Indulgence. . .

So much processing of thoughts and emotions lately. . .

Today, though, I’m taking a break. I ferried back over to Vancouver after work yesterday, leaving Pater at home on our little island.  This morning, I ran out to Spanish Banks, a long-ish (19 kilometres roundtrip) run that I always love, no matter the weather. Snow-capped mountains frame the city, and the path takes me along the beaches, so that I look out to the sea’s expanse, wondering about where all those freighters have come from or are heading to, entertained by the rowers and paddlers and paddle-boarders, the dogs, and the kids, the cyclists and the walkers — everyone quite happily on the move.

Now it’s tea, toast, and marmalade for me as I work my way through the weekend papers. But I have to watch the clock — I’m meeting my daughter for an indulgent lunch (I know it will be indulgent because when I told her to make the arrangements, I was pretty clear about indulgence being high on my list of wants — maybe even make that needs).

Even more wonderfully indulgent is that we’re following that up with facials at a spa which she tells me is very good — she gave me a gift certificate at Christmas, promising that when I was ready, she’d book both of us in for a mother-daughter date. And then Mom got ill and there was never a free weekend when I wouldn’t have felt guilty being away from her. No regrets about that choice at all. But now she’s gone, and I’m in need of indulgence and care, and it appears I’m going to get just that.

So when I next chat with you, I will be, potentially, a much happier — or, at least, much more indulged woman. Oh, the anticipation. . . .;-)

Meanwhile, you take care of yourselves, okay? Take care, and have a lovely weekend!


  1. Anonymous
    13 April 2013 / 7:17 pm

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  2. Madame Là-bas
    13 April 2013 / 8:05 pm

    Indulgence is what you need right now. Enjoy.

  3. Lorrie
    13 April 2013 / 9:51 pm

    I echo Madame Là-bas' thought. Grief is exhausting, mentally and physically. Take gentle care.

  4. ilona
    13 April 2013 / 10:23 pm

    sounds wonderful….

  5. hostess of the humble bungalow
    14 April 2013 / 12:42 am

    Yes now is the time for indulging…
    I hope that your day was wonderful and relaxing.
    The weather here is beastly and it feels like a day to pull up the sheets and stay in bed, which I did for awhile before getting up!
    Take it easy mater…

  6. Unknown
    14 April 2013 / 1:16 am

    Indulgence is just what you need and deserve! It's so wonderful you are doing it with your daughter. My daughter says the weather there in Vancouver is lovely…spring is there or right around the corner. I'll be up soon and hope to meet you for tea or wine. Whatever you like.

    • materfamilias
      14 April 2013 / 11:12 pm

      I'm looking forward to that!

  7. Melanie
    14 April 2013 / 3:30 am

    Sunshine today, perfect for a lovely outing with your daughter. I was surprised by our chance passing and happy to see you two on your day of care.

    • materfamilias
      14 April 2013 / 11:13 pm

      Fun to spot you on Hornby! Part of an altogether splendid day!

  8. Patricia
    14 April 2013 / 7:33 pm

    Hi Mater, I hope that you enjoyed your lunch and spa day with your daughter yesterday and that it gave you what you need.
    I always love reading your descriptions of all the nature around you, whether it be on the island or even in the city. My husband is going on a sailing trip near you in a months' time – adventure training, leaving from Victoria and taking part in a race. He can't wait!

    • materfamilias
      14 April 2013 / 11:14 pm

      I'm guessing you'll make your husband bring along a camera!

  9. Duchesse
    14 April 2013 / 7:44 pm

    So good to be cared for, soothed and scented. These last few months have demanded so much from you and yours; enjoy every minute.

    • materfamilias
      16 April 2013 / 3:54 am

      Thanks, Duchesse — it was lovely!

  10. Anonymous
    21 April 2013 / 12:29 am

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