Visibly Lounging . . .

I’m having the lovelist day today. Paul’s flown down to Portland for a week’s work, and I’d intended to ferry home in anticipation of being back on campus tomorrow (we’re enjoying our first-ever Family Day here in BC, a stat holiday designed to punch a big hole in February’s gloom).

I decided, though, that since I don’t teach until 1 tomorrow, I can spend a day on my own in our city apartment, and take the ferry back first thing in the morning. I thus save myself one trip from the big island to our small one (and the transfer from car to boat to bike, all reversed to get back to campus). It’s not just the gain of 90 minutes’ commuting time, though. It also means I don’t need to worry about hauling any groceries back with me — instead I’ll treat myself to sushi or Greek food for dinner. I’ve already enjoyed a bowl of pho for lunch, with someone else doing prep and clean-up. I love life on our little island, but there are no grocery stores, let alone restaurants . . .

After a few busy days (caring for Mom, running a big race) which themselves followed a busy work week (which ended with me having to call in a counsellor after spending 20 minutes with a student who couldn’t get past her tears to talk), I’m recognizing that I needed to nurture my own physical, emotional, even mental wellbeing. So I’m awarding myself a take-it-easy-and-have-some-treats day. There may even be chocolate . . .

Yes, I still have to work myself through a stack of marking, but with the time gained, I can punctuate bouts of marking with cups of tea and a chapter of Maeve Binchy’s A Week in Winter.  I’m even happily catching up on laundry, something that’s tough to do as we’re always in such a visiting-and-errand mode when we’re over here.

And while I’m patting my brilliant self on the back for finding such a pleasant treat (which, I must ‘fess up, may very well have included a bit of retail therapy on which more later), I now have time to share a cozy outfit I wore last week. That means I get to join the crowd at Patti’s Visible Monday, always a fun gig.

So what am I wearing here? My new Bompard cardi, a pure joy to wear, a V-neck style that I would have thought a bit too conservative (I generally like a longer cardi, and in a finer weight) except that Duchesserecommended that it could be worn as a pullover. I’ve already worn it that way and can see that this is going to cost Nothing per Wear very quickly.

Here, in a quest for coziness, I’ve layered it over a fine charcoal v-neck pullover, also Bompard, also a very recent on-sale purchase — what a fun package that was to wait for, anticipate, then finally stop at the post office to sign for!

I’m not sure the Gap skinny jeans in a starry print live up to their tonier wardrobe-mates. I do like the way my peacock-print cashmere scarf pulls all the outfit’s colours together (and then some!). And I can’t resist a boot with a bit of stomp as counterpart to cashmere’s clouds. . . . Fluevog’s Malcoms to my service . . . .

So that’s What I Wore. . . . now just to link up with Patti’s post (do check out Visible Monday, would you?)


and then it’s back to my lounging. Ahhhhhh!


  1. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    11 February 2013 / 10:35 pm

    Oh I want some starry jeans! Yours look wonderful with your beautiful sweaters and that scarf oh so pretty!

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:47 am

      Thanks! We should all work some stars into our life, no? 😉

  2. Susan Tiner
    11 February 2013 / 10:54 pm

    Yes, the scarf ties everything together nicely. Have a beautiful, relaxing day. You deserve it.

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:48 am

      Thanks, Susan. I did end up relaxing. . .

  3. Lorrie
    11 February 2013 / 11:01 pm

    Those sweaters look equally cozy and beautiful. Enjoy lounging! You need it.

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:48 am

      Thanks! Here's to lounging!

  4. Susan B
    11 February 2013 / 11:13 pm

    The color of that EB sweater is gorgeous! Enjoy that lovely solitude.

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:49 am

      Isn't it a rich purple? I really love it! And yes, relaxing in solitude is occasionally much better than relaxing with a crowd, or even just with a loved one.

  5. Patti
    11 February 2013 / 11:44 pm

    My beloved is gone tonight and I am enjoying the quiet as well. Your wonderful sweaters are made cozier only by the fab scarf, Mater. Thanks so much for sharing with Visible Monday.

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:49 am

      Ah, see what I wrote to Sue, just above . . .

  6. K.Line
    12 February 2013 / 12:17 am

    I'm amazed by how much you've been up to. And I can't believe you live in a place with no grocery stores or restaurants. I often wonder why I don't live on a gorgeous island like you do. And then I consider how much work and planning it must require, and I understand that I am FAR too lazy.

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:50 am

      We're only a 10-minute walk/5-minute bike ride and then a 10-minute boat ride and then another 3 minutes on foot to a great grocery store, a choice of restaurants, etc., but some days that 25 minutes might as well be Everest!!

  7. Duchesse
    12 February 2013 / 12:30 am

    I am so flattered… hugs! And what a luscious colour on you. Do treat yourself.

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:51 am

      Hugs right back! Isn't it a delicious colour?!

  8. NancyDaQ
    12 February 2013 / 2:24 am

    Sounds like some good "me" time for yourself. You deserve it!

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:51 am

      It was great, Nancy, although it felt like "MOre!"

  9. LPC
    12 February 2013 / 4:05 am

    I like those jeans!

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:51 am

      Sometimes Gap gets it — I think these jeans are an example.

  10. Pondside
    12 February 2013 / 6:26 pm

    The sweaters look yummy.
    I think a little self care is a good thing and we should all do it more often.
    Today I'm on the ferry with the good company of The 100 Year Old Man Whi Climbed Out The Window and Disappeared. It's an escape for me too

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:53 am

      I just Googled that title and it sounds like an escape indeed. Perhaps you'll say a bit on your blog about it. And I'm all for More Self Care, right with you there!

  11. Tiffany
    12 February 2013 / 9:01 pm

    Solo lounging time sounds like just what the doctor ordered – I hope you enjoyed it!

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:53 am

      It was good! Trying to figure out how to get more. . .

  12. Vagabonde
    13 February 2013 / 12:50 am

    I love the purple color on your cardigan – it is rich. It would look good with a long black skirt and black boots (I know – we French like black – too much..) And taking care of yourself is good (je prend soin de moi aussi, et avec du chocolat…bien sur!)

    • materfamilias
      13 February 2013 / 12:55 am

      Absolument, avec du chocolat! Je suis absolument d'accord!

  13. pomomama
    13 February 2013 / 4:12 am

    lounge on – you look so cosy that i'm jealous :p


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