Random Bits In Search of a Title

I have so little to say that’s not about how busy I am, and that’s just boring. But I have a (very) few random tidbits to share, and I’ll try to do better tomorrow.

1. Have you seen this open letter from Elissa at Dress With Courage to Spanx? Bravo, I say, Bravo! These undergarments may seem helpful as they disguise our extra layers to let us strut our stuff in our new leather Celine sheath (yeah, sure!), but plunking down cash to torture our bodies puts us in a dangerous game. Ms. Elissa tells it like it is!

2. Our cable package doesn’t include any channel that shows Mad Men (or Downton Abbey for that matter). I know! But we already pay $60 monthly just for that package (that is, it doesn’t include phone or internet) and  we pay for another hook-up in the apartment, so we’re unwilling to subscribe to a more expensive package. Plus I generally prefer DVD’s of the season — better subtitling for my hearing-impaired self and no annoying commercial interruptions. But Une Femme’s clip from the Mad Men season-opener was the straw that broke this camel’s back after hearing all the anticipation over Season 5. So I went on-line yesterday and found we could watch the episodehere. My computer has a large screen although the sound is only adequate. I’ve watched episodes on it before (either free on-line from the network or downloaded from iTunes — I’m a bit righteous about piracy), but never experienced such smooth streaming. We’re re-evaluating our approach to home media, now, although for the next while, we’re probably too distracted/busy to action any changes. . . .I’m curious to know, though, what new delivery technologies you’ve taken advantage of.  Were they difficult to set up? Do you like them? Do they cost more or less?

3. And finally, can I share a little Nana anecdote? Weekend before last, in our favourite crêpe place in Vancouver, Paul and I sit chatting with one daughter, comfortably ensconced in a corner banquette. We look up to see the door open and Little Girl hurtles across the room to hug her Nana. Lovely. More hugging, much joking, chatter about the Honduras trip she’s just been on with her parents (I’ve been on lots of planes, Nana). We wiggle her sweater over her head, and settle down to consider her order. She decides on what she had last time, the crêpe filled with strawberries and topped with whipped cream, and she wonders what I’m having. I tell her: the usual, #5 on buckwheat; it’s filled with melted cheese and apples, topped with sausages. And I add, remembering our last visit here, “And you’ll steal one of my sausages.” She looks up at me solemnly and says, “You’re going to share your sausage, Nana. You always share it.”


  1. LPC
    29 March 2012 / 3:28 pm

    From the mouths of babes. They are also probably the ones to best prescribe a home media strategy, in the absence of Mr. Jobs:).

    • materfamilias
      30 March 2012 / 4:20 pm

      It's true — we try to take advantage of the kids' expertise when they're home. . .

  2. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    29 March 2012 / 3:47 pm

    Sweet Nana story.
    I totally agree with Elissa. I flatly refuse to wear any shapewear. Wearing it can cause problems with acid reflux of which I already have enough issues. I even buy my Not Your Daughter's jeans a size up so they will be more comfortable since they have "tummy tuck technology."

    • materfamilias
      30 March 2012 / 4:20 pm

      I share your reflux pain! And binding waistbands do not help at all.

  3. Duchesse
    29 March 2012 / 4:07 pm

    Nola: Awww
    Spanx rant: Yes! I too have posted on the uncomfortable and body-loathing ab(d)omination that is Spanx. If I can't wear a piece with a good bra, no-line panty and if needed, slip, then it't not for me. A saleswoman in a beautiful boutique said she does not wear them b/c they make mature women look even bigger, shifting the loose bits to waist or bust. I agree.

    • materfamilias
      30 March 2012 / 4:23 pm

      Love your Spanx pun — ab(d)omination!

  4. Lorrie
    30 March 2012 / 1:25 am

    I've never tried Spanx because they don't seem very comfortable to me, either.

    As to Mad Men, I've not jumped on that bandwagon yet, but keep hearing about it. We didn't have cable for a few years, but were called by the company and offered a deal we couldn't refuse. We'll see what the renewal comes in at. And we watch movies on Netflix – which also has Mad Men. Hmmmm.

    Love the Nana anecdote – is there anything sweeter than a little girl who loves you?

    • materfamilias
      30 March 2012 / 4:25 pm

      We haven't got organized for Netflix yet — I guess it requires hooking computer to TV, and I wonder if our TV would need updating (i.e. replacement). It's all so much effort, especially since new equipment and service people have to be brought to the island, never too easy.

  5. K.Line
    30 March 2012 / 4:19 am

    I have to go and read the Spanx article – I really can't get with that stuff (maybe the writer's reasons will mimic my own). And what a sweetie Nola is – very smart at such a young age 🙂

    • materfamilias
      30 March 2012 / 4:26 pm

      Well, we think she's awfully clever, of course!
      As for the Spanx letter, I'd be curious to see what you think. Suspect you'll be right with her.

  6. indigo16
    30 March 2012 / 10:58 am

    I know exactly what you mean about r-blogging the whole "I'm sooo busy” stuff; I feel I’ve exhausted that whole vein and yet the work load never lightens.
    I too refuse to pay for cable so for the first time ever missed Mad Men, I have decided to wait for the DVD but much of it has been plastered across the newspapers coupled with a large amount of spoilers from critics, to which I am drawn to read like a moth to a flame!
    I rarely watched it on television I prefer to watch it with headphones on the computer, sadly unless my sister can find a way for me to access her Sky account I will have to wait this series out.
    I love the logic of children, Kitty once told someone that Emin had 'Mustapha' in his heart not God!

    • materfamilias
      30 March 2012 / 4:27 pm

      Do you have an extra lag to contend with, re Mad Men, in that it's released later there than over here? And I do wonder if you would be able to access the AMC site on your computer for each week's episode?


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