The Skinny on Jeans . . .

WhereasLisa had many of herreaders commenting that she certainly could wear skinny jeans against her conviction that they made her look “like a bowling pin,” I’m just as likely, I suspect, to have my readers wincing, “Oh, she really shouldn’t.” I am not tall and slim, and my legs shun delicacy in favour of some muscle, an effect of the kilometres I log running. But I like the way skinny jeans allow me to wear a longer top, a better proportion, I think, for my very short-waisted figure. They’re also great in our rainy climate, much less likely to soak up the puddles, and perfect for tucking into boots. They also work well for travel, since they can be worn with either flats or heels whereas a wider leg requires choosing a hem length for one or they other.

So skinnies constitute an important part of my uniform these non-teaching, work-at-home, will-it-ever-be-summer days, although I do switch it up with a straight-leg vintage-style jean, and an olive pair of Gap Broken-in Straight khakis, or, if I really crave some slouchy comfort, my Current/Elliott boyfriend jeans in the softest distressed denim ever. I wear the skinnies so often, in fact, that mine (J-Brand) are beginning to fade, okay for some occasions, but not as polished as I’d like for others. My sister and I decided that since these feature so often in our wardrobes, with so many tops — especially tunic-length ones — designed to wear with them, we should make sure to buy a new pair before the Fashion Powers That Be banish them from our grasp. I listened to my sister’s wisdom and picked up a  fresh new pair (also J Brand) whose denim is still crisp dark. I’ve packed them in my case with the promise that when they open their eyes, they’ll be in Paris. . .

Here I’m wearing my skinnies with a J Crew hen-print silk shirt, and my new Fluevog sandals, also destined for a trip to Paris, very soon. . .

Curious: When you suspect you’re hearing the death knell of a style, do you stock up on a few pieces to get you through the transition? Or are you more likely to embrace the new, either wearing out the last vestiges of the old or consigning it to the Sally Ann?  And do you see these being as Out as Mom Jeans in a short time, or do you, like me, suspect that we’ll continue to see a range of jean widths and lengths and fabrics for the next year or two?


  1. Anonymous
    16 May 2013 / 3:08 pm

    Can I just say, I love those sandals! I've had my eye on them but went for the Rivers Seine style because they're flat and I knew I'd get more wear out of them. At 5'10" I don't need the extra height and whenever I shoes or sandals with a bit of a heel, they don't get much wear. My vote in for the skinnies, too! I'm very short-waisted with boobs so longer tops (nothing ever tucked in!) work nicely for me. Though I do have to be mindful of the volume because with my generous bustline, sometimes I can get the look of being pregnant!


    • materfamilias
      16 May 2013 / 6:20 pm

      I debated the Rivers Seine as well, but I tend to wear my Birks all summer for flat. I do like a heeled option (I've recently found I'm only 5'3" instead of "just under 5'4") in my suitcase and these give me that with a casual vibe. They're really comfortable, although my foot notices their weight!

  2. That's Not My Age
    16 May 2013 / 3:46 pm

    I think these jeans look fab with your heeled sandals – and nothing wrong with athletic legs! As you say, skinny jeans are very wearable and I think they'll be around along with mom/boyfriend styles for some time.

    • materfamilias
      16 May 2013 / 6:22 pm

      Isn't it great to be living in a time when various jean options can co-exist. I've had a pair of wide-legs for a couple of years as well, finally lopping the bottoms so that I can wear them with flat shoes although they're a style that really does better (imho) with a heel. . .

  3. Pondside
    16 May 2013 / 3:52 pm

    Are they on their way out? Nooooo! I'll have to find a fresh pair, pronto.
    Like you, I'm on the short side and feel just that tiny bit taller when I pair skinny jeans with heels and a longer top. I took a black pair to the UK with me and they were perfect with heels and flats – and I like my skinny jeans with just a soupcon of stretch so that the knees don't bag.
    Good look!

    • materfamilias
      17 May 2013 / 12:18 am

      I don't have a black pair anymore, but have been thinking I should pick up a pair, maybe not 'til fall now. I agree that they're easy to dress up with heels. Like you, I like just enough stretch — so much easier than trying to soap the heels to wiggle into them, as some of the most stylish and boldest girls did way back in the day . . .

  4. LPC
    16 May 2013 / 3:56 pm

    Actually I'd say you prove my point. The long of leg look great in skinnies. Rock on. You look fantastic. Muscle is a good thing.

    • materfamilias
      17 May 2013 / 12:19 am

      Thanks! Although I don't know how you can find any length in a body that's only 5'3 overall . . 😉

  5. Madame Là-bas
    16 May 2013 / 4:33 pm

    That is an attractive style because you can wear looser, longer tops. I now buy multiples if I really like a style and it suits me because fashion is fickle. I hope that we do have a range of shapes and sizes because one shape(size) does not suit all.

    • materfamilias
      17 May 2013 / 12:19 am

      Exactly! It's great to have a range of choices, isn't it!

  6. Duchesse
    16 May 2013 / 8:38 pm

    I think they will always be around, for the reasons you say. I rarely travel with them, though- bulky to pack and only look good for a day. If you have access to a laundry- apt. or fast hotel service- they can work. I do buy multiples and prefer straight leg to truly skinny.

    • materfamilias
      17 May 2013 / 12:23 am

      These are a lighter-weight and not too bad for packing at all, although I'm probably going to wear them on the plane. I find I can get a few days' wear out of mine and still have them looking sharp enough, as long as I'm careful to choose ones with just the merest amount of stretch. The JBrands seem to do that fairly well. But I'm not sure I'd bring them if I weren't counting on having laundry facilities at the house we're renting.
      Good to know other wise and stylish shoppers stock up as well on items that become basics. . .

  7. Tiffany
    17 May 2013 / 12:27 am

    What a great outfit! I'm a big fan of the skinny, especially because the same pair can be worn with flats or heels; I'm fussy about hem length for all other cuts. I've never been one to stock up on things, but I'm actually considering it now – I find it so hard to find clothes I like that suit me, I figure I might as well double up when I do.

    • materfamilias
      23 May 2013 / 2:06 pm

      Exactly — I really like the hem flexibility! And I'm judicious about stocking up too, but this might be one of those times it's worth it.

  8. Lorrie
    17 May 2013 / 12:53 am

    The combination of the skinnies, the hen shirt and the sandals is great. I've not embraced the skinny jean because my legs are so thin that I feel like I'm walking on stilts. I like the slim jeans and hope that the variety of styles now available continues for a long, long time.

    • materfamilias
      23 May 2013 / 2:07 pm

      It's all about having enough variety of possibilities that we can find what suits our individual bodies AND let's us have a chance of being stylish as well, right?

  9. Susan B
    17 May 2013 / 4:59 pm

    You look great in these! And those sandals…am coveting, though I just picked up a pair of grey "cage" wedges that may be it for me this year. I've found that the *really* skinny skinnies make me feel a bit claustrophobic, so I tend to opt for a narrow straight leg. (Mostly) the same look, with a bit higher comfort factor. I agree with Tiffany about the versatility of skinnies or straight legs, which is why I won't be giving mine up anytime soon.

    • materfamilias
      23 May 2013 / 2:09 pm

      There is a claustrophobic factor, for sure, and in serious heat like you run into, the skinnies are impossible. But these JBrands are pretty comfortable and I'm finding they look decent even after several days' wear.

  10. Anonymous
    19 May 2013 / 1:48 pm

    I think you look great in these jeans!

    My PowerCalves (TM) and I are happiest in straight legs with stretch — worn with heels and a longer but not loose top, it's the look that I like best for Madrid. My friend and local fashion adviser Xtina has pointed out repeatedly that wide-legs and boot cuts make most women look frumpy, and except for the very young or the very chic, you rarely see them. I had all my wider legged trousers (brought from the States) tailored to be straight legs, and I'm glad I did.

    • materfamilias
      23 May 2013 / 2:10 pm

      Love that Trademark! PowerCalves for the win! Interesting to note the big regional difference that you're observing. I'll have to keep my eyes open in Barcelona and see what's up with jeans there.


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