Weekend Running and Eating . . .

Outside, it’s dark and stormy, and those clouds had their contents shaken loose by a ravaging wind, so that I was pelted with rain all through my Long Slow Distance Run this morning.  My target for this week’s run was  six loops of the island, a total of 24.6 kilometres. Despite being thoroughly soaked by the end of my second circuit, I persevered, switching direction every two loops just for variety. I duck into the house for water after each round, grab a light snack, use “the facilities,” if necessary, and sometimes contemplate switching caps or jackets just to confound the neighbours who occasionally remark on seeing me pass them again. . . and again. . . and again. . . 

Today’s distance was a peak target for me, and now I’ll slack off for a week or two, dropping back to 15 or 20 kilometres to let my body do some catch-up. My training program is very idiosyncratic, but I’m trying to listen carefully to warnings of incipient injuries while gradually building up a mileage (kilometrage just sounds awkward, doesn’t it?!) base that might let me consider. . . . No, I’d better not say it. I’m fearful of setting any overly ambitious goal not because I might lose face if I fail to reach it, but also because I recognize my tendency to ignore warnings once I do commit. Already, it’s very difficult for me to let myself miss a weekend’s Long Run, and I’ve noticed myself beginning to squeeze in a 4th weekly run. Slightly compulsive personality . . . . hmmmm.. . . .

Meanwhile, though, my average weekly distance has moved into the 45 kilometre range, and so far, so good  (looking around for some wood to knock on). . . . 

And when I get in from the cold and the rain and the long, slow, slogging, I can eat this, prepared by my sweet guy, a man who makes the best. baking powder biscuits. EVER!

 He’s off to town, now that we’ve eaten heartily, to complete the mission thwarted earlier by heavy winds. In fact, as I write this, I can hear him coming back in the house, all stocked with groceries for tonight’s dinner AND, weekend luxury — the Saturday papers! (No door-to-door newspaper delivery here, of course — a boat trip to town is required, so we’re glad the winds died down).

Hope your weekend has also moved into the comfort zone. What are you up to? Any cholesterol horrors to equal those pictured above? (mmmmm, nomnomnom. . . )


  1. K.Line
    17 November 2012 / 10:12 pm

    Those are 2 great photos F. We had sun today which was VERY appreciated. I've decided to get one of those Yuma lights. I don't know that I believe in seasonal affective disorder but I really LOATHE the darkness of this time of year.

    That bacon looks particularly fantastic. Oh, I can't wait to start eating bacon again. I sense it's in my near future.

    BTW, yesterday I discovered that I can drink a martini. Nowhere near as delightful as a glass of wine, but it's a sign of returning wellness and it makes me feel like one of the pack.

    How is it that you write of exercise and I write of booze consumption?? 🙂

    • materfamilias
      19 November 2012 / 3:19 am

      We do grey so well out on this Coast, all winter long, and I have several friends who find those lights very effective against SADS.
      A martini? Now that's progress — you're on the mend, hurrah!

  2. LPC
    17 November 2012 / 11:51 pm

    I so admire your running. And the biscuit looks profoundly delicious.

    The photo of the steamboat, maybe best of all. Must pin it:).

    • materfamilias
      19 November 2012 / 3:20 am

      Not sure it's admirable, but I do feel pleased that I can keep putting one foot in front of another for that distance. . .

  3. Duchesse
    18 November 2012 / 12:38 am

    I was nodding, following your training schedule- and then hit the photo of the biscuit and could not process anything else.

    • materfamilias
      19 November 2012 / 3:20 am

      I know! And you'd have to taste it to get just how fluffy it is. . . yummm!

  4. Lorrie
    18 November 2012 / 2:44 am

    Minus the biscuit, you've pictured our morning breakfast. It's been a good day to stay indoors. The wind howled around the house most of the night and then the rain came in the morning.
    I admire your discipline in running so much.

    • materfamilias
      19 November 2012 / 3:21 am

      Still a few of us who refuse to give up good ol' bacon 'n eggs, then!
      Yes, it's been howling and pelting and howling and pelting all day long here as well.

  5. Melanie
    18 November 2012 / 4:48 am

    Your food makes me hungry! Congratulations on your running. I know it's hard to find that line of just right between compulsion and routine. I was like that with road biking – pushing the limits. You seem to be very attuned to your body. Your cardio fitness must be awesome.

    • materfamilias
      19 November 2012 / 3:21 am

      I suppose my cardio is pretty good — wish I had better upper body strength, but I enjoy running much more than I do push-ups!!

  6. Anonymous
    18 November 2012 / 6:43 pm

    When I lived in California, I often rewarded myself for a long Saturday bike ride by having huevos rancheros at a local diner for Sunday brunch. Lordy, how I miss them!

    I used to be a dab hand with baking-powder biscuits — now that MamaRubi has sent me measuring cups and spoons with both Imperial and metric measures on them, I should whip up a batch. (And some turkey stew to go with, after Thursday's feast.)

    • materfamilias
      19 November 2012 / 3:22 am

      So what's the best alternative in Spain for a rewarding breakfast? We were only there (in San Sebastian) for one morning and there were some really great treats at the breakfast buffet, I remember. . .

    • Anonymous
      19 November 2012 / 12:25 pm

      Breakfast as combo of fat-starch-protein isn't really a Spanish thing — most people just have café con leche and toast, biscuits or pastry. Nothing big, though many also have a second breakfast at around 11:00!

      The closest I can think of is "migas," which you can get in La Mancha and Extremadura as a breakfast. It's breadcrumbs fried with chorizo, garlic, and fatback, sometimes with a fried egg on top. (Most folks have it for lunch, not breakfast, though. And interestingly enough, something very similar exists for breakfast in Texas, also called migas.)

      My favorite traditional Spanish breakfast is lightly toasted bread drizzled with olive oil and spread with grated fresh tomato, topped with a slice of jamón serrano.

      And there's always chocolate con churros…

  7. Anonymous
    19 November 2012 / 2:43 am

    Funny how it's best to sneak up on some goals, or sometimes to come at them obliquely. And the indulgent brunch/newspaper combo–a welcome and cozy pleasure on a stormy day. Elle

    • materfamilias
      19 November 2012 / 3:23 am

      Obliquely — that's perfect! I'd like to find myself comfortably within striking distance on this one before I firm the goal up for myself.
      Your comments are always so very elle-egant, thanks!


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