What she Wore — Knit Dress for Harriet

A bit distracted here with my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter Nola visiting for a few days, but thought you might like to see a photo of the little dress I sneak-peeked in this post. Nola was delighted when she saw me finishing it, recognizing it as the twin of one I knit her a few years back, pictured here. One day soon, we’ll dress the cousins in their matching dresses (Nola’s is more a short tunic by now, but still . . . ).

Looks as if Harriet might have something to say about that . . . here, on Christmas Day, she’s just four weeks old, and obviously poised at that stage of intent attention to speech, the stage that is soon followed by cooing into conversation, one of my favourite moments in a lifetime of interactions. . .

Here it’s Mom she’s wanting to chat with, but Nana will have her turn . . . oh, yes. . .

And one last photo, now that she’s worn herself out — love those little legs curling up in a memory of her tighter quarters inside Mom. . . .Just imagine, by next Christmas she’ll be using them to run circles around us . . .

And that’s my segue . . . off to run my circles of the island now, before the rest of the house is up looking for their coffee.  Wishing you a Happy Saturday — will it be a rest day or a visiting day or a catch-up day?


  1. pomomama
    29 December 2012 / 5:06 pm


    Nothing more …

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2012 / 4:59 pm


  2. LPC
    29 December 2012 / 6:32 pm

    The cooing, one of my favorite bits, that brief burst of language where at 7 weeks or so it seems they might actually just start talking – before they get interrupted by the need to move and have hands. So wonderful.

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2012 / 5:00 pm

      Exactly! I'm looking forward to visiting this stage and getting Harriet to "tell me a story" (as my Mother-in-law always used to ask babies to do, enticing conversations from the wee ones).

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    29 December 2012 / 7:43 pm

    Love those wee legs all curled up…
    she looks so cozy and warm in her mother's arms and that sweet dress.
    You must be quite a fast knitter as you've made such wonderful gifts for your family this year and I know you run and work. When do you fit it all in?

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2012 / 5:01 pm

      I am a fast knitter, Lesley, I admit. As for fitting it all in, you'd only have to check out the state of my house to see the hours I gain from letting the domestics slide . . . 😉

  4. K.Line
    29 December 2012 / 7:46 pm

    When you've got a What She Wore post at 30 days of age, you know you're going be in for some fun styling! Such a gorgeous girl.

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2012 / 5:01 pm

      I know! We're going to have fun ahead!

  5. Patricia
    29 December 2012 / 8:55 pm

    Hi Mater – Harriet is adorable! Yes, the wee legs, so sweet. The dress is so lovely. We will be visiting my husband's niece on the way back from Ottawa next week – she had a baby girl about 6 weeks ago, so we'll be enjoying some similar baby time. As for today – hair cut out of the way, now it's tackling some ironing.
    Happy New Year!

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2012 / 5:03 pm

      You must be looking forward to that baby visit — such a sweet, sweet age, so quickly gone, so worth savouring.
      Happy New Year to you too, now that your ironing is all done!

  6. Unknown
    30 December 2012 / 11:03 am

    That little dress is absolutely adorable. You are so talented. What a sweet baby.

    • materfamilias
      30 December 2012 / 5:03 pm

      Thanks, Marla — I had fun knitting it and it's even more fun to see Harriet wearing it.

  7. mette
    30 December 2012 / 5:42 pm

    I too am amazed by your skills on just about anything thinkable.
    A lovely picture series of the little baby girl!

    • materfamilias
      1 January 2013 / 1:06 am

      Thanks, Mette. I do think she's pretty sweet!

  8. Pondside
    30 December 2012 / 8:25 pm

    I loved those little legs – such a photo of tenderness.
    You are a fast knitter! I think it must say a lot about your character – you know what's important. When there's a dress to knit for a new wee one other things can just wait!
    Hauling myself away from the fire for an hours…..

    • materfamilias
      1 January 2013 / 1:07 am

      Would it say even more about my character if I admitted that I'd started that dress a year or so ago and realized I could finish it as the perfect gift for a new granddaughter?

  9. Lorrie
    30 December 2012 / 9:20 pm

    Those tiny bare feet and legs curled up around Mama are the epitome of sweetness. The cooing stage is full of delight – Sadie has moved from telling stories to not-unhappy-loud-exercise of her vocal chords.
    The dress is cozy and warm-looking. What a sweet photo op when Nola and Harriet wear their matching dresses knit by Nana.

    • materfamilias
      1 January 2013 / 1:08 am

      Sadie's discovering more of the possibilities of a life in full voice!
      You've already spent some time with girl-cousin granddaughters — I sense it's going to be much fun!

  10. Unknown
    31 December 2012 / 7:06 pm

    So sweet! Harriet is beautiful, and the dress is perfect for her. I love the way she gazes up at her Mom.

    • materfamilias
      1 January 2013 / 1:09 am

      Thanks, Susan. I must admit, from my biased position, that she is quite perfect.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.