Five Things Friday, Some Festive Included. . .

I will be at the dentist this morning, having stitches removed, and getting the all-clear to finish off my meds and begin getting back to my normal routine.

And Five Things Friday seems a good start, don’t you think?


1. This scarf from Madewell has been making me very warm and happy. I saw it pictured on A Cup of Jo a few weeks ago,backdrop in a photo whose main focus was Oxblood red nails.

 I could scarcely see those for the perfection of this cheery yet subtle plaid — can’t you tell just by looking how soft that wool is? I’ve been sticking to cashmere for my winter scarves, making the occasional exception for my own handknits of alpaca laceweight (can I hear a double yummy?), but I was right: This is the softest, loftiest weave of endearing colour you could want to wrap snugly around your neck on a frosty December day. Sadly, it sold out mere moments after I placed my order, so the moral of this story is to act quickly when you fall in love.

2. Another recent coup de foudre, but one I deliberated over a bit more, is this darling little chap. You may have noticed by now that I’m a fan of whimsy, although I sprinkle it judiciously.

Sorry for the poor picture, but my other camera’s battery died just after I’d taken a few and before I could upload — I might try to switch it up later. I saw this dear little roadrunner in the Estate Sale window display of a local jeweler quite a few weeks ago, but resisted him. He stuck in my head, though, so the following week I popped in to place a deposit, and then two weeks ago, he came home with me. I’ll pin his gold self with his ruby eye to a sweater front — I’m even thinking I might get a jump pin to put round the bar and wear him on my pearls occasionally, as Duchesse has cleverly suggested.

3. I’m not generally a big fan of snow, especially when I have to go out in it as I did last night, to invigilate my students’ exam when I’d rather have been wallowing at home, nursing my sore mouth.

But there’s no point denying that it looks very pretty, even when it’s just a light skiff. . . .it will probably stay this way for a day or two as the temperature is too cold for much melting to happen . . . and there might be flurries, at least, over the next little while. Definitely helpful for getting into the spirit of the season. . . .

4. And I’ll try my best to get into that spirit, just as soon as I polish off these treats. . . .In fact, I’ve begun tapering off the pain meds — and have even invited a bunch of women friends over for a Friday cinq-à-sept here. So the Tylenol 3s are banished for the sake of a glass of wine or two. Really wish I could chuck the antibiotics as well — I did a week’s course of Penicillin in preparation for the supposed root canal, had two days respite, then back on a stronger bug-killer for another week thanks to the extraction. Still, imagine how risky it used to be to pull out an infected tooth and spread that bacterial toxic soup through the body. I’ll try to remember that, even though these are playing havoc with my digestive system.

5. And to prove that I’m embracing the season, here’s a Christmas present I’ve just started knitting, a hat for a son-almost-in-law who spends much of his leisure time outdoors and who embraces cold-weather adventures. Such a pleasure to be asked for a hand-knit Christmas gift. . . .

So there we are, five things on Friday, and there was a hint of Festive here and there, wasn’t there? Now I’m off to the dentist to get my stitches out and then I’m picking up a few supplies to bake a treat or two for my friends — I haven’t got the house looking Christmassy yet, but if I can find ten minutes, I’m going to search out the string of coloured lights, pop them in my biggest vase, and plug them in for some instant Seasonal Sparkle, a trick I learned from a favourite neighbour many years ago.

How’s your weekend shaping up, this first one in December?


  1. LPC
    6 December 2013 / 5:30 pm

    Well you've made me feel quite Christmassy, and I've been decidedly Bah Humbug, so, nice work you:).

    • materfamilias
      7 December 2013 / 4:22 pm

      There you go! Spread that Christmas spirit! 😉

  2. Lorrie
    6 December 2013 / 6:29 pm

    A light dusting of snow transforms your already beautiful corner into something spectacular. Really.
    You've done well with the seasonal spirit considering the dental work. Have a great "cinq à sept."
    How DOES one italicize in comments?

    • materfamilias
      7 December 2013 / 4:24 pm

      For italicizing in comments, I put the letter "i" in between angle brackets, before whatever I want to italicize. After, to close off the italics, you need to put a / before the "i" again in the angle brackets. I'd show you here, but I think the coding would dissolve into italics. . . But feel free to experiment right here in my comments. . .

  3. Unknown
    6 December 2013 / 6:43 pm

    Is that a road runner brooch? It looks like him. I love whimsical jewelry. I ordered a parrot to pin on my own pearls :).

    • materfamilias
      7 December 2013 / 4:25 pm

      That's exactly what it is — roadrunner! I bet your parrot will be very happy sitting amongst the pearls. . . 😉

  4. Pondside
    6 December 2013 / 7:34 pm

    Good for you for getting a post up on such a busy day. I comment from the warmth of a Tim Horton's on the highway near Cloverdale – heading towards The Great Dane and the end of the week. I wish you a cosy evening with your friends and a speedy return to normal as you finish up the anti-biotics.

    • materfamilias
      7 December 2013 / 4:26 pm

      It did feel an achievement, getting the post up! Thanks for noticing. You've had a busy and emotional week — I loved your post on it. And enjoy a homey weekend, perhaps some fireside time.

  5. hostess of the humble bungalow
    6 December 2013 / 7:49 pm

    You seem cheery despite your tooth troubles…
    your snapshot of the chairs and tree highlighted in red is frame worthy or perhaps you could have it printed on card stock and send it as a festive Holiday card?
    Enjoy your gathering this evening and hope that you are on the mend.

    • materfamilias
      7 December 2013 / 4:27 pm

      Some of the cheer might be forced, but I'm not sure that's a bad thing. . . the will ends up lifting the spirit along, doesn't it?! I never thought of doing that with this photo, but it does look festive, doesn't it? Thanks!

  6. Duchesse
    6 December 2013 / 10:51 pm

    Delighted you will experiment with your new pin! And in the Christmas spirit despite your surgery: can't keep a great woman down. There is nothing better for getting in the holiday mood than having friends over for a little party.

    • materfamilias
      7 December 2013 / 4:29 pm

      It turned out to be a good idea, although in the end, at this busy time, only three friends could make it. I love that it's become that kind of easy event, though, where a crowd is welcome if that happens, but where just a few can have an intimate catch-up visit if that's the way the afternoon turns. Keeping all the preparations easy, but still with an eye to a few celebratory notes, seems to work really well.

  7. Unknown
    6 December 2013 / 10:59 pm

    Sorry to hear about your tooth. I had to finally get one yanked several years ago after they did two root canals on it, hoping to save it. You'll love the Turn A Square pattern. I've made several of them. They are fast and fun. Hope your feeling better soon.

    • materfamilias
      7 December 2013 / 4:38 pm

      Glad I skipped the root canal before the extraction — those aren't fun to waste, are they?!
      Impressed you recognized that pattern so quickly — I'm almost done the first one, and I'll definitely make a few more. My first-ever Tubular Cast On as well. My, that Jared writes a clear pattern!

    • Unknown
      7 December 2013 / 9:44 pm

      I think I've made 4 four of them. Quick to whip up. Just checking back to see if you're feeling better. My root canals were three years apart on the same tooth…then they finally decided there was no saving it. Ouch! Hope you're staying warm and feeling better.

    • materfamilias
      8 December 2013 / 10:50 pm

      Once is bad enough! Ouch indeed. Started my second Turn-a-Square today. . .

  8. Madame Là-bas
    6 December 2013 / 11:12 pm

    The slightly snowy scene is beautiful. Friends and wine sound like an antidote to the dental surgery blues. We haven't been in the spirit but we brought the Christmas boxes in from storage. Opera tomorrow night and I haven't heard a thing about it. Hope the stitches come out easily.

    • materfamilias
      7 December 2013 / 4:39 pm

      Can't wait to hear what you think of Albert Herring? We enjoyed the production, although Paul wasn't as taken with the music as I was — he found it engaging but didn't get swept up as he does in the more traditional works.

  9. ilona
    7 December 2013 / 3:52 pm

    The road runner seems an appropriate bit of whimsy for you! I wear my whimsy in the shape of an enameled peacock on my gray blazer and it never fails to elicit at least one comment when we are out and around. Enjoy your weekend – mine may see the first of my Christmas baking.

    • materfamilias
      7 December 2013 / 4:40 pm

      That peacock sounds great! I love to wear a pin on my coat or blazer — somehow they seem good for starting conversations, as you suggest. Enjoy the good smells your baking will set you up with. A fine way to feel the season's joy!

  10. Susan B
    8 December 2013 / 3:40 pm

    Except for the meds (yuk, but we're grateful for them when we need them) a wonderful five things. I've had a red plaid scarf on my radar for a while now, and yours is a great find!

    • materfamilias
      8 December 2013 / 10:49 pm

      It's the perfect, perfect scarf — and I must say that I found Madewell a good company to order from (hadn't realized the J Crew connection before)

  11. Raquelita
    9 December 2013 / 2:41 am

    That roadrunner is a fantastic find! I feel like I'm at the point in the term (complete end) when I don't mind unleashing a dizzying amount of whimsey.

    My December is shaping up nicely. We started it with a Chanukah party and went to a cookie exchange party this afternoon. Now to just grade a mountain of papers and get a bit of a breather.

    • materfamilias
      9 December 2013 / 9:34 pm

      Yes, we're dizzy already with marking and exams and meetings and . . . we might as well be whimsically dizzy. . . or dizzily whimsical. . . That sounds like a fun start to December. We'll get through these paper mountains, right? Soon, right?


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.