Mother Nature and the Bride

A few wedding details as I build up to the big bride dress reveal . . .  Here’s a little sculpture the groom-to-be put together for the rehearsal on the eve of the wedding. That heart-shaped rock was found, as is, on the beach . . . auguring well for the next day!

Sadly, it was all washed away by the next morning, although I think (hope!) someone saved the rock valentine.

This next photo, of guests getting seated on the logs painstakingly arranged the night before, gives you an idea of how little leeway the tide gave us. We were operating between a 13 and an 11-foot tide that afternoon, which doesn’t leave much beach.

 In fact, the waves were precariously close to the registry table made especially for the occasion by one of Zach’s longtime buddies (decorated here by the wonderful marriage commissioner who brought her own nuptial teddy bears and wooden valentines, so sweet even if they didn’t quite fit the bride’s overall theme)

The waves also competed with the moving words spoken during the ceremony, but who’s going to complain to Mother Nature when she provides such a splendid scene?

Not this bride. . . .

As for my son, the sleeve-groom you (don’t) see here, he was actually relieved by any sound that distracted us from his high emotion — We were all on the verge of tears watching how moved he was, a bit protective knowing how anxious he was about being able to recite his vows without crying . . . so we were very grateful–and cracked up completely– when he brushed a hand over his face and declared loudly, as he began speaking, that he had “something in his eye.”

The day had a number of very moving episodes, particularly for Mama Groom, and perhaps I’ll put them together in a post soon. Next up, though, Here Comes the Bride . . .

and tell me, would you? how quickly will this get tedious? Do you find other people’s weddings a grand bore or can I keep showing-and-telling? 


  1. Raquelita
    1 September 2012 / 10:26 pm

    You can keep showing and telling, especially as long as you keep sharing such lovely photos. I do hope someone saved that heart-shaped rock from being swept out on the waves.

    • materfamilias
      2 September 2012 / 2:17 pm

      I'm going to have to ask my son — it would make the perfect souvenir of the day.

  2. Anonymous
    2 September 2012 / 12:10 am

    There are weddings that are for putting on a show (showing what really? how much money, how important, how competititive, how shallow) that are a bore to attend, much less hear about later. And then there are weddings so personal, so meaningful that they are simply a joy, even when experienced vicariously.

    So–more showing and telling, please.


    • materfamilias
      2 September 2012 / 2:18 pm

      Thanks, Elle, it was certainly meaningful to all of us who were there, but it's always hard to know how much that translates on the blog.

  3. Anonymous
    2 September 2012 / 12:14 am

    Oops–perhaps competititive is overly competitive?! Elle

    • materfamilias
      2 September 2012 / 2:18 pm


  4. Lorrie
    2 September 2012 / 12:24 am

    Keep on showing and telling. There are few things more uplifting than a wedding. I love the log benches and the oh, so sweet heart rock. Your son's bride is beautiful, as are his emotions.

    • materfamilias
      2 September 2012 / 2:19 pm

      Thanks Lorrie — He was pretty pleased with how he managed to set the logs up. It was heavy work!

  5. K.Line
    2 September 2012 / 2:16 am

    That is the sweetest story ever!

    • materfamilias
      2 September 2012 / 2:20 pm

      Made a Momma cry, for sure. . . 😉

  6. pomomama
    2 September 2012 / 7:16 am

    so sweet – i've got something in my eye too

    • materfamilias
      2 September 2012 / 2:20 pm

      I did wish I'd brought a box of Kleenex down to the beach to hand around!

  7. Marsha
    2 September 2012 / 5:19 pm

    Love the showing and telling.

  8. Anonymous
    2 September 2012 / 8:12 pm

    This is not tedious at all. Had not realized what a factor the tides could be. And I love the detail about "something in his eye."

    • materfamilias
      4 September 2012 / 12:15 am

      I never thought about tides until we moved here and never thought so much about them until helping with this wedding!

  9. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    2 September 2012 / 9:34 pm

    I am really thankful that you are sharing the pictures with us. Keep up the show and tell!
    The bride looked beautiful with the sun on her face.

    • materfamilias
      4 September 2012 / 12:15 am

      It was tough on the bridal party, not able to wear their sunnies like the rest of us!

  10. Patricia
    3 September 2012 / 2:48 am

    I can't get enough of show and tell when it comes to weddings! This one is so out-of the-ordinary, so personal, it's lovely to read about it – thank you! P.

  11. Susan B
    3 September 2012 / 11:05 pm

    I'm so enjoying this slow reveal of the festivities. I love wedding details, especially when they're so simple and sincere as these.

  12. hostess of the humble bungalow
    3 September 2012 / 11:55 pm

    Love this theme keep it coming…

  13. materfamilias
    4 September 2012 / 12:16 am

    Thanks all, for being so indulgent — with your kind permission, there will definitely be more wedding posts to come.

  14. Duchesse
    4 September 2012 / 2:12 pm

    Wonderful! More, more, please!

  15. Unknown
    5 September 2012 / 8:51 pm

    So sweet. I never get tired of weddings.

  16. Mardel
    17 September 2012 / 12:57 am

    Oh these are wonderful! So sweet and so personal. What a joy it all must have been.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.