It’s Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas, no?

EDITED TO ADD: This post was written BEFORE we learned that our ferry was cancelled due to “Adverse Weather Conditions” — i.e. high winds AND BEFORE I looked out the window to see snow coming down thickly. So I’ll need to dig even more deeply into the attitude I’m trying to reach for in this post — stuck in the apartment, wondering how much snow will fall before we can head out to catch a ferry, our day’s plans now thrown into disarray, can I reconstitute this as part of Christmas as well? Ho, ho, ho, and all that . . . .

I took the ferry to Vancouver on Friday, and since then . . .

Saturday: Christmas-shopped with two of my daughters in the morning and early afternoon.

Nola was dropped off at our apartment Saturday evening for a sleepover with Nana and Granddad

Sunday: Drove way out to the ‘burbs to visit Nola’s Great-grandparents, then drove more to visit her other great-grandma after tracking down her whereabouts.

Monday: Picked up third daughter and her new baby and brought them back to our apartment for the day. Many, many cuddles, much newborn cuteness. . .

Tuesday: Headed over to brother-in-law’s late afternoon to go over plans for the old folks, before we went out to dinner together.

Wonderfully family-filled days. Great, right?

But I’m someone who really likes her down time, someone who gets stressed without it.


So I’m pleased that we’re going back to our quiet island home this morning, even if we do have to turn around and come back again on Friday.

And rather than get stressed about how the Busy is crowding out my Quiet time, and think about the stuff I’m not getting done for Christmas, I’m trying to remember what Iwrote back here 

I’m going to finish my marking, knit another pair of socks for under the tree, feel pleased about the gifts I’ve sewn the last buttons on (this little dress for Harriet is a smaller copy of the one Nola’s wearing in that earlier Christmas post), forget the baking that’s not going to get done, worry about making the tourtières later, and make sure that part of today is spent by the fire, reading a mystery novel and drinking a cup of tea.

In other words, I’m going to remember that Christmas is NOW, in the shopping and the wrapping and the running out to buy Scotch tape and whipping cream and in the flurry of family visiting, even the occasional flare-up of misunderstandings and busy impatience. I’m trying to savour the run-up to the big day as much as I savoured knitting all the stitches that came together for this sweet little dress.

Right now, though, the NOW that is Christmas demands I catch an 8:30 ferry. That gets to be a pain when you ride it as often as we have this past month. But it’s Christmas, so we’re going to enjoy having breakfast together while riding through some of the world’s most fabulous scenery. . . .there’ll even be a decorated tree on board, maybe even a caroller or two. . . .

So, Merry early Christmas to you! Here’s to hanging on to our sanity and our joy right through the week ahead!


  1. Lorrie
    19 December 2012 / 4:11 pm

    I'm disappointed with you about the cancellation of the ferry. I hope that somehow you will be able to redeem the time you have to spend in town – reading, relaxing, and NOT worrying about all that you would like to be doing instead.

    High winds here throughout the night, but no snow. Sigh. Hope springs eternal…

    • materfamilias
      19 December 2012 / 9:48 pm

      We're doing our best, enjoying some time with just the two of us, and that's been at a premium, so it's all good. Snow enough here but it's as saturated with wet as you've ever seen snow. Really. Slushy!

  2. pomomama
    19 December 2012 / 4:30 pm

    Coincidences. I was reading thru last year's Christmas blog posts yesterday, noting my mentions of cabin fever, needing time away from a full house, and yearning for true-to-me downtime. I'm already feeling impinged on – Mr ebb has been home since last thursday 'on holiday' and now the snow prevents my escape. I need to dig deep, literally and metaphorically ….
    Hope your ferry comes soon 😉

    • materfamilias
      19 December 2012 / 9:50 pm

      Yikes! You need a magic bubble! (waving my wand in your direction)
      10:30 and 12:30 ferries were also canceled, and the 3's going to be full with the backup, so I think we'll stay put today . . .

  3. Anonymous
    19 December 2012 / 5:39 pm

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  4. K.Line
    19 December 2012 / 6:59 pm

    Oh, such adorable knitting cuteness!!!

    • materfamilias
      19 December 2012 / 9:51 pm

      It's the sweetest little pattern and that yarn takes the simplicity up a notch with its rainbow goodness. Nola's quite pleased Hattie's getting a dress to match her own.

  5. Pondside
    19 December 2012 / 7:00 pm

    Very high winds here too and I'm thinking of packing up the work computer and taking it home before the snow starts and I can't get up the drive. Like you, I am trying hard to be in the here and now regarding Christmas – trying to do the things that have meaning for us today rather than struggling to go with traditions that are unwieldy for two of us. Calls to ailing parents, arranging treats for them from a distance – calls to children far away……The Great Dane asks what I want for Christmas and I reply – time. A walk every day. A fire every afternoon. Time to read a book or two. Time for myself.
    I hope you get back to the island soon where you, too, can have some time by a fire.

    • materfamilias
      19 December 2012 / 9:54 pm

      Yes, you should get home! We're trying to accept hunkering down here for a day, as so many sailings were canceled, and the afternoon ones are likely to require some waiting time, still with the risk of further cancellations.
      I'm really sensing we're on the same wavelength, you and I, at this passage in our lives, that Christmas shines a bright light on. Letting go of traditions that don't suit anymore, that require too much work, but that still hold meaning enough to make us reluctant to surrender.
      I hope you get those walks, the fireside reading. . . .

  6. Raquelita
    19 December 2012 / 9:15 pm

    I'm sorry your ferry was cancelled. Hopefully, you're passing the time until you can get on another one with joy and merriment!

    • materfamilias
      19 December 2012 / 9:55 pm

      We're giving ourselves the gift of restful time together, playing hooky in the apartment with take-out food — it's all good! It's all Christmas!

  7. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    19 December 2012 / 10:11 pm

    What a pretty dress. I admire your talent to create something so lovely. The colors are just beautiful!

    • materfamilias
      21 December 2012 / 12:46 am

      Thanks, Debbi, The colours I can't take credit for, but I did have the smarts to grab this Kauni yarn from the shelf! 😉

  8. LPC
    20 December 2012 / 2:46 am

    I hope you had a very very quiet day.

    • materfamilias
      21 December 2012 / 12:46 am

      'twas wonderful. . .

  9. Melanie
    20 December 2012 / 5:56 am

    Correction: That wasn't snow – those were big soppy-wet snowballs that promptly turned into lakes at every curbside. So special.
    I'm not helping your attitude, am I?
    I do appreciate all the loveliness you have achieved here. The mystery novel and tea part sounds wildly appealing. Happy holidays to you! Take-out is our friend.

    • materfamilias
      21 December 2012 / 12:46 am

      Wasn't that horrid?! But it was a good excuse to stay put and that's what I needed. . .

  10. Unknown
    22 December 2012 / 12:29 am

    Well, I hope by now you've caught the ferry and are where you belong.


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