Drinks on Heather, in Paris . . .

I played a little guessing game yesterday on Twitter when @ParisHeather (Paris Stimmler-Hall of Secrets of Paris fame). It started with a Tweet that included this photo

 and a challenge:

Well, you know I love a challenge, and a challenge that allowed me to daydream about Paris instead of finishing the outlines for the courses I start teaching next Monday?

Suffice it to say I spent some time Tweeting guesses during the day. . . .

Finally, last night, after having thanked @parisheather for the fun and claiming to throw in the towel, I couldn’t resist hazarding one more guess, and

ta-da. . . .

I’m excited to look ahead to May in Paris, having drinks with Stimmler-Hall who by then should be able to tell me what it’s like to run the Paris Marathon (Pater and I watched it run by, from the Coulée Verte, in 2011). Even better, Heather’s run the Marathon du Médoc, the ultimate craziness for runners who love wine . . . .

We’ve booked our flights for this year’s travels, which will include some new experiences and places that I’m excited to tell you about soon. And although my New Year’s resolution once again is to Want what I Have, I do have one new goal that this runner is working up the nerve to go public with . . .

For now, though, those damn course outlines are not going to write themselves. Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to work I go . . . .

And you? How’s 2013 shaping up for you, this shiny new week?


  1. Susan B
    4 January 2013 / 4:48 pm

    That's an amazing bit of sculpture, and great detective work! I'm going to hazard a guess your new goal is running a full marathon?

    • materfamilias
      5 January 2013 / 4:05 am

      I'm so scared to say it out loud . . .

  2. Unknown
    4 January 2013 / 5:00 pm

    Great job. Your really know Paris well!!

    • materfamilias
      5 January 2013 / 4:05 am

      oh, there was some cheating involved. . . 😉

  3. Lorrie
    4 January 2013 / 5:27 pm

    Congrats on the win! I'm impressed by your knowledge of Paris and green with envy about your proposed trip this year. It will make working on those course outlines well worthwhile.

    • materfamilias
      5 January 2013 / 4:06 am

      see above. . .
      And yes, that's the perspective I'm working on — Wanting What I Have is easier when I think of the chance to write course outlines as helping me get to Paris . . . 😉

  4. hostess of the humble bungalow
    4 January 2013 / 5:29 pm

    Well done mater!
    Paris in May sounds like another fun filled trip.
    Thinking about that should help you with the course work.

    • materfamilias
      5 January 2013 / 4:06 am

      You're absolutely right! It does help!

  5. LPC
    5 January 2013 / 4:03 am

    It's pretty brutal:). Congrats to you…

    • materfamilias
      5 January 2013 / 4:07 am

      Oh, I'm sorry. I think I have some brutal ahead, but it's not here yet, and my head's quite comfy in the sand. . . 😉

  6. Sedulia
    7 January 2013 / 6:33 am

    I'm wondering how you guessed that! Have you been to that museum? I never even heard of it!

  7. materfamilias
    7 January 2013 / 3:08 pm

    I must admit that I cheated a bit — that is, I used some deductive reasoning based on the frieze and a map of Paris. I'd already made some guesses and Heather's feedback to those let me know the general neighbourhood. . . I'll definitely be checking this out up close in May!


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