It’s Here! Merry Christmas!

There are some holes in my It’s Christmas Now theory, my intention of embracing all the moments of preparation for the Day as part of the seasonal richness. The biggest problem would be that all the moment-embracing makes it a bit tough to finish sewing up the handknit socks, wrap the gifts, make the tourtières.  . . .

But what are you going to do when a son and daughter-in-law make the trek over to the Mainland for two days of pre-Christmas celebration? You know the answer, right? You ignore all the should-do’s, forget any still-undone shopping, stop fretting about the pastry that will have to wait ’til later to get made, and you rejoice in some crazy family good times.

That’s what we’ve been doing, yesterday

(yes, apparently there was a theme . . . )

 and today. We brunched at Stanley Park’s Fish House — a splendid venue for elegant yet relaxed family get-togethers, something of a family tradition for us now (last featuredhere)

And besides the savoury egg dishes and the yummy desserts

it will now forever be remembered as the place where Harriet learned to suck her thumb

There was even some gift exchange, with one lovely Daughter-in-Law making her knitting Mater-in-Law very happy — isn’t she a gorgeous model for the cowl I made her?

Yikes! Speaking of knit gifts reminds me of the socks whose toes need to be grafted, right now, so that I can finishing knitting the other pair that I have to wrap tomorrow. . . .

Isn’t it all fun?! Merry Christmas!!


  1. Susan B
    24 December 2012 / 2:56 am

    This is what it's all about. Lovely pictures! And Harriet's look of wonder and discovery at having found a thumb…priceless!!

    • materfamilias
      24 December 2012 / 3:40 pm

      Thanks, Sue!

  2. K.Line
    24 December 2012 / 3:55 am

    What beautiful photos! I think Harriet looks like Nola. 🙂

    • materfamilias
      24 December 2012 / 3:41 pm

      She's getting to that stage where we can start looking for people in her face — so far, we mostly see her dad, so it's interesting you can spot Nola in there too.

  3. Patricia
    24 December 2012 / 4:33 am

    Gorgeous pictures! Merry Christmas!

    • materfamilias
      24 December 2012 / 3:41 pm

      Merry Christmas, Patricia! We've exchanged this greeting over quite a few years now, here on this blog, haven't we?!

  4. Unknown
    24 December 2012 / 5:51 am

    What beautiful pictures of family joy!!
    I'm still knitting…and I do toe up usually.
    Have a wonderful love filled Merry Christmas!!

    • materfamilias
      24 December 2012 / 3:42 pm

      Ah, one of these days I'm going to knit at least one pair toe-up.
      Merry Christmas to you as well!

  5. Lorrie
    24 December 2012 / 6:01 am

    I do love a thumb-sucking baby, so adorable. That photo of four generations of beautiful women is priceless.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mater.

    • materfamilias
      24 December 2012 / 3:43 pm

      Having been such a thumb-sucking baby my self (and toddler, and child . . . . took me a while to break that habit!), I'm partial as well.
      We felt very fortunate being able to get that four-generation photo — someday Harriet should treasure that, I hope.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family too, Lorrie

  6. Pondside
    24 December 2012 / 6:32 am

    There is something so right about preparing right down to the last minute. I cranked up the music this afternoon and cooked my way through my list. Loved it.
    The photo of the four generations is beautiful.

    • materfamilias
      24 December 2012 / 3:45 pm

      That's a great image! I miss my Christmas CDs here in the apartment — perfect for playing loud and getting the cooking done and the last-minute wrapping.

  7. Moonboots
    24 December 2012 / 7:08 am

    Lovely photos, agree on the four generations of beautiful women. Sounds like proper christmas fun. Enjoy.

    • materfamilias
      24 December 2012 / 3:45 pm

      We are enjoying all the Christmas fun, Moonboots — hope you are at your place as well!

  8. Unknown
    24 December 2012 / 10:51 am

    Merry Christmas to you also. What wonderful photos. You must have had such a great time spending it with family. How lovely.

    • materfamilias
      24 December 2012 / 3:46 pm

      We are having a lovely family Christmas, Marla, and I feel very blessed. May you have a Merry Christmas as well!

  9. Lesley
    24 December 2012 / 4:22 pm

    A very, very merry Christmas to you all from all of us! xxxx

  10. hostess of the humble bungalow
    25 December 2012 / 1:39 am

    Oh such a wonderful photo of all the generations.
    So nice to meet Harriet, you must be so happy to have been able to spend time all together.
    Happy Holidays Mater!

  11. LPC
    26 December 2012 / 3:36 am

    Merry Christmas!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.