Friday photos . . .

I had an insanely obvious stress dream last night (took the wrong doorway out of the lecture hall and couldn’t find my way back to my family — and was being guided by a kid who insisted on taking me way, way, the wrong way, via zipline) and woke myself — and my husband — with a yelled “No!”

So this morning I’m going to yoga, and then I have a relaxing couple of cut-and-colour hours with my favourite stylist. While I’m there, I’m going to try to forget about the stack of papers I brought home to mark this weekend. . . .

All the above not to complain, but to EXplain why I’m going with pictures rather than words this morning. These photos were taken a week or so ago. . . those blooms have begun to fade and our extended warm weather is backing off a little now. . . .Perhaps I’ll soon get to wear my new boots!


  1. Raquelita
    21 September 2012 / 4:45 pm

    Lovely photos!

    At least your anxiety dream was an interesting one that involved a zip line. Mine are usually just mundane – I can't find my lecture notes or my students are out of control in my class – anxiety dreams.

    Enjoy the time with your stylist!

    • materfamilias
      22 September 2012 / 1:57 am

      It was so funny — I even remember partway through the zipline ride that this was actually fun and I should try it sometime when I'm not so stressed. . . 😉
      I've never been on a zipline in my life! And this one was bright red . . .

  2. Susan B
    21 September 2012 / 4:50 pm

    Your garden pictures just make me happy. Thanks!!

    • materfamilias
      22 September 2012 / 1:57 am


  3. Patricia
    21 September 2012 / 5:10 pm

    Oh dear, that sounds very stressful – you obviously need a bit of me-time. Enjoy your afternoon with your stylist. I'm looking forward to wearing boots as well.

    • materfamilias
      22 September 2012 / 1:58 am

      I ended up wearing mine today since the fog that was supposed to lift stuck around and kept the temp down.

  4. That's Not My Age
    21 September 2012 / 5:45 pm

    Your garden is beautiful – love Echinacea! – I'm suffering from back-to-school trauma myself. Haven't had any dreams, yet!

    • materfamilias
      22 September 2012 / 1:59 am

      For some reason, even though it should be an easy care plant (and there's good drainage in this location), I've lost mine the last few attempts. These were just planted in July, so I'm crossing my fingers they come back in the spring.

  5. Melanie
    21 September 2012 / 10:04 pm

    Great dream. Greater remedy! I dreamt last night that the bridge behind me was burning. Hm, wonder what that means… Maybe I need a hair trim.

    • materfamilias
      23 September 2012 / 2:52 pm

      Ah yes, the dream of the burning bridge, hmmmm. Good luck!

  6. Lorrie
    22 September 2012 / 3:11 am

    Hope the time in the stylist's chair soothed the stress. And I also hope that you can spend some time looking out at that garden, or the sea, while you mark papers. Remember to breathe.

    • materfamilias
      23 September 2012 / 2:53 pm

      It all helped, stylist, garden, sea. . . . and the breathing. Thanks, Lorrie.

  7. AnPhibian
    22 September 2012 / 4:14 pm

    I also envy the zipline in your anxiety dream! (Mine just involve realizing, at the end of the semester, that I was supposed to have been teaching a course for which I never showed up). Those photos are gorgeous. Looks like a nice, peaceful environment in which to recover from anxiety dreams.

    • materfamilias
      23 September 2012 / 2:54 pm

      The zipline surprised and amused me, given the (un)likelihood of my ever finding myself in the vicinity of one in real life. Have you ever read Elaine Showalter's introduction to Teaching Literature? — the whole chapter is a collection of hers and colleague's anxiety dreams!

  8. Unknown
    22 September 2012 / 9:32 pm

    Wearing new boots is a wonderful tonic 🙂 for most things.

    • materfamilias
      23 September 2012 / 2:54 pm

      It truly is — as if wearing beloved old ones. . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.