After Christmas Random …

Random post-Christmas notes:

On my long run this morning (23km, along the Stanley Park Seawall, and then doubling back), I managed to witness the moment, at an outdoor wedding overlooking the beach, when the Officiant had just pronounced Husband and Wife. A heartfelt kiss shared by the Bride and Groom was greeted with applause. . . I ran on, smiling . . .

A bit further along, between Siwash Rock and the Lions Gate Bridge, a gaggle of tourists were excitedly delighting in the antics of three otters. The three played on a minuscule island that kept them above the rising tide. Less than 40 feet from their audience on the Seawall, they had the smitten crowd captivated.

While I avoid stores for at least a few weeks after Christmas, our son-in-law generously took Paul shopping for raw denim jeans. The Boxing Week price brought a very cool pair of slim Tellasons home. These promise to be the perfect jeans for Paul: clean, simple, rugged but not clunky, and above all, shape-holding. No more baggy knees! Credible good looks, no affectations.

Representation here might sometimes lean to the idyllic, although I hope that’s not the case. But in among all the talk of festive and family and beautiful gatherings, etc. etc., it seems only fair to mention that a sustained argument was recently had, one of those trivial domestic issues that quickly take on bizarre proportions, having gathered up all sorts of previously tucked-away hurts and annoyances. At root were expectations, mine and his. Communication was, yet again, shown to have room for improvement. Fortunately, all was mended, albeit not before tears were shed (I can be such a baby! Surprises me, sometimes, that this is still the case. . .)

Mending was consolidated by movie-going and a leisurely meal at a favourite nearby bistro, la Brasserie. Do you have such a gem in your neighbourhood? Walking distance, so that you can enjoy the decent wine list, craft beer offerings, without fear of drinking interfering with driving. . .

This afternoon, we finally found time to visit the Charles Edenshaw exhibition at the Vancouver Art gallery. Unfortunately, we only had 35 minutes before closing time, but we saw enough of this 19-20th century First Nations (Haida) artist’s work to know we must get back to see the rest.

And now it’s time to dress for dinner. We have reservations for a Vancouver favourite that I’ve wanted to get to for years and years. Can’t wait to see if Bishop’s lives up to the promise. I’m sure it will, having heard so many praise the restaurant highly over the years.

But before I go, I should round off this potpourri of random by answering those of you who wonder how the leopard fur vest was received by my 5-year granddaughter. Well, those of you who predicted she would love it were absolutely right. In fact, she wore it through most of Christmas Eve and all of Christmas Day. I didn’t get a photograph,sadly, having decided to keep the camera tucked away. but I can tell you that she looks very fashionable in it. And happy!


  1. K.Line
    29 December 2013 / 2:31 am

    Mark my words, Nola will be wearing that vest with the rainbow pants, like, all the time.

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2013 / 12:14 am

      I believe you're probably right – the only thing holding her back is that I haven't quite finished the pants — (remember? stocking stitch? fingering yarn? 2.25s???)

    • K.Line
      30 December 2013 / 4:56 am

      Ha! I do remember. But no worries. As soon as she gets them, it'll be the outfit of 2014.

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    29 December 2013 / 6:15 am

    The Edenshaw followed by dinner at Bishops !
    Just wish I could be a fly on the wall :-))

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2013 / 12:15 am

      Have you ever eaten at Bishops, L? It's really a lovely room, great service, and beautiful, delicious food.

  3. Madame Là-bas
    29 December 2013 / 1:57 pm

    Visiting the VAG is on my list of January activities. We all knew that Nola would be very happy with the leopard vest. Have you worn your similar vest? We have a restaurant Tapenade which is about a 30 minute walk but is our go-to place for small celebrations.

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2013 / 12:16 am

      Somehow we never made it to the VAG all year, despite having memberships. This is a great exhibition, well worth the visit. And yes, I'm actually surprised at how useful the faux fur vest is.
      Isn't it great to have a favourite restaurant at a walkable distance — good for the digestion afterwards, as well.

  4. LPC
    29 December 2013 / 3:14 pm

    And I hope all the sweeter in mended state!

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2013 / 12:16 am


  5. Susan B
    29 December 2013 / 3:17 pm

    I really love the interlude between Christmas and New Year's. It's still festive and celebratory, but not at manic as the pre-Christmas rush. We attended a very nice cocktail party/buffet last night. It was so fun to have an excuse to dress up a bit, and we met some very interesting people. So glad to hear Nola loved the vest, and not surprised in the least. 🙂

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2013 / 12:17 am

      It is fun to have an excuse like that, isn't it? We have a few possibilities still ahead, although not too dress-up-able. But I do like the gently festive. . . .

  6. Anonymous
    29 December 2013 / 4:03 pm

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful holiday with us and also for including the little altercation….makes you human! Our kids think my husband and I never disagree (and we normally don't much after 43 years of marriage) but every little once in awhile some silly little thing manages to snowball and then the built up tension bursts! When I was younger, the snoring used to annoy me until I heard a friend, who had recently lost her husband, comment that she'd give anything to be lying next to her snoring husband. Shame on me…..Debbie

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2013 / 12:24 am

      We're coming up to 40 years married, now, Debbie, and so much better at managing the disagreements, but every once in a while . . .
      I, too, get annoyed occasionally by having my sleep disturbed, whether through snoring or restless legs or whatever. But like you, friends' losses of remind me that there might come a time I'll wish for that restless night . . .

  7. Alice Olive
    30 December 2013 / 7:20 pm

    Such a lovely collection of random!

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2013 / 10:53 pm

      Thanks! Coming from you — the collector of the most wonderful random in photographs — that is much appreciated! And quite honestly, random is all I can muster this week. . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.