Spring-ing into Action . . .

More indications of the Spring that’s prompting me to change from winter to warmer garments. . .

The splendidly green flowers of a favourite hellebore. . .

And the fragrant yellow whorls of Mahonia Japonica

I’ll finish off with some shots of the creamy blossoms festooning the Ribes Sanguineum ‘White Icicle’ but first, I thought I’d introduce another modest new blogger I’ve found lately but following the links left in my comments (No, NOT one of those annoying Spamming links, which I’ve been swatting every time they buzz their irritating way in!!)

Do you enjoy browsing the comments in the blogs you read? It’s a wonderful way to discover new bloggers — although often one discovers sadly that a particularly witty or wise commenter has not yet crossed over to the behind-the-screen addiction we call blogging. Luckily, Ilona has. I loved her comment on my Talking to Myself post the other day. In response to my question about whether you, too, have a Bossy Self and a Bossed-but-carefully-protesting Self, Ilona wrote that,

“My internal conversationalists tend to be maddeningly deferential

(after you, my dear – no, please you go first)which means we can discuss and sort through options all day with little friction but sometimes little resolve. There are times that I wish one of me were pushier 😉 ”

If that made you chuckle as it did me, you might want to click through to her blog, where she writes a daily haiku as well as the occasional longer post.

There you go, then. Some spring blooms and a new blog to check out — always thinking of you, am I not?!

So tell me — is Spring becoming evident where you are? Or are you still sadly ensconced in Winter? Or perhaps you’re moving into Fall, in another hemisphere entirely. . . . whichever the case, how are you changing your outfits to suit the weather? Or, instead, are you travelling to that place “where the weather suits your clothes”. . . banking off of the northeast wind and sailing like a summer breeze. . . . Ah, to dream. . . .


  1. Pondside
    19 March 2013 / 6:17 pm

    Dreaming of a place where the weather suits my fantasies. Doing my dreaming in the Fraser Valley where all is foggy and frigid and overseen by snow covered mountains. It's time for Spring to step forward!

  2. ilona
    19 March 2013 / 7:47 pm

    I'm blushing…
    Thanks for the kind words 🙂
    We are still in the grip of cold weather in the Midwestern states but it can't last much longer.

  3. Tiffany
    19 March 2013 / 7:50 pm

    We are moving into autumn – we've had some cooler nights (down to the mid teens, which I note is your spring!) but it's only a tease, as over the next few days the daytime temps are back up around the 30-mark. In my garden, bizarrely, I have an almost ripe pineapple, and an abundance of raspberries. I'm giving the young fruit trees (a quince and a crab-apple) a few more weeks of freedom before I prune them quite fiercely. The Boston Ivy and the Japanese Maple won't turn for a while yet, but I can still feel the welcome change of season …

  4. Catherine
    20 March 2013 / 2:13 pm

    I was really getting into 'Everybody's talkin' there… Spring seems to have forgotten to come to Suffolk this year but we'll be very glad when it finally remembers

  5. Anonymous
    20 March 2013 / 8:57 pm

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  6. Anonymous
    20 March 2013 / 10:59 pm

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  7. Anonymous
    21 March 2013 / 11:55 am

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  8. Susan B
    21 March 2013 / 4:07 pm

    I'm still so envious of your amazing garden. The "white icicle" is just the kind of flower I'd love to have festooning our pergola, but alas our warm, dry six months of the year would probably be too much for it. We can green things up here with a bit of irrigation, but it's almost never that lush, verdant *popping alive* kind of green.


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