If you go Down to the Woods Today

We spotted this fellow in the woods last weekend while on a 12kilometre randonnée near St. Galmier. Apparently there had been a scarecrow contest, and the various entries were distributed along the way. I would have loved to have my granddaughter along to see this one.

Here in Bordeaux, meanwhile, the grey rain continues, but today we had another French lesson and then spent some time stocking up on art supplies for my course next week. Tomorrow we’re meeting a friend for oysters and wine. What do you have planned for the weekend? Remember to watch out for those bears . . .



  1. Madame Là-bas
    21 June 2013 / 10:38 pm

    Did you enjoy the lesson? I found that I learned a lot about popular French culture this year with La Belle Isabelle. Monsieur is playing bass tonight on Water Street so I am going with some friends to listen. On Sunday, my daughter and I are going with a mum from my prenatal class (38 years ago) and her daughter (the girls have been lifelong friends) are going to see Les Mis (the daughters' choice). Should be fun. I hope you have better weather for your painting classes.

    • materfamilias
      22 June 2013 / 7:17 am

      We've been loving our lessons! Such a good way to divide up a day, for one thing — we've been getting 2.5 hour sessions at 10, then going for a leisurely lunch, than a nap and a walk and it's almost time for dinner. . . 😉
      Wonderful mother-daughter outing, and how splendid that the girls have been friends all that time.

  2. Unknown
    21 June 2013 / 10:42 pm

    Well, if the contest rewards the most adorable entry, this one should win, but I'm afraid he isn't very scary.

    I hope the weather improves!

    • materfamilias
      22 June 2013 / 7:18 am

      Not too scary at all, right? But perfectly positioned now! Nice to see you visiting, btw.

  3. Anonymous
    22 June 2013 / 12:08 am

    Comme c'est mignon! And now I have the song in my head…

    The teddy who came home from the hospital with me (and who is still around, thoroughly Real) had a music box inside that played "Teddy Bears' Picnic" — until my mother performed a box-ectomy because I wouldn't stop hitting my sister on the head with it.

    I was charming as a child.

    • materfamilias
      22 June 2013 / 7:18 am

      Thanks for the chuckles! And you're welcome for the earworm . . .

  4. Patricia
    22 June 2013 / 3:50 am

    Hi Mater, that scarecrow is adorable!

    Oysters and wine – sounds like a lovely date with your friend. We dropped out older son off in Toronto this evening for a party, so we'll be picking him up tomorrow. By the way, the jazz evening was wonderful! The club was great – Jazz Bistro, newly opened by Colin Hunter, who is the founder of Sunwing airlines and also a jazz singer. There were 3 acts – Lily Frost, Joe Sealy and his band with Colin Hunter on vocals (very Sinatra-esque), and Molly Johnson! They were all so good, we were all so appreciative.

    • materfamilias
      22 June 2013 / 7:19 am

      We saw Molly Johnson in concert a few years ago and would LOVE to see her again — lucky you! That sounds like a hugely fun evening.

  5. Susan B
    22 June 2013 / 2:28 pm

    That is such a clever scarecrow! But I'd probably not want to find it the first time at night. Glad you're managing to enjoy despite the weather.


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