More Tulips, Some Bikes, and a Lamb . . .

If you thoughtlast post’s record of our visit to the Keukenhof Gardens was enough, or beyond that, you may want to click yourself away. More of the same here. . . .

 A bit over-enthusiastic, I realized I’d loaded 26 photos into this post, at first. Some culling was in order . . . But this one (above) stayed because of its indication of scope . . .

 The one below for a reminder of how effect geometries can be — plus the use of muscari, planted densely is something we’d like to try at home, on a much more modest scale, obviously.

 And this photo needs no explanation for why it got to stay — are these not glorious?! Oh My!

 Above and below, a tulip called Sunlover — obviously a tendency to flop, but I’d forgive it . . .

 And here, above and below for another indication of scope as well as a reminder of the importance of trees in creating a sense of intimate tranquility.

 As for tranquility, nothing like throwing a swan or two into the scene . . .

 I’d say this sculpture below rather captures the spirit of calm . . . Clicking to enlarge should show why Paul couldn’t help reciting the mantra he’d learned in his yoga classes this past year: The divine in me bows down to the divine in you.

 Finally, as we leave the gardens, one last blast of colour . . .

 to ready us for the stunning explosions on the horizon as Paul and I cycled the surrounding area’s tulip fields

 We were late in the day, on a very busy day, for renting, so we ended up with pedal-brake bikes like those of my childhood, and I had a close call or two as I adjusted. But really, with no hills to speak of, the pedalling was pleasant and easy.

 We had hoped to do a 3-hour loop which should have taken us to the dunes at the North Sea. Sadly (and not without a minor argument or two) we turned right when we should have turned left, and by the time we were sure of what had gone wrong, recovering the route would have added 45 minutes or so to our planned ride — and we were at a busy roundabout, a bit frazzled. Someone was a bit cranky at not getting to have her idealized beer and fries/mayonnaise at a seaside cafe, but there was concern expressed about needing to get the bus back from Keukenhof to the train station so that we could return to Amsterdam in order to get the train to Bordeaux early the next morning. Sometimes compromises must be made, and sometimes, she catches herself in time and realizes that bitching at whomever made the wrong turn is really childish . . . sometimes . . .

 Here she is, pre-bitchy, bikes in the foreground, tulip stripes in the background. Une Femmewill note that I am taking this Canadian-label (Linda Lundstrom) over/raincoat to Paris with me, and that I’ve had it for several years, scooping those Parisiennes (Sue posted that she saw quite a few of these in the city of light — I’m ready!)

 And now I’ll stop talking and just let you feast your eyes . . .

 And before we leave the tulip fields, look at this little fellow, out helping his owner do some gardening. Much cuter than my lawnmower . . . .

So there we go. I’ve winnowed a bit from a visually stunning day, and I hope you’ve enjoyed the tour. Not sure how I’ll ever keep up with posting, as I’ve now got a camera full of Bordeaux photos and a journal full of notes, a head overlowing with impressions and vignettes I’d love to share.

As well, I’d love to keep up with commenting on your blogs, but I hope you’ll understand that I need to spend most of the holiday with the man I’m travelling with. Seems only polite, right? So tonight we’re heading out for dinner to a place we discovered serendipitously last year on our first night in Bordeaux — I love layering memories over top of one another. . . .


  1. That's Not My Age
    9 May 2012 / 5:59 pm

    Wow – the colour of those tulips, so intense. Beautiful. Hope you're having a wonderful trip – despite the lack of beer/ frites & mayo. And the Dylan Hotel looks fabulous.

    • materfamilias
      10 May 2012 / 6:13 pm

      You'd love the Dylan, I know this!

  2. Patricia
    9 May 2012 / 9:32 pm

    Hi Mater – beautiful photos in the last two posts, what gorgeous flowers! We, too, lost our way on bikes in a foreign land – in that case, we became separated from the boys and spent a long while texting and biking to and fro trying to find them. Frazzled is definitely the word for my mood then!
    So now you are in France – have a wonderful time there, it will be so relaxing.

    • materfamilias
      10 May 2012 / 6:14 pm

      That would be most upsetting, being separated from the kids (from a parental perspective, at least, considering their age. . . )

  3. Lorrie
    9 May 2012 / 10:28 pm

    Oh yes, spend time BEING there, not blogging. Plenty of time for that later. I'm amazed that you're posting!

    Gorgeous colour in flowing lines. Mass plantings really do have a stunning effect.

    • materfamilias
      10 May 2012 / 6:15 pm

      I'm enjoying posting occasionally because we have the house, and I suppose it's a way I feel at home, grabbing a few minutes before Paul gets up in the morning, or when he's putting together dinner or lunch. (yes, I'm spoiled)

  4. LPC
    10 May 2012 / 3:21 am

    Oh you are SO CUTE! And the flowers and orange bicycles are OK too.;)

    • materfamilias
      10 May 2012 / 6:17 pm

      Merci, on essaye . . .

  5. Pondside
    11 May 2012 / 7:03 am

    Layering memories – oh yes, make many, many layers. That's what I love to do. Can't wait to 'see' Bordeaux.

  6. Unknown
    25 May 2012 / 11:17 pm

    What a photo feast! You look adorable in that photo with your bicycle. Are you having fun yet?


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.