BC Day — Relaxing in the Garden

On Coastal British Columbia, we’re finally enjoying the consistent summer weather that paints every outdoor activity with pure joy. And it’s BC Day today! So we have a province of folks squeezing summer out of every moment, camping, picnicking, hiking, generally taking advantage of a huge natural playground.

Here on our little island, after spending last week with our three-year-old granddaughter, then hosting mynewly-discovered daughter’s family (whose four very active children, my biological grandchildren, climbed energetically over the beach, found beachglass, turned over rocks for crabs, and swam, swam, swam) Paul and I are not planning to move any further than garden to beach today. We’ll be swapping one chair for another, positioning ourselves in sun or shade depending on time of day, and the activities will range in physical intensity from reading to knitting to cooking, perhaps, on my part. The Mister did swing his chainsaw round yesterday and announce that he was heading out to make a coffee table out of some beach logs, so he might surprise me again today. But otherwise, it’s Lazy ‘R’ Us here today.

Those of you fortunate enough to share a work-free day today, enjoy! Those of you who have to put in time earning a living, may you find some joyful moments for yourself. And to all my fellow BC’ers, Happy BC Day!


  1. Pondside
    6 August 2012 / 4:34 pm

    Hasn't the weather been glorious? We're off to climb something or hike somewhere and then find a breakfast place. Other than that there are only plans to loaf by the ponds and read. *Bliss*

    • materfamilias
      7 August 2012 / 6:44 pm

      Fabulous weather — so much so that we were quite grateful for yesterday's cloudy reprieve. Especially since the sun is back today!

  2. K.Line
    6 August 2012 / 6:53 pm

    Happy BC Day. In Ontario we have about 12 names for this holiday Monday. I have to say, just home from a very serious weekend of partying and I never want to eat, drink or go outside again (until later today, I suspect). I was actually in a (believe it or not) canoe accident in which my insanely expensive sunglasses were scratched to hell. The lenses need to be replaced entirely. But without them, I suspect I might have lost an eye on a branch – and I'm not joking. The glasses were actually thrown from my head (as was my hat) back into the canoe. We were idling along, I swear. It was just a freakish moment on a really sharp turn.

    • materfamilias
      7 August 2012 / 6:46 pm

      BC Day is a rather newly minted stat holiday here.
      So glad to hear that you survived your canoe accident (could there be a more Canadian holiday horror?) with only your glasses scratched (although I'm so sorry about those!) #couldhavebeensomuchworse

    • K.Line
      8 August 2012 / 2:08 am

      Ha! It is supremely Canadian! I hope you had a wonderful time with your family.

  3. Melanie
    6 August 2012 / 6:57 pm

    Happy BC Day to you as well! You have the perfect itinerary. How welcome and surprising it is not to have rain today! My goal for the day is to seek out a corner of sonic solitude – much needed after the booming city sounds of Saturday and Sunday, and my own noise-making!

    • materfamilias
      7 August 2012 / 6:47 pm

      Isn't it fabulous? Day after day after day of sunshine! I'm loving it! Hope you found the quiet you're seeking — the noisemaking looked like a riot (take that metaphor anyway you want!)

  4. Patricia
    6 August 2012 / 11:49 pm

    Mater, I'm sure you and Pater really need those quiet moments after a week filled with grandchildren! Enjoy! It's my birthday tomorrow and my husband has the week off work anyway, so I am happy. Our boys are gainfully employed in summer jobs – what a relief! – so we will have our quiet times this week too. P.

    • materfamilias
      7 August 2012 / 6:47 pm

      Happy Birthday, Patricia!
      How quickly these blogging years have passed so that I see your boys growing . . . have a lovely week with your husband.

  5. LPC
    7 August 2012 / 3:08 am

    Enjoy your holiday. Let us know if a coffee table materializes:).

    • materfamilias
      7 August 2012 / 6:47 pm

      Your wish is my command . . .

  6. Susan B
    7 August 2012 / 4:27 am

    I'm so glad to hear that you're getting some SUMMER, finally. And that you're taking full advantage of it. 🙂

    • materfamilias
      7 August 2012 / 6:48 pm

      Yes, I'm loving it! Worth waiting for, although I could have done without the waiting.

  7. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    7 August 2012 / 6:52 pm

    What beautiful photos. I wish I had a beach or a lovely garden to go to. It has been so hot and dry here that everything is burned up and brown.

  8. materfamilias
    7 August 2012 / 7:06 pm

    We suffered through so much rain and cool temperatures here that even with this recently arrived sunshine, we're still quite green. You have my sympathy regarding the sustained heat — I'm not good at dealing with higher temps for too long.


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