Still Foggy . . .

This is a very persistent fog . . . Monday morning, this boat cruised by to offer some variety against a palette of grey. . . .

and this sea lion interrupted his foraging long enough to check out the pop of red. . . .

Hmmm, he said, I’ve seen that boat colour somewhere around here before. . . .Now where was that? Oh, yes. . . .

Then Tuesday, just before dusk, sunset was decorated by the unfurling of a thick roll of cloud-on-the-move; honestly, it was a bit frightening, gliding moodily, inexorably — and surprisingly quickly — across the water from the larger nearby island. . . . even the seagulls were alarmed. . .

Still, it’s all rather beautiful, isn’t it? And the foghorns, so romantic, yes. . . . I’ll admit I’m wearying a bit of it all, and it’s interfered with some important travelling for events I’ve been working on. As well, I’m blaming it for running my car battery into the void when I left the lights on all day in the campus parking lot . . . (I have no idea why the warning bell doesn’t work anymore, but I’m so grateful for an insurance plan that includes Emergency Road Service! Got me a charge within 20 minutes of my call.)

But you might find it worth looking at still, all this moody October fog. . . Or not. I promise variety in the next post. And maybe a WIW as well.


  1. hostess of the humble bungalow
    23 October 2013 / 5:30 pm

    Oh I am so over this fog…the sun popped out yesterday afternoon for a couple of hours (grateful!) then the fog rolled right in off the water and permeated the garden with it's gloom and damp.
    Your alarm not sounding might be just a fuse issue…good that you got help so fast.

    • materfamilias
      24 October 2013 / 3:34 pm

      I'm going to have to get the mechanic to check — almost left them on again last night!

  2. Lorrie
    23 October 2013 / 10:21 pm

    The sun is shining just now (mid-afternoon), as it did yesterday. But the fog creeps in around 6 pm and it is a bit eery.
    Glad you captured the fog bank "unfurling." Love that word – reminds me of a sail.

    • materfamilias
      24 October 2013 / 3:35 pm

      Here right by the water, we've been mired in it. Not so bad up the hill on campus, but from there I can look down and see the blanket that covers my home. . .

  3. Melanie
    24 October 2013 / 12:04 am

    I like this fog very much. It's restful to look out the window sometimes and see nothing but soft white.

    • materfamilias
      24 October 2013 / 3:36 pm

      Hmmmm, after a week of it, I seem to be rested enough . . . 😉


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