Simple Summer Pleasures: Favourite T, Foodie Stuff, and Beach Happenings. . .

Summer Pleasure #1 Favourite but sadly ancient summer T. Gap 2007, the absolutely perfect-weight cotton knit. I think it’s its beach-faded vibe of pink and white is the best possible coloured riff on the ubiquitous marinière. Sadly, if you peer closely, you’ll note the hole front-centre, four or five inces up from the hem. There will be many more such holes, I have to say, before I let this one go. Meanwhile, if anyone finds its retail twin anywhere, let me know!

Summer Pleasure #2: A grab-bag of veggies freshly harvested from our island’s Community Gardens, placed out on the Help-Yourself stand for me to chortle over and snatch up while out on a walk. That little squash was delightful, sliced up and sautéed in butter with rosemary seasoning. The beans I just steamed lightly so as to benefit most from their just-picked flavour. And Paul still doesn’t know about the tomato. . . that one I gobbled greedily on my own. Sun-warmed fresh tomatoes — simple joy!

SP #3: Impromptu beer party on the beach with our neighbours after a sumptuously refreshing swim in our bay. Lest this sound wilder than it was, one cold bottle per swimmer was carried out to where we sat together on the hot sandstone, saltwater dripping from our happily cooled bodies, occasionally shifting position to move our towels out of the tide that greedily encroached on our conversation. Soon we were warm again, the beer finished, and we ambled back into the water for one last soak before heading back to our separate homes.

SP #4: Making lavender lemonade each morning to drink later that afternoon. 2 tablespoons of lavender sprigs in a cup of water, brought to boil and steeped for 15 minutes before adding 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Cool, strain, add 4 cups of water, and refrigerate. Serve with ice cubes and a slice or two of lemon. (Haven’t done it yet, but seriously considering SP 4.1 which might involve a splash or two of gin)

SP#5 Skinny-dipping at night with bioluminescence sparks outlining my every move. Light-producing micro-organisms make brilliant magic of the dark water, enhancing the mystery that night confers. Even as the water first startles, then soothes as my body releases the day’s heat, my swimming body is illuminated fantastically, flashes bubbling up from each kick of my feet, each swirl of my hands. Delicious. Simply delicious.

Oh. No! There will be no illustration. . . .

If you had to choose 5 Summer Pleasures of the week, what might they be? Or one? Or two? Do share!


  1. Susan B
    16 August 2012 / 7:18 pm

    These all sound so delicious, each appealing to various senses. The picture of the bag of veggies is making my lunch-ready stomach growl! We're on the downward end of a heatwave, which though it wasn't fun for many in the warmest regions, gave us rare warm summer evenings and the rich fragrance of night-blooming jasmine.

    • materfamilias
      17 August 2012 / 11:57 pm

      Night-blooming jasmine — the phrase alone is so evocative. I envy you that scent, wafting on an evening breeze. . .

  2. Unknown
    16 August 2012 / 9:23 pm

    You look so adorable in that first photo.

    • materfamilias
      17 August 2012 / 11:57 pm

      Aw, thanks!

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    16 August 2012 / 10:58 pm

    Love that top it looks so classy yet cool.
    Lavender lemonade a recipe I must steal!
    Thank you for your gentle Thursday thoughts….
    Hostess from Poet's Cove Resort.

    • materfamilias
      17 August 2012 / 11:58 pm

      My son and soon-to-be-brider were at Poet's Cove for a friend's wedding last summer — sounds like a delightful spot.

  4. Elizabeth
    17 August 2012 / 3:46 pm

    Summer pleasures:
    1. Jim and I dancing to an Elvis impersonator ( and singing along) at a community concert on the green. What made it great is we were the only couple dancing.
    2. Floating in our ocean in my little plastic blow up ring ( not a great swimmer ) enjoying the sun, sea, and view of the Long Beach, CA coastline. I wish I could skinny dip like you did but I think I would be arrested.
    3. A really lovely bottle of white Pinot Noir from a little winery we love on the central coast.
    4. An outdoor chamber music concert on a very warm Sunday evening at the Huntington Library.
    5. Riding my bike home in the night after a invigorating, relaxing yoga class. Everyone in the neighborhood had their front doors open because of the heat and I loved looking in on their illuminated lives.

    • materfamilias
      18 August 2012 / 12:01 am

      Thank you so much for sharing these! I especially love that last image, but everyone of these 5 is a charming glimpse of summer elsewhere. Dancing on the green, perfection!
      As for my skinny-dipping, while technically a public beach, our bay is very private, especially at night — I checked carefully that no neighbours were out on their decks, although I might have missed a raccoon or two . . .

  5. Anonymous
    18 August 2012 / 1:11 am

    I have skinny-dipped at night, but never in the company of bioluminescence. That lemonade does sound delicious.

    • materfamilias
      19 August 2012 / 1:08 am

      Kayaking is also wonderful when the bioluminescence is at its peak, especially during a full moon!

  6. Melanie
    18 August 2012 / 5:43 am

    Screaming sirens all day and night in the city. I have to wonder, if I lived in a place like you do, fresh garden veggies, dips in clear ocean water, quietude, would I still be so compelled to take up heavy metal music and paint as wildly as I do…? I guess I won't know the answer to this. Your water dance in bioluminescence, what a beautiful description.

    • materfamilias
      19 August 2012 / 1:09 am

      You do realize that The Screaming Sirens would be a great name for an all-female heavy metal band — and you could dress as mermaids. . . then you'd have to come dance in the bioluminescent water, for sure!

  7. LPC
    18 August 2012 / 6:02 pm

    It all sounds fantastic. And to be able to swim at night from one's own house sublime…

    • materfamilias
      19 August 2012 / 1:09 am

      You'd never catch me skinny-dipping, even at night, were I not able to sneak into the water from my own front yard. . . 😉

  8. Mardel
    16 September 2012 / 3:13 am

    I miss skinny-dipping, even if it was only in a pool.


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