Spring Colours . . .

 I’ve crammed ever so many hours of work into the last four days, wanting to free up time for my son and future daughter-in-law’s visit this weekend. Today’s usually my work-at-home today, but instead I’m getting my hair done this afternoon after meeting my husband in town for lunch. (“In town” is islander talk for the big world the ferry takes us to, where people where actual shoes instead of Helly Hanson boots . . . ).

 So having squeezed an hour’s run into my morning, I have to rush through a shower, dress, and catch that ferry. Not much time for blogging, although I did post some mystery recommendations over at my Reading Blog.

 If I had time to write more, I’d probably just be complaining about the dismal grey weather and how very busy I am, which is boring, right? So it’s much better that I just share these pictures of astonishingly charming hellebores basking in last week’s brilliant sunshine.

 A spring bag in that green? Or shoes? A scarf?

 It might smell skunky, the Hellebore foetidus, but it’s pale green blooms are the bomb!

 Although its purple cousins and neighbours offer a dramatic contrast, creamy stamens against that boldly regal shade.

 And there are more, darker blooms to come . . .

That’s it. I’d better dash, but I have a What I Wore post lined up (featuring a new pair of Paris walking shoes). Hope your weekend is shaping up nicely. Are you worrying about that hour will lose when Spring springs forward on Sunday or will you surrender it happily in favour of longer light in the evening?


  1. Mardel
    9 March 2012 / 7:30 pm

    pretty, pretty, pretty.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2012 / 5:42 am

      Don't you love spring!

  2. Lorrie
    9 March 2012 / 10:21 pm

    I'll take a scarf in each of those colours, please. Or a bag.

    I'm not a fan of the time change. Leave it where it is, I say. One way or the other.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2012 / 5:43 am

      I will love the longer evenings but have a tough time adapting for the next week or so.

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    10 March 2012 / 1:46 am

    Love your hellebores they are such stalwart performers. I agree we need to chase away the grey and invite colour into our days. Maybe the sun will shine…fingers crossed.
    Hope you have a great weekend sounds like fun, maybe there's some wedding planning on the agenda 🙂

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2012 / 5:43 am

      Oh, there is definitely wedding planning happening . . .

  4. Northmoon
    10 March 2012 / 1:35 pm

    I dread this time change. I have to be at a meeting Monday at 8:30am sharp and I just know I'll be half asleep!

    Love the hellebores colours – want more spring right away. We just barely have snowdrops up in Toronto and it's cold today.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2012 / 5:45 am

      I don't do the time change well either.
      Any time I've had the chance to get back East in April/May, I've been astounded in the difference in our springs — ours stretches out luxuriously, beginning so much earlier, and the changes are incremental, subtle. Yours takes longer but is amazingly quick. I love its drama!

    • Northmoon
      11 March 2012 / 12:37 pm

      Yes, I've heard a joke that our spring is one week in May!

  5. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    10 March 2012 / 11:51 pm

    I detest the time changes. I wish they would just leave it one way or the other.
    Your photos are just beautiful.

    • materfamilias
      11 March 2012 / 5:46 am

      Thanks, Debbi — I have fun taking them and it's even more fun to imagine an audience enjoying them as well.


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