Visibly Short . . . Boots and Stripes

 The Visible Monday factor today is in my shoes. The rest of the outfit is low-key, no? See it above, very neutral, harmless black-and-white stripes, a mushroom-neutral cashmere cardi. Yes, a little bark in my  french bulldog pendant, but otherwise a fairly unassuming outfit.

Until you check out the boots. . . I have to admit these were a spontaneous purchase last spring and I’m not sure yet whether or not I regret it. They were reduced considerably, and I’d been looking for a comfortable low boot. I’m a sucker for a pointy toe, but I wasn’t convinced by the tan straps; quite honestly, I’m still not.

 But this combination seems to tone them down somewhat, and I expect they’ll get a few outings. The leather is so supple that they’re already like slippers after one or two wearings, and that’s always a plus.

They do, yes, shorten my legs. But you know what? I have short legs. There it is.

So my visibility factor this Visible Monday is aimed at my short legs . . . and on boots with a bit of sass. Now we should all wander over and check out what the other bloggers are making Visible today.

Roundup: dress, Gap; sweater, Club Monaco; boots Fluevog; pendant Thomas Szabo


  1. Pondside
    5 November 2012 / 3:30 pm

    Oh my goodness, we dressed from the same rack today! Here I am, ready for work, in black and white stripes and ankle boots. I worried that they make my legs look short, but I'll hang on to your statement – my legs ARE short!

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:42 am

      Really? So maybe it's an island thing . . . 😉

  2. pomomama
    5 November 2012 / 3:44 pm

    Love the outfit. I'd wear this, in fact I'm wearing squiggly tan stripes on black this morning and considering the shortness of my pins.

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:42 am

      Hey, a West Coast thing, then, not just for islanders . . .;-)

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    5 November 2012 / 4:23 pm

    Love those boots!
    Love that mushroom sweater too….

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:42 am

      It does fit your palette, doesn't it?!

  4. Susan B
    5 November 2012 / 5:52 pm

    I rather like the boots. And not everything has to chase the "make ___ look longer/taller" Holy Grail. I think they complement the simple outfit quite nicely, and echo the stripes in the dress.

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:43 am

      As I say, I'm still not completely convinced, but they make a fun change. And I do like to challenge that LongerTallerSkinnier goal occasionally . . .

  5. Patti @ NotDeadYet Style
    5 November 2012 / 6:27 pm

    I really like the boots, and as Une Femme said, what's the big deal about long everything? You look great, classic with sass, and Visible as well. Thanks for linking up!

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:44 am

      Thanks, Patti!

  6. Lorrie
    5 November 2012 / 9:32 pm

    hmmm… is it an Island thing? Like Pondside, and you, I'm wearing black and white stripes today.
    I think the boots are great. The tan straps echo the stripes in your dress. (oh, I just glanced up and saw someone already said this – I'm not plagiarizing – honest, Professor)
    I admire people like you who go out on a limb with shoes. I stick to boring basics. Why? I don't know. Maybe I need to go out on a limb.

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:45 am

      See? Definitely an island/West Coast vibe happening!
      You're so creative in so many ways, Lorrie, that perhaps you don't feel the need to do so with shoes. And limbs aren't very comfy places to hang out!

  7. Unknown
    5 November 2012 / 11:06 pm

    The boots are great and I've stopped worrying about lengthening. I'm short, so what?

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:45 am

      Short People Unite! 😉

  8. Anonymous
    5 November 2012 / 11:51 pm

    I find it fascinating that those boots, which I wouldn't look at twice in a shop, on you look just right. You are so lucky to have tuned in to your quintessential style identity and what you choose consistently resonates with that and has a coherence and a beauty of its own unique self. I repeatedly think, when contemplating your ensembles, how youthful you look. We've had this conversation before, I don't mean that ghastly mallet of a moniker 'mutton..etc', you just always look….vibrant, energetically engaged with Life, positive, brimming with creativity and joie de vivre, confident, in charge of your own destiny – in appearance and otherwise. Somehow the sum of all that is, you simply don't look what I presume nearly 60 'normally' looks like. Which is highly encouraging, thank you!

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:46 am

      Thank you so much, Hester!

  9. L'age moyen
    6 November 2012 / 12:05 am

    They're very cool. Smart choice to pair them with a black tight. The straps really stand out and that's a good thing. I think they would look great with some ankle hugging slip leg pants (cropped is the word I'm struggling for). Sometimes it's these spur of the moment purchases that last the longest in the old closet. Defying fashion!

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:47 am

      Thanks! My instinct is to play them down (if that's even possible) — hence the black tight. Imagine what Melanie of Bag and Beret might do with them!

  10. LPC
    6 November 2012 / 2:41 am

    Your face is so pretty who cares about the feet?

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:47 am

      Blushing . . . 😉

    • Unknown
      17 November 2012 / 1:52 am

      So true!

  11. Unknown
    6 November 2012 / 4:32 am

    Short legs? Me too. But I care less about them every day. Your legs are shapely, and I would not have thought short if you had not pointed it out. You look together, considered and ready for anything. And pretty. So glad you were Visible today!

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:49 am

      Thanks Janin, and thanks for stopping to comment. I'll have to visit your blog when I get a minute. Always fun to meet other Visible Monday participants, isn't it?

  12. Duchesse
    6 November 2012 / 7:19 pm

    You look so elfin and sassy with that cheely bulldog (Harmless, never :)) Like the boots and agree that a cropped pant would also show them to advantage. And (know I sound blathery here but oh well) this new hair style is killer.

    IMO we focus far too much on our flaws. No one ever came home from work and said, "You know what I saw today? A woman who might have slightly short legs."

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:51 am

      Thanks! I'm not quite sure how the cropped pants would work, but since both you and L'age Moyen suggest them, I'll have to think about that.

  13. Duchesse
    6 November 2012 / 7:20 pm

    Sorry, that's "cheeky bulldog". One letter off.

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:52 am

      I got that . . . I know I made a typo on your blog today myself, misspelling whirlwind. . .

  14. Splenderosa
    6 November 2012 / 10:56 pm

    I would love to live where you live. It is simply beautiful there, I know. I cannot comment on the boots yet, as I'm just meeting you, coming over from UneFemme/Sue. But, I do know it's rather chilly there all the time so one has to be comfortable. Love those curls!

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:54 am

      Oh dear, I'm chuckling as I read between the lines! Believe me, I know the boots aren't everyone's style . . . not even completely convinced that they're mine. They are comfortable, though! Thanks so much for taking the time not only to visit but also to comment. I do enjoy the gatherings you convene each month, By Invitation Only.

  15. Kathy (Obsessive SLP)
    7 November 2012 / 1:37 am

    I love your boots!! I want them!

    • materfamilias
      7 November 2012 / 4:55 am

      Thanks, Kathy. And thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.

  16. Anonymous
    7 November 2012 / 9:50 am

    Hi Materfamilias,
    New on your blog that I discovered thru "Une femme…". She mentioned your love of whimsical shoes 🙂 These booties are not whimsical… there are just adorable!
    Unfortunately here in Florida, it's more sandals than boots…
    Have a great day,
    Anne (Playing with Scarves)

  17. Melanie
    8 November 2012 / 3:44 am

    I love the elfin quality of these shoes – they make you look very sprite-like – which I think is a great thing, by the way. Fleet-footed. Fantastic pairing. I think you'd look smashing in these with a cigarette-leg pant and a white button-down men's shirt. And of course a beret! LOL. Great look, mater.

  18. Mardel
    13 November 2012 / 6:39 pm

    I too have to admit that I love the boots and the entire outfit on you, and would say the combination doesn't make you look like you have endless legs, but looks perfectly normally proportioned. However I do know about loving something and then occasionally wondering what got into my head. Usually though these items find their place in my wardrobe if I am patient and just give them time to settle in. I'm obviously not one of those people who obsessively weeds out unworn garments every six months or so, sometimes I need that amount of time, or even, more to work things in.


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