Spinach-pomegranate salad — Colourfully Yummy!

 Isn’t this a pretty salad? And so easy to make, although the pomegranate does make you work a bit for all those juicy seeds. . .

 A 10-ounce bag of baby spinach leaves, washed and shaken into a large bowl. Top with 1/4 cup of walnut pieces, and 1/2 a red onion, sliced thinly. Crumble 1/2 cup of feta cheese on top and then add the seeds of one pomegranate, carefully extracting any pithy material.

All you need to do now is toss with 4 tablespoons of a balsamic vinaigrette — I did this at the last minute, just before serving, because I wanted the salad to look like this as long as possible, all those ruby seeds gleaming above the greens. . . .It was so good. Serves 6, easily — we shared it between the two of us, but I made up a few containers for my lunches this week. #nomnom

Do you have any favourite recipes or ways for eating pomegranate? Can you buy them over a longer season than we can here? We get them for several weeks, late autumn through winter, and I’m happy with that — they’re always an exotic and welcome treat.


  1. hostess of the humble bungalow
    5 November 2013 / 4:09 am

    I want to rush out and buy all these ingredients!
    It looks like a salad full of rubies…

    • materfamilias
      6 November 2013 / 4:08 am

      Isn't it beautiful?! I'm wanting to organize a dinner party so I can serve it!

  2. Mardel
    5 November 2013 / 1:31 pm

    Oh that looks gorgeous! and yummy too. Thank you for reminding me it is pomegranate season again.

    • materfamilias
      6 November 2013 / 4:08 am

      So it's very seasonal for you as well? I love that about pomegranates, truly.

  3. K.Line
    5 November 2013 / 2:05 pm

    OMG – that is SO beautiful. I actually saw this post late last night and proceeded to dream about eating a salad that looks just like it.

    • materfamilias
      6 November 2013 / 4:09 am

      You're such a master cook and baker, you've probably got some great tricks for pomegranates, no?

  4. Patricia
    5 November 2013 / 3:09 pm

    Beautiful! I've been making a basmati rice with raisins, pine nuts and pomegranate seeds, it's also delicious.

    • materfamilias
      6 November 2013 / 4:09 am

      Oh, I want to make that — what a perfect combination!

  5. Elizabeth
    5 November 2013 / 3:35 pm

    I like a pomegranate martini. Vodka or gin with pomegranate juice with a dash of grenadine. Not as healthy as the salad.

    • materfamilias
      6 November 2013 / 4:12 am

      Might not be as healthy, but it's inspiring! I'm pulling up another stool and we can be a trio (see Duchesse' below)

  6. Duchesse
    6 November 2013 / 12:06 am

    As soon as I began to read, my mouth puckered and watered, the way it does with pomegranates. As for recipes, I'm on the stool next to Elizabeth 😉

    • materfamilias
      6 November 2013 / 4:12 am

      Can't you picture the three of us, martini glasses in hand? Thanks for the image!

  7. Susan B
    6 November 2013 / 12:53 am

    I've never actually eaten a pomegranate! Juice yes, the fruit no. But that salad is severely tempting….

    • materfamilias
      6 November 2013 / 4:13 am

      Funny, I've never had the juice. . . . But you must try the fruit — it's a bit of a pain to work the seeds out, but well worth the effort. Lucky you to still have that ahead!

  8. Raquelita
    6 November 2013 / 1:32 am

    Oh, this looks great and very photogenic to boot! I love pomegranates!

    • materfamilias
      6 November 2013 / 4:13 am

      I suppose they cost a king's ransom up where you are. . . . not only do they look like rubies, but they cost as much?

  9. Catherine
    6 November 2013 / 1:09 pm

    What glorious colours! It just glows and so healthy too. Perfect.

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2013 / 4:21 am

      And it tastes great!

  10. Lorrie
    6 November 2013 / 5:35 pm

    Oh, Yum. I bought a pomegranate just yesterday. And I have goat cheese in the fridge. Guess what I'm having for lunch today? Thanks for the inspiration. Gorgeous seeds – their vitality fairly pops!

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2013 / 4:22 am

      Hope you'll enjoy — it's a lively mix!


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