November, ah, remember . . .

A bit melancholy, aren’t they, these November days?

I’m going to do it again, sending you back to revisit anearlier November post on Edna St. Vincent Millay’s lovely sonnet meditating on autumn’s tranquility.


  1. Lorrie
    11 November 2012 / 6:42 am

    I clicked back there and reread the poem. Such loveliness, and your analysis once again a perfect accompaniment.

    • materfamilias
      12 November 2012 / 10:44 pm

      Isn't it a great poem for this time of year?!

  2. Susan B
    11 November 2012 / 3:17 pm

    But there's a kind of sweetness in the melancholy, isn't there? What a beautifully evocative photo.

    • materfamilias
      12 November 2012 / 10:45 pm

      I think that's always the danger of melancholy, is just how sweet it can be. . . . all those Romantics thought so!

  3. Marsha
    11 November 2012 / 6:08 pm

    And again, I thank you. I am so pleased to have been reminded.

    • materfamilias
      12 November 2012 / 10:45 pm

      You're welcome, Marsha!

  4. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    11 November 2012 / 8:27 pm

    Only the gray days make me melancholy. Your photo is perfect.

    • materfamilias
      12 November 2012 / 10:45 pm

      Plenty of grey here right now, Debbi — we're wrapped in it, and it's wet!!

  5. Jane M
    19 November 2012 / 3:50 am

    Sometimes I just stop and gaze at your photo scenes and calm my spirit. Thank you.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.