Shoes for Fall? Falling for Shoes?

 Haven’t blogged much What I Wore lately, and there are a few reasons for that. . . I chatted about this when I met lovely blogger Jennifer from A Well Styled Life for lunch at Nanaimo’s Mon Petit Choux not long ago. I’m still thinking through a post, but you know I’ve beendistracted lately. . . .

 Meanwhile, speaking of distractions and realizing that some of you still like to see a little style/fashion happening here, I thought I’d share my latest object of shoe-lust. These newFluevogkitten heels have just enough sass to keep me happy, and I already know that the Truth family (Fluevog shoes comes with names and narratives, all part of the charm. . . ) suits my feet. Comfort, sass, patent leather, all in one shoe? Works for me. . .

But black patent definitely signals fall and winter to me. . . are you starting to think about that change yet, especially now that the calendar has flipped over to August?


  1. Anonymous
    2 August 2013 / 4:01 pm

    Très belles chaussures pour la rentrée, n'est-ce pas Mater?

    Et en passant, quels joyaux sont vos deux petites filles, elles sont adorables et mignonnes comme tout, et la petite Nola,la voilà déjà si grande. N'était-ce qu'hier qu'elle était encore qu'un joli poupon toute rose? Comme les années coulent!


    • materfamilias
      3 August 2013 / 4:38 am

      Merci, Orane. Je suis très heureuse de vous lire ici après quelques temps (excusez, s'il vous plait, mes erreurs). . . et oui, les filles grandissent trop, trop vite! Vraiment, les années coulent. . . (si j'ai fait un erreur genant ici, dites-moi, s'il vous plait)

  2. LPC
    2 August 2013 / 4:19 pm

    I think I would need a Fluevog guide. The times I've tried them on the ones I pick do not suit my feet one bit. But I do think of them as part of your signature style.

    • materfamilias
      3 August 2013 / 4:41 am

      They can be erratic as many are built on old and varied lasts, at least, so I understood from an exhibition I saw at the Vancouver Museum several years ago (Fluevog being a long-time Vancouver shop from Gastown's glory days. . . ). Many suit my fairly wide foot, so I'm guessing they might not work for a narrow foot. And I've been disappointed occasionally with ones that must work for narrow-footed folk, but not for me. . .

  3. Vivian
    2 August 2013 / 5:30 pm

    I love Fluevog shoes! I ordered a new pair for fall about 10 days ago. We're supposed to be delivered this morning. Unfortunately our road is being repaved so the UPS truck has not been able to get through. Disappointment……maybe Monday?

    • materfamilias
      3 August 2013 / 4:42 am

      Oh, I hope you can put your feet in your new Fluevogs soon! Which ones did you get?

  4. Pondside
    2 August 2013 / 5:39 pm

    I had a little fall shopping flurry last week when I was working on the mainland – a little consolation for a week away. Does are now on my radar but I have yet to find just what I think I need.

    • materfamilias
      3 August 2013 / 4:43 am

      I find it's pretty important to take time to think about fall needs. . . it's one of the most exciting changes in the retail landscape, that from summer to fall, and I can get caught up and carried away. . .

  5. Anonymous
    2 August 2013 / 7:14 pm

    The shoes are very you and clearly la rentrée is in sight. Dommage
    Aah summer!!!!
    Iris H

    • materfamilias
      3 August 2013 / 4:43 am

      It's all the more precious for being so fleeting, isn't it?! Dommage indeed, to begin to see its end, but at least there will be new shoes. . .

  6. 60 going on 16
    2 August 2013 / 9:23 pm

    Ah, the joy of shoes, Mater. I bought two pairs at a sale here in England last week and wore the more frivolous pair (peep toes, espadrille-type wedge heels etc etc) to a party on Saturday. I had the best time ever and I am sure the shoes were a significant factor, even though I kicked them off for the dancing.

    Meanwhile . . . I am trying not to think about autumn.

    • materfamilias
      3 August 2013 / 4:44 am

      I read about your evening of dance — it sounded wonderful. And I believe the shoes would surely make a difference.
      You're right, autumn should be pushed firmly out of mind for the next few weeks. . .

  7. Unknown
    2 August 2013 / 11:47 pm

    These are great looking. I may need to stop in when I'm over visiting my daughter in Vancouver. They look like they may just "miss" my bunion area, and be wearable! Great meeting you, very fun!

    • materfamilias
      3 August 2013 / 4:45 am

      For me, it will depend where the straps hit — I'm really looking forward to trying them out.
      It was such a good visit, I hope the first of many . . .

  8. Madame Là-bas
    3 August 2013 / 2:11 am

    Those shoes look as though they would be comfy and stylish. I am looking in my closet for clothing that can transition into fall. I always want back-to-school clothes even though I'm not going back to school. It seems that the addition of a scarf or a cardigan can work a marvellous transformation. Autumn colours are my favourite.

    • materfamilias
      3 August 2013 / 4:46 am

      As I wrote above, it is always an enticing time to shop, that sense of back-to-school, especially for those of us who spent years in the classroom teaching as well as studying. Wise to check out our own closets carefully first so that the additions can pack the right punch without breaking the budget.

  9. Melanie
    4 August 2013 / 7:39 am

    I absolutely love those shoes with their modest heel, beautifully shaped toe, and interesting buckle detailing – all the right things.
    Someone pulled the plug on colour for fall/winter if you look in store windows. Holts is flogging denim of every description and neutral colours of every non-description. I'm bored already and it's not even autumn yet.

    • materfamilias
      4 August 2013 / 5:52 pm

      Thanks! I'm hoping to check them out this week . . . and I'll avert my eyes from all dull windows. Yikes!

    • Anonymous
      4 August 2013 / 11:15 pm

      Ma chère mater, quel plaisir de vous lire en français! Vous vous exprimez très bien. Bravo!

      Une toute petite correction, si vous me le permettez.
      Erreur est un nom féminin, donc 'une erreur gênante'

      Au plaisir de vous relire prochainement


  10. materfamilias
    5 August 2013 / 1:38 am

    Merci! J'aurait du utiliser un dictionnaire! (et maintenant, probablement j'ai fait une autre erreur, mais c'est comme ça qu'on apprenne, n'est-ce pas?)

  11. Tamera Beardsley
    7 August 2013 / 4:46 pm

    These shoes a definitely lust worthy!

    Now that it is August, fall, my favorite season is definitely on my mind. As the long summer season draws to it's last month… I can finally see fall on the horizon … and that allows me a greater appreciation of summer's finale. I am reminded by your post… it definitely is time to think about a fall wardrobe… although here in SOCAL we have our hottest season sometimes through October's middle.

    • materfamilias
      8 August 2013 / 12:53 am

      It's true that seeing fall just offstage should make me pay closer attention to summer's swansong — thanks for reminding me!


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