What I Wore, in Bordeaux . . .

After that long and word-heavy post in which I rambled along Rue Ste Catherine, I thought you might like some photos and a chance to see whether our garb marks us as tourists. Of course, the camera is a dead giveaway, but otherwise, here’s a peek at how the packing has paid off, so you can judge for yourself

Here I am in front of Bordeaux’s iconic reflecting pool, its magnificent architectural heritage on display in ithe background. Looking at this photo, I recognize that the straps of my bag need to be lengthened to wear cross-body so that it doesn’t look quite so odd. I bought the bag (M0851) just before leaving for France, and I love it. Light but capacious enough for a day out. I’m wearing it here with my Bompard navy cashmere v-neck, JBrand skinnies, Fluevog loafers that are really taking a beating on French streets, in Bordeaux rain, and an inexpensive cotton knit cardi-cum-blazer I picked up here. . . Trés décontracté . . . (And it was cool enough that I tied my hermès scarf round my neck for comfort)

same jacket, similar temperature a few days later. . .Crea linen asymmetrical wide-legged culottes with Gap t-shirt, Club Monaco scarf, same Fluevog loafers and same bag. My hair gets crazier by the day,

And although I rarely feature him here, I must say that Pater, without trying (quite the opposite, in fact) seems to achieve a rather European je ne sais quoi fashion-wise. Probably because if and when he lets me gift him or talk him into buying something of some quality, like the Hugo Boss wool cardigan or the m0851 bag he wears here, he then wears said items for Quite. Some. Time. In other words, he follows a number of those rules I can’t quite manage to stick to. His natural frugality means he edits stringently. He wears decent quality garments until they gain some authenticity or integrity or something like that in the wearing. And he always keeps it simple. But I managed to talk him into trying a pair of Levi’s chinos in a just-bold-enough colour. Here he is at the top of Rue Ste Catherine, looking good .. .

By the way, isn’t the background of the middle photo above a wonderful study in what age can offer a beautiful structure. To me, the indelible marks the years have carved and scratched and painted on the stone and metalwork multiply the architecture’s appeal infinitely. Not sure I will claim the same for myself, but it’s worth thinking about, no?

We’re heading out Wednesday morning for the week of my painting course in a tiny rural village in the Lot. Apparently, there may be some Internet access, but it’s most likely going to be borrowing computer time to check emails rather than having Wifi. Perhaps that will be a welcome change; perhaps I’ll experience painful blog withdrawal. Whichever the case, you know I’ll check in with you as soon as I can. Meanwhile, talk amongst yourselves. . . .I do love your comments . . .



  1. Unknown
    25 June 2013 / 1:00 pm

    Wonderful pictures!

  2. Susan B
    25 June 2013 / 1:34 pm

    Your bag looks like it would be great for travel. I remember how light those M0851 bags are. You both look like locals. 😉 One of the first things I noticed about European men is their relative lack of fear of wearing color, sometimes very bright color.

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    25 June 2013 / 3:15 pm

    You look more like a local than a tourist!
    Great choice of clothing…love those loafers!

  4. Lorrie
    25 June 2013 / 5:40 pm

    You look great. Love those Fleuvogs. And Pater fits right in, too. Have a wonderful week in the Lot. I'm following Alison's blog, too and she posted a few photos of the first week of classes, so maybe I'll catch a glimpse of you in the second week. (I'm assuming you are going to her class there)

  5. Madame Là-bas
    25 June 2013 / 10:26 pm

    I really like your linen pants and your M0851 bag. Pater does indeed have a natural European look. It is the jeans and bag. It might be good to have a blogless time.

  6. Duchesse
    25 June 2013 / 10:39 pm

    You look so relaxed and "rambly" and love your hair "crazy"! Have a wonderful time on the course and I'm so hoping to see some of your work.

  7. K.Line
    26 June 2013 / 1:12 am

    You look fabulous! And it's interesting how much Bordeaux looks like Paris from these photos…

  8. Patricia
    26 June 2013 / 5:10 pm

    Hi Mater, I thought your last post was wonderful, a truly lovely read but I didn't have time to comment (it seemed like it warranted a proper comment, not just a 'like'). Anyway, you both look chic and comfortable and I so agree with everything you said about Pater's style. I think that men really do have it easier. Their lack of options and permutations – shirt and pants suffice – mean that they can look good very easily. Of course, he has the advantage of having you to hone his sense of cut and colour!!

  9. Unknown
    26 June 2013 / 8:31 pm

    You look wonderful. Relaxed and happy. So glad you are enjoying your M0851 bag.

  10. LPC
    27 June 2013 / 3:15 pm

    You two are such a great-looking couple.

    And fun besides. As I know. Hope you are having a good time.

  11. Marsha
    27 June 2013 / 10:01 pm

    My lord, you look so happy and relaxed and fetching – my aspiration for how I would like to look en vacances. Makes me want to go somewhere . . . Thank you for these fine posts.

  12. Unknown
    26 July 2013 / 7:35 pm

    I've been a silent but constant follower of your posts Mater. My daughter's wedding-related festivities etc. prevented me from commenting on blogs for awhile. It was a perfect day. I'll email a photo.

    I love these shots of both of you. "His natural frugality means he edits stringently." Same here!

  13. Unknown
    26 July 2013 / 7:35 pm

    I think my first comment attempt got lost. Here it is again.

    I've been a silent but constant follower of your posts Mater. My daughter's wedding-related festivities etc. prevented me from commenting on blogs for awhile. It was a perfect day. I'll email a photo.

    I love these shots of both of you. "His natural frugality means he edits stringently." Same here!

  14. materfamilias
    26 July 2013 / 7:38 pm

    Happy to see you here, Susan. I'm so glad your daughter's wedding went well and I look forward to seeing a photo.
    Your first comment did show up, but you probably noticed a delay because I've had to change to moderated comments. . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.