Gardens Here and There — Ah, Bordeaux Dreaming!

I’m so very happy that our two youngest are currently having a wonderful time together in the little house in Bordeaux. I sit out in our garden and contentedly imagine them sharing a meal in the sweet little enclosed garden there, presided over by a fellow whose mate surveys ours.

 Our son and daughter-in-law are on a belated honeymoon, while our daughter, son-in-law, and infant granddaughter flew to meet little girl’s young cousins and her other English relatives and decided to stretch their budget to join Zach and Joey in France. Together, they’re pushing a stroller around the city, picking up wine and charcuterie and fromage, visiting grocery stores and markets so that they can end the day over good food prepared chez eux.  Between them they boast two trained chefs, a sommelier, and a couple of pretty decent amateur stirrers and choppers. Not to mention five very decent appetites. Little Hattie has savoured her first solid food, a mashed-up avocado.

 And the several photos of garden snails they’ve posted on Facebook have me wondering if the kitchen crew is pondering a really adventurous move into French cuisine. . .

 I’d wish we were with them — at one point, that was the plan, but the schedules just wouldn’t align — but I’m too happy at their contentment in each other’s company.

And besides, the garden here is a happy place to be as well. . . .don’t you just love the discoveries early morning light make in the garden? Those gentle spotlights probe the dark corners, drawing my eye to otherwise ignored shrubbery, Andy Warhol-ing them with 15 minutes of brilliance.

Do you take huge vicarious pleasure from your adult children’s travels?

Do your adult children ever travel together? Or have you ever traveled with yours? Ours will only spend 4 days together — what do you think would be the ideal time to spend together? And how much separate space would be needed to preserve the peace?

Or, finally, just say hello and let me know what you’re up to — it’s a fine, fine day here on Canada’s West Coast. What’s it like where you are?

Oh! One last thing I almost forgot. Do consider following me on Bloglovin’: I’m so happy to have you visit me, but I worry about us losing each other when Google Reader disappears very soon. Bloglovin’ is easy to use, requires very little commitment, and so far seems non-intrusive to me. The link to click on is in the column on the right. Thanks!


  1. Duchesse
    9 May 2013 / 1:05 am

    Absolutelyu! But one of my favourite memories happened locally. In high school, we drove by our favourite French café and noticed our sons and maybe 8-9 of their classmates seated on the terrasse. They had saved and pooled their meagre funds to have good food- even if only a croissant. Their recognition of delicious, locally-made food made us happy. We knew each of these kids since almost infancy, we knew they were close as a class, and to see them all gathered and appreciating real cooking warmed our hearts.

    Our sons do not yet have the means to travel far, or together but I'm sure it will come.

  2. materfamilias
    9 May 2013 / 6:43 am

    That's a wonderful example of what I mean! It's just so gratifying to see such clear appreciation, in our kids, of things we value as well — and to see them enjoying each others' company — the continuity from childhood. It's both satisfying and somehow reassuring to me.

    Mine are older than yours, so the travel is beginning — although I suspect this may be a last gasp for a while. Zach & Joey are using honeymoon funds; we gave Meg & Rob some of our points so that he could introduce his wife and daughter to the rest of his family.

  3. Pondside
    9 May 2013 / 7:46 am

    Just before our daughter graduated from High School the three of us went to Europe for a month of wandering around old haunts – a real trip down memory lane. It was lovely to see what was important to our daughter – what she wanted to see, where she chose to eat – she chose some of best hotels. I haven't traveled with either of my children as adults, but I did take a couple of trips with my parents. I think I'll be blogging about them!

    • materfamilias
      9 May 2013 / 1:38 pm

      What a rewarding time that must have been, to see her poised at that turn into adulthood, moving happily and competently in an environment away from home that brought together many old connections.
      I'd love to hear more about your travels with your parents — definite blog potential there!

  4. Madame Là-bas
    9 May 2013 / 8:52 pm

    My Daughter and I have a vacation together every year. My sister and I have travelled together and we need a lot of space. My brother and sister-in-law visited in Paris but went about themselves.

  5. materfamilias
    10 May 2013 / 6:16 am

    I'd like to travel with my daughter(s) again. . . even just a weekend shopping or spa trip would be fun, I think. You're lucky to have that pattern with your daughter. And it's great that you and your sister have figured out how to accommodate your mutual need for breathing room. I'm really appreciative of fellow travellers who are pretty comfortable going off on their own, like your brother and SIL. I need some down time, on my own, every time, at least ideally . . .

  6. WendyB
    10 May 2013 / 11:55 pm

    Looks soooo beautiful.

  7. Anonymous
    20 May 2013 / 1:37 am

    google law firm


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