Friday Change, Thursday Event, An Outfit. . . .

Five Things Friday is temporarily suspended while I recover from One Really Big Thing Thursday.  I’m indulging in a long-awaited total collapse today after bringing off an event that I’ve been working on for a few months. An annual institutional event for which we bring in a Well-known Poet from (Generally) Elsewhere to speak and read her/his work. There’s always a catered reception afterward and it’s all a lovely celebration of poetry and poetics that I’m privileged to have a role in (for the last two years, I’ve chaired the committee that makes this happen). But there are many logistics to arrange and then there’s some public speaking involved and last-minute worries about the tech stuff. Lights, data projectors, microphones. You know.

So today? I got nothing! Indeed, my planned “total collapse” has to be modified or slightly postponed. I’ve cut out one run and one Pilates class this week in favour of making the schedule work, but today’s yoga is a must if I’m going to restore mobility to my cranky joints. That class starts in town at 9:30, so I have to be on the 9 ferry, and I have to pack, before that, for a Vancouver weekend — We’re going to Tosca at the Vancouver Opera tomorrow evening — always exciting, the first opera of the season, and we’ve never seen Tosca so even more so. But I have to make sure I’ve packed shoes that will work with . . . well, you know how that goes.

Sunday morning my sister’s throwing a big family brunch at her gorgeous heritage home in New Westminster. My granddaughters will  be ooh-ed and aah-ed and generally fussed over and tickled and teased and cuddled by great-aunts and great-uncles and all kinds of cousins (mostly of the second-cousin variety, but all absolutely


You can see I might be exaggerating the “total” in my “collapse,” but my Grandpa always used to say that A Change is as Good as a Rest, and I’ll get another chance to see if he was right.

But now? I’ve really got to throw some sparkly duds into my case. Leave me a comment about your weekend, would you? I’ll check it out later and we’ll chat. . . . Meanwhile, here’s what I wore for that “do” yesterday evening. . . keep in mind that we’re a very small city and a pretty dressed-down crowd, many of us poetry-lovers are, but I thought the shimmer in my new-to-me thrifted skirt hit just the right note.

My Marc Jacobs “mouse” shoes were rejected in favour of the Acne Pistols, partly on the basis of height (I wanted their authoritative stomp, I think!). The skirt is thrift Club Monaco, a sumptuous silk satin, lined with cotton. And it has pockets!! The sweater is a Bompard cashmere, so I had some swaddling comfort to keep me calm.

I was happy to wear these chocolate gold beads Pater gave me a few years ago (they’re from Birks) — they don’t get out enough. Also pleased to capture those cheek wrinkles that have been fascinating me lately. Honestly, it’s occasionally dismaying, but often just a wonder to see my face change. I’ve known it for so long, and here it is, putting on such a compelling show for me. . . . 


  1. hostess of the humble bungalow
    25 October 2013 / 5:10 pm

    Great skirt!
    I like the beads and am trying to decide if they are pearls…they are sizeable and make a statement!

    • materfamilias
      25 October 2013 / 7:14 pm

      Thanks, Lesley. The beads are actually chocolate gold. Plated, obviously, not solid!!! 😉

  2. K.Line
    25 October 2013 / 8:13 pm

    Congrats to you on pulling off event of the season! I know how tiring that undertaking is.

    • materfamilias
      26 October 2013 / 3:32 am

      It wasn't even a huge attendance, but there are so many details, and I fuss the details. . .

  3. ilona
    25 October 2013 / 10:42 pm

    Great photos and wonderfully breathless account of your last/next few days. Enjoy your much-deserved change.

    • materfamilias
      26 October 2013 / 3:32 am

      Thanks Ilona. It's been too busy for my system and I'm glad to have a chance to recharge.

  4. Duchesse
    25 October 2013 / 10:54 pm

    A delight to bask in pulling off a big, successful event; despite all the work and worry, you look beautiful. And maybe there will be photos of granddaughters at their Great-Aunt's home? Just maybe?

    • materfamilias
      26 October 2013 / 3:33 am

      I'll see what I can do . . . .a daughter just texted me the cutest pic of the two little girls together in the fall leaves, both wearing the "rainbow" dresses I'd knit them. Way to make a Nana happy!

  5. Lorrie
    25 October 2013 / 11:07 pm

    You deserve some downtime! Enjoy your weekend.

    • materfamilias
      26 October 2013 / 3:33 am

      Thanks, Lorrie. I'm definitely going to — will you be sketching?

  6. LPC
    26 October 2013 / 1:02 am

    You are exceptionally young-looking, with the skin to boot. And I think that skirt is perfect, especially with boots. So playful and creative.

    • materfamilias
      26 October 2013 / 3:35 am

      Thanks, Lisa. I am really tickled with the skirt, especially since it was thrifted and I so seldom do thrifting (it's just such a haphazard, inefficient, and time-consuming way to shop!) . . . I suspect it will be a big player in my fall/winter/holiday season wardrobe.

  7. Patricia
    27 October 2013 / 4:17 pm

    Hi Mater, sorry for the lacklustre commenting on my part lately. I have loved those chocolate beads of yours for years – they are the definition of 'classic with a twist'!

    Last night we attended a wedding, for the first time in over 20 years. It was a very different affair – the brides wanted a Halloween theme, and by gosh they got it! My husband (boss of one of the brides) officiated for part of the ceremony – the other part was done by his colleague, who is a Wiccan (one of the brides is Wiccan). All-in-all it was different, yet the same – lots of family and friends, and lots and lots of love.

    I hope that you and Pater enjoyed the opera!

    • materfamilias
      30 October 2013 / 3:13 am

      You never need to apologize — I'm just pleased when your comments pop up here — we've been chatting this way for many years now, haven't we?!
      That wedding sounds wonderful — as you say, very different, yet the same. Love is love, isn't it!
      And yes, Tosca was fabulous — Pater thinks it might be his favourite so far!

  8. Susan B
    31 October 2013 / 4:14 pm

    I love the sassiness of the skirt, especially paired with the boots. And the beads are real beauties. I've also been noticing an accelerated rate of change in my face lately…not wrinkles so much as just a change in shape. I swear, there are some mornings I barely recognize myself…but I love every laugh line and yours too!

  9. materfamilias
    1 November 2013 / 3:13 pm

    It's the best way to earn wrinkles, isn't it, laughing?!


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