Break-ing Stripes

 We’re at the start of Reading Break now, and just in time! Besides running a Half Marathon last weekend, I’ve had a number of smaller commitments that have added up to fatigue (went to bed Wednesday night at 9, slept through ’til almost 7!). As might be expected, the Break is already scheduled with all those faculty, department, and committee meetings that can’t be fit in during teaching days. And, of course, I’ve brought home stacks of marking, and I have to hunker down and reread the two novels I’ll be teaching when classes resume. But no huge expenditures of adrenaline in the next week. Such a relief.

 A similar kind of relief, in fact, to what I take from knitting stocking stitch. I’ve got several more complicated knitting projects on the backburner (colourwork mittens, a lace scarf), and I’m finally coming down the homestretch on seaming my dress. But for knitting in the evenings while watching a favourite TV series on DVD, nothing beats watching a Noro colourway reveal itself in alternate stripes against a complementary solid.  This is the back of a V-neck sweater I’m making myself — it’s somewhat darker, more purpley than it looks on the screen. . .

 The three photos below picture the Front and Back of a V-neck Vest I’m making for Pater. Below, you can see the front, on the left, with right (as in outside) side facing. I was actually tempted to seam it up with the more muted wrong side showing (as you see on the right, below).

 But Pater’s more comfortable keeping the right side on the right side, and he’d be the one wearing it so that’s what he’ll get.

 Still, I’m planning to make a few more for the other guys in the family, and if any of them are willing to be a bit more experimental, I really think the muted texture of the reverse stockinette is quite effective. What do you think?

Now I’m off to check train schedules for getting from Amsterdam to Paris in May . . . wonder what I’ll be knitting while looking out that train window. . .


  1. Lorrie
    18 February 2012 / 1:09 am

    I love the blue variations in that first project. Reminds me of the ocean on a sunny day with light sparkling off the waves.

    Enjoy the break – it's a change of pace at least.

    • materfamilias
      19 February 2012 / 4:59 pm

      Yes! My grandpa always used to say, "A change is as good as a rest." Dear man, for much of his life, he pretty much had to believe it, getting very little rest.

  2. Susan B
    18 February 2012 / 2:51 am

    I'm just so in awe of those of you who are able to knit, and stripes!! I do love the inside-out special effect on that sweater, how does it do that when the stripe colors all look so similar on the outside? It's a mystery and a wonder to me.

    Hope you're able to relax and enjoy your non-classroom week.

    • materfamilias
      19 February 2012 / 5:01 pm

      Isn't it interesting, Sue, what a different effect the reverse of the stitch creates — so beautifully muted. But really, it's all much easier than it looks, though if I can create mystery and wonder, I really should just embrace it! 😉

  3. Diane
    18 February 2012 / 3:44 pm

    Your knitting looks so beautiful and artisan! Mater, between teaching, running, knitting, style maven, opera aficionado, travel enthusiast …. is there anything you can't do???? And I agree with you, I like the reverse side in the pictures, but it is hard to tell. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    • materfamilias
      19 February 2012 / 5:02 pm

      Aw, thanks! Isn't it great the way a blog lets me represent myself selectively, so I don't tend to demonstrate all that I can't do, or do poorly. . . 😉
      Hope your weekend is great as well.

  4. Anonymous
    19 February 2012 / 5:07 am

    How fun it would be to be planning a trip and thinking about knitting en route. We still have three weeks before our break.

    • materfamilias
      19 February 2012 / 5:04 pm

      So will yours be a mid-term break? Or between terms? I seem to remember we began two weeks after you, in January. We've just completed 7 weeks of term; after the break there are 6 more before exams. Light. Tunnel. . .

  5. Mardel
    24 February 2012 / 5:42 pm

    Oh I love the stripes and the alternating colors. I'm rather more partial to the muted side but my guy would want his knitting right side out as well.


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