Rule-breaking What I Wore, and a Glimpse of Christmas . . .

Things are looking up . . .

My throat is less sore, and my coldsores are beginning to shrink to scabbing stage (sounds awful, but really, it’s an improvement).

I will finish all research papers except the stragglers this morning.

Yes, I will then have four sets of exam essays to mark, and grades to collate and enter, but after this afternoon’s exam and Friday office hours, I’m done with formal meetings with students until next term. Don’t get me wrong: I love my students, but I feel my responsibilities to them intensely, and it will be a relief to turn my gaze homeward for a few weeks.

So in honour of this changing state of affairs, I thought I’d flaunt my new J Crew skirt, which — according to this article — I should not be wearing, on account of its length. I’m surprised how much I like it, colourwise, with my green boots (knee-high — at 59, apparently I shouldn’t be wearing these either). When I first saw it on the hanger, drawn to the tweed, I absolutely rejected it as inappropriate. Yet I know the proportions of a shorter skirt work better with my height and my short-waistedness. So I went back later, with Pater in tow, and I ended up buying it. And I love it! Interestingly, it’s the boots that reconcile me to the short length; without them, I feel too exposed.

I like this length, also, with my pea-jacket. . .

The temperatures here are flirting with zero; there have even been hints of snow. So a hat seems a good idea, and I love this felted wool topper — warm, water-resistant, stays put when I’m biking in the wind as long as I jam it down over my ears.

Add a scarf to keep that wind out so that my cold doesn’t get any worse, and I’m good to go.

In other good news, I finally added the teeniest bit of Christmas cheer to the house: having finished most of my papers yesterday while my house was being cleaned (Yes! I’ve found a team to clean bi-weekly, at least for a while — love it!), I felt I could lift nose from grindstone. Grabbed my secateurs and headed into the yard to scavenge for the makings of some Christmas arrangements. The light was quickly waning, but I gathered rose hips, snowberry branches, grasses, fallen fir boughs, and various seedheads on tall stems, then jammed them into a pair of iron urns on the porch. I’m quite pleased with the result, although I’ll have to wait until morning light to assess what still needs to be done. Here arelast year’s versions, if you’re interested. I’ll try to snap this year’s when I’m satisfied with them.

What I Wore Here?

navy blue v-neck cashmere sweater, Bompard, J Crew tweed skirt; Fluevog Radio boots; pea-coat, Artizia (3 years old); hat, Holt Renfrew (3 years old); cashmere scarf, Holt Renfrew.

So there. That’s better, no? The grumbling’s letting up a bit, I’ve added some Christmas decor, and I’m almost ready to give in to some of the season’s joys. And you? Are you still making lists?


  1. LPC
    13 December 2012 / 3:10 pm

    You look completely cute. That article was just so profoundly offensive I couldn't even read it when I first saw it. Still can't:).

    Is that skirt the same one I have in purple, BTW? Let's break ALL the rules!

    • materfamilias
      14 December 2012 / 6:35 pm

      I know what you mean about the article — the editorial disclaimers were so irritating, disingenuous given their other comments.
      My skirt is called Mini something-or-other. Yours is the No. 2 Pencil which I have in plain black — on me, it hits right at the knee, so I really have to wear it with heels.

  2. Elizabeth
    13 December 2012 / 3:40 pm

    I did not find the article offensive. In fact, the article and reader comments both confirm my opinion that we should wear what we want no matter what our age. I am 51 and love my skinny jeans, heels, well fitting tshirts, and short skirts. By the way, you look great in that skirt.

    • materfamilias
      14 December 2012 / 6:36 pm

      I certainly found the reader comments encouraging — Go you, with the skinny jeans and the heels and the short skirts! and thanks for the compliment.

  3. Lorrie
    13 December 2012 / 3:50 pm

    I read the article and brushed it off immediately. Let's wear what we want to wear. You rock that skirt and boots, Mater.

    • materfamilias
      14 December 2012 / 6:36 pm

      Thanks, Lorrie. And I agree!

  4. Unknown
    13 December 2012 / 4:39 pm

    Your skirt hits at a terrific place on your legs! When skirts stop where your leg narrows, it's flattering and slimming. Plus you have killer legs. Snow?! Oh I want to be there. Hope you feel recovered soon.

    • materfamilias
      14 December 2012 / 6:37 pm

      Thanks! I do find this a more flattering length on me, at least with flats.
      I'm not as enthusiastic as you are about the snow — something about the way it melts and then freezes and then melts and then freezes . . . 😉

  5. Susan B
    13 December 2012 / 5:00 pm

    Oh, smashing!!! I love the green and blue together. And I call bulls*%t on the "no above-the-knee skirts or knee boots after ____" declarations. (Reminds me of that conversation we had about the policing of women.) You look GREAT and totally appropriate. And I love how the green background to this ensemble seems almost planned…very harmonious! Glad to hear your semester's workload will soon be eased.

    • materfamilias
      14 December 2012 / 6:38 pm

      Yes, Sue — it reminds me of several conversations we've had around this topic over the years across various blogs — remember The Thoughtful Dresser and her motorcycle jacket?

  6. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    13 December 2012 / 5:16 pm

    I think you look fab in this outfit. Love the skirt and oh those boots are fabulous! The color of them is so rich looking.

    • materfamilias
      14 December 2012 / 6:38 pm

      Thanks, Debbi. I must admit they're working into my wardrobe much more easily than I'd feared.

  7. Raquelita
    13 December 2012 / 6:18 pm

    You look fabulous! I love the color combo, and I am seriously coveting that skirt.

    Your arrangements sound lovely. I have no skills in that department. I'm thinking that after the holiday is over I'm going to look for a nativity scene among all of the Christmas baubles that will be on clearance. I feel ready to add one to my yearly decoration rituals.

    • materfamilias
      14 December 2012 / 6:39 pm

      Oh, these arrangements take no skills. Clip the branches, jam them in a container. Seriously? I'll show you a photo soon and you'll see what I mean — Nature does all the work!

  8. Moonboots
    13 December 2012 / 6:44 pm

    Love the skirt. 59 with legs like that, you should be wearing that skirt. Christmas is just around the corner in our house. We have some decorations, log burner is roaring, i's -7 and I have a cold. The really good news is that I am waiting for the xmas shopping delivery, lots of wine and goodies. I love christmas.

    • materfamilias
      14 December 2012 / 6:40 pm

      Sorry about the cold we seem to be sharing, but at least those are good circumstances for being inside wrapped up — stay cozy!

  9. Iris H
    13 December 2012 / 7:03 pm

    Once again I like it , it's very you. Proportion is key and I think you have got it just right though agree with you re: skirt length and knee boots. Skirt is lovely colour and I'm sure you could explore other shades to compliment it apart from navy. Agree we should wear what we want up to a point realistically all styles don't look good on everyone.You have a great awareness of what suits you and a sense of style which means you never look boring or too conventional!! Glad you're feeling better

    • materfamilias
      15 December 2012 / 3:41 pm

      Thanks, Iris. It's so individual, isn't it?!

    • materfamilias
      15 December 2012 / 3:42 pm

      Oh, and also meant to say, yes, I have a dark purple top I might experiment with, although that would mean different boots.

  10. Patricia
    13 December 2012 / 9:04 pm

    Those boots are growing on me! I agree with Lisa, you do look completely cute here!

    • materfamilias
      15 December 2012 / 3:42 pm

      Aw, thanks!

  11. That's Not My Age
    13 December 2012 / 9:16 pm

    That article is rubbish. We should wear what we like, whatever makes us happy – rather than following silly rules.

    • materfamilias
      15 December 2012 / 3:44 pm

      No kidding! They really are silly!

  12. Tiffany
    13 December 2012 / 10:02 pm

    Agree with everyone who says a) you look GREAT; and b) we should wear whatever makes us feel good, whatever our age. I don't like my legs bare with a shorter skirt, but I LOVE winter for the fact that I can wear a short skirt with tights! And no red lipstick? What is THAT about?!

    • materfamilias
      15 December 2012 / 3:45 pm

      I know! The red lipstick is such an odd one — I've seen so many older women who transform themselves with one stroke from a tube of the perfect colour for their complexion — and if that's ruby red? So be it!

  13. Pondside
    14 December 2012 / 12:17 am

    I'm so glad to read that you're feeling better – on the road to complete good health and may you come to that road double quick!
    I didn't even go to the article because I know it would irritate me. The skirt and boots look great. The whole look is good – it works for you and it might not work for others but the point is… looks great! I think those articles are written by aging dolly-girls who spent their youth trading on their youthful beauty and are now *iss#d off at those whose good looks and style are….timeless and ageless

    • materfamilias
      15 December 2012 / 3:47 pm

      I agree that these articles often seemed marked by that kind of petulance — I mean, really, why should it matter so much?

  14. hostess of the humble bungalow
    14 December 2012 / 6:34 am

    Three cheers for your recovering health and boo hoo to those who say that women with great legs should hide them….
    You have lovely legs and that J Crew skirt looks amazing on you!
    Rules are meant to be broken!

    • materfamilias
      15 December 2012 / 3:47 pm

      Thanks for both the cheers and the boos, Here's to breaking the rules!

  15. Duchesse
    15 December 2012 / 2:29 pm

    I'm with Tiffany, I think the tights make the length less of an issue. I prefer a *little* more length on a grown woman- not staid, but somewhat less junior. For me it is not a matter of having fit legs or not, but of the overall effect.

    re commenters who say "we should wear whatever makes us feel good": women ought to wear what makes them *look* good (as well as *feel* good) and realize that sometimes our *feel*-meter is stuck in the past. (Not you!)

    • materfamilias
      15 December 2012 / 3:56 pm

      I've always liked the look of a shorter skirt, which works much better for my height and proportions, and if I've risked appearing "junior" in it, at whatever age, it was a risk perhaps easier to take in the fields I worked in. I've not gone quite as short as this skirt for many years, but I was drawn to the tweed, on-sale, and was surprised how much I liked it on. The No. 2 pencil skirt, on the other hand, only works, for me, with heels, which I don't always want to have to wear — it falls at a more conventional point and, yes, could be hemmed, but you'd be surprised how much hemming can throw off the overall effect for those of us under 5'4"
      And I absolutely take what you mean about not only wearing what makes us feel good — it's worth also considering what looks the best on us. But do you really want to say that women "ought" to wear what makes them look good. Surely we want to get rid of the "ought"s even as we acknowledge, realistically, that a woman's choices in self-presentation make a difference in how we perceive her.

  16. Miss Cavendish
    17 December 2012 / 4:25 am

    In winter w/o a tan, I much prefer tall boots with my above -knee skirts. Otherwise it's like Rita Hayworth (is that right?) who raised her arms over her head while wearing a strapless dress and long gloves and looked positively "indecent" (that was uttered somewhat ironically). On last batch of papers to mark . . .

  17. Melanie
    17 December 2012 / 7:25 am

    I must say you look flirty (but not too flirty!) in this ensemble. The boots and the skirt are perfect together. The skirt length looks excellent on you, and it's the colour of jewels. how could that be wrong?! I like short skirts and dresses, but I do feel more protected with tights, and if I'm feeling even more exposed, I go for jeggings. I would love to see you ride your bike in this, scarf flapping, red cheeks and nose. I'm glad you're feeling those good holiday vibes.

  18. Unknown
    22 December 2012 / 12:20 am

    The shorter skirt makes you look taller and doesn't communicate "junior" at all. It's perfect for you!


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