Sunday Morning Happy

Given that I haven’t had more than 3 quiet hours to myself for several weeks, I had slightly mixed feelings about my daughter arriving with baby Harriet for an extended weekend, Harriet’s daddy joining us for a two-day visit. It’s been just a bit too busy around here, and it’s very tough to ignore baby gurgles in favour of marking papers.

But the papers will get done, and the fatigue seems persistent no matter what. Meanwhile, as Paul served us a lovely paella last night, my daughter adhered to a little one’s bedtime routine and my sink became a bathtub. Amazing how contagious is a Baby’s Contentment. Thought I’d share the Happy. . .

Have to go now as I’ve just been delivered a still-warm-from-sleep Baby to Cuddle. . . .


  1. Anonymous
    17 March 2013 / 3:09 pm

    Wonderful pictures! I love the expression on Harriet's face as she takes in all of the happiness on her mom's face. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Lorrie
    17 March 2013 / 3:10 pm

    Baby cuddles are wonderfully therapeutic, I've found. Enjoy the sweetness. She's a darling.

  3. K.Line
    17 March 2013 / 4:09 pm

    Oh, so adorable! I love her red hair.

  4. Madame Là-bas
    17 March 2013 / 5:44 pm

    Oh, she is so lovely. You must be so happy to have Harriet with you. A contented baby is a good thing.You'll get your marking time.

  5. LPC
    17 March 2013 / 8:33 pm

    She is lovely. How old is she now?

  6. Unknown
    18 March 2013 / 12:16 am

    What a sweet child. Beautiful Mom looks very happy!

  7. Pondside
    18 March 2013 / 2:47 am

    Baby skin – downy baby head – the smell of just-bathed or just-fed baby – lucky you! I will get my fill in the summer, but in the meantime …. thank you for sharing.

  8. hostess of the humble bungalow
    18 March 2013 / 4:35 am

    She looks like a very happy baby. Love those fresh from the bath cuddles…
    snuggling is so soothing. I hope that you are able to catch up on some ZZZ's soon.
    It was a lovely day of sunshine too!

  9. Patricia
    18 March 2013 / 6:25 am

    Hi Mater, we are back from our hols and I'm sorry to read that you have had an especially rough week. Glad to see, though, that you have had some baby cuddles to lighten your heart. Take care.

  10. Anonymous
    18 March 2013 / 10:43 am

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  11. ilona
    18 March 2013 / 1:41 pm

    Who can resist a gurgling baby? Glad you were able to enjoy your time with her.


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