfamilias
      14 January 2014 / 3:12 am

      So funny, we talked about the carts as Paul and I were hoping for those as well and the kids tell us they're passé. . . oh dear!
      You'll probably feel happiest with the birthday weeks if you have a solid plan OR if you give yourself permission for one or two no-counting meals. Seafood is a helpful tool, ditto fruits and vegetables. Sparkling water. . . . good luck!

  8. Duchesse
    13 January 2014 / 10:35 pm

    Oh god, I still rcall various sushi meals I have had over the years in Vancouver. Do you have an idea how great your sushi is? I cannot stand it!

    • materfamilias
      14 January 2014 / 3:14 am

      We are really, really lucky with sushi, and we also have a rich list of great places for Chinese food. Korean, Vietnamese, Indian . . . .mind you, you're not exactly suffering there, in Montreal, for good food. . .

  9. Unknown
    14 January 2014 / 6:29 am

    I love slouchy sweaters with slim jeans. Seriously fab looking on your shapely self! Navy with black is a personal favorite of mine. Hope you have a terrific week.

    • materfamilias
      15 January 2014 / 5:23 am

      I know! I just love black and navy together! hope your week is a good one too.

  10. Moonboots
    14 January 2014 / 6:58 am

    Love the outfit. I have a similar blue slouchy jumper and I have worn it to death. You look amazing. I have been debating buying some brogues, I think you have convinced me.

    • materfamilias
      15 January 2014 / 5:24 am

      Thanks — I do love the shape of this sweater. . . and I don't want to enable a shopper (oh, why not?!) but I do think you'd get lots of wear out of a pair of brogues. . .

  11. Sue @ A Colourful Canvas
    16 January 2014 / 7:27 pm

    I was recently lamenting the selection of restaurants on South Granville. Will have to check out this new vegetarian place.

    • materfamilias
      22 January 2014 / 3:08 pm

      There's room for improvement, Sue, but it's fairly good and an ambitious enough menu. Have you tried Vij's, just around the corner on 11th? Fabulous!


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