Summer Roses

More summer images. . . these are of this year’s Rosa Complicata blooms, harvested en masse as they’re being trimmed (more like razed) to make way for some gate rebuilding.

They’re one of my very favourite roses for their cheery, perfect simplicity, the clarity of their stamens’ gold against that cool, straightforward pink . . . not to mention their fragrance.

And if there’s any rose (any bloom at all, for that matter) that isn’t enhanced through juxtaposition with weathered cedar’s silvery grey, I haven’t ever met it.

If only I could convey their fresh, clean, romantic scent . . . .

or send you home with a few stems . . . .


  1. Susan B
    11 July 2012 / 12:43 am

    I love those ancient, fragrant rose varieties. And you're so right about the silver cedar backdrop.

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    11 July 2012 / 6:18 pm

    Beautiful roses mater!
    I love those cheery blooms,when I recently waltzed into a local vintage boutique the floral arrangement was a mass of these roses on very long branches and they reminded me of a Dutch Master painting.

    • materfamilias
      13 July 2012 / 5:59 am

      Nature imitates Art imitating Nature . . .

  3. Lorrie
    11 July 2012 / 8:17 pm

    I love those scented simple roses. I wonder how many women down the years have enjoyed them.

  4. Pondside
    13 July 2012 / 6:12 am

    Since we put up the deer fence (a huge undertaking, to fence more than half of our 2.5 acres) we have all kinds of wild roses grow up. They have the loveliest perfume – a real gift.
    For some reason your posts aren't coming up on my blog list. Blogger playing Silly Bloggers again.

    • materfamilias
      17 July 2012 / 9:16 pm

      Funny, I noticed that problem with blogs I should see through Google Reader, not coming through. Seems to have been corrected. Yours too?


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