Island Time, Summer Time

This morning, I’ve woken up in a Victoria hotel, the noises of a city thrumming just the other side of the heavy sleep curtains. I drove down yesterday afternoon to join in the shower festivities for my future daughter-in-law. Fun to meet her friends and family, but I’m anxious to get back home now, not wanting to squander any more of the delights of an island summer day. Moments like these, for example . . . Paul and I walked to the tiny lake (pond, really) tucked into a corner of a beach-fronted park. We wanted to see if the water lilies were blooming yet, and yes, they are, but only just beginning, and they’re hard to photograph, tucked under the parent leaves. If you click to enlarge the photo above — or if you’re very sharp-eyed — you’ll see a yellow globe just in from the left edge, just in front of the mass of leaves.

But even without any flowers, the pond with its covering of duckweed plays a pretty tune with sun and shadow, no?

The willow, leaning in to make the scene even more poetic . . .

Enjoy your Sunday . . . may sun and shadow offer you their comforts, too . . . As for me, two hours from now, if the drive goes as planned, I’ll be sitting in a lounge chair on the deck, with a book. Ah, summer. . .


  1. Pondside
    8 July 2012 / 4:16 pm

    By now you must be nearly home.
    I hate to squander a summer weekend, especially since I work all week. I have become miserly with the good days – wanting to stay home, in the garden. Even weeding is preferable to being in town!

    • materfamilias
      9 July 2012 / 1:00 am

      Exactly! I'm hanging on tight to the goodness, garden, beach, book, chair. Even weeding!

  2. LPC
    8 July 2012 / 4:28 pm

    Waterlilies are the most wonderful thing.

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    8 July 2012 / 5:57 pm

    What a beautiful day for a drive over the "Hat" I love to listen to Diana Krall's Departure Bay when cruising along that stretch of highway.

    Those cheery coloured chairs await your arrival home!

    • materfamilias
      9 July 2012 / 1:01 am

      I forgot to bring my CDs, if you can believe it! But the drive was beautiful and I enjoyed the quiet.

  4. Unknown
    8 July 2012 / 6:29 pm

    I bet you're there by now…
    I'm envious…what are you reading and where can I buy those great chairs?

    • materfamilias
      8 July 2012 / 7:15 pm

      Reading Toni Morrison's Home. . . as for the chairs, I added the link back on the original post, below their picture.

  5. Unknown
    8 July 2012 / 6:47 pm

    I love that last photo with the willow leaves just touching the water surface.

    I wish you hours of peaceful reading.

  6. K.Line
    9 July 2012 / 12:51 am

    Looks awesome! Enjoy.

  7. materfamilias
    9 July 2012 / 1:02 am

    Susan, Kristin, thanks — hope you're making the most of the weekend as well.

  8. Anonymous
    9 July 2012 / 3:30 am

    This is a lovely spot…and in no time at all, you'll have gorgeous water lilies to admire.


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