Happy New Year!

I wasn’t going to bother posting again today, but somehow came across last year’sNew Year’s post which featured the sea, sky, and boats right in front of our place. A bit earlier today, I’d Tweeted this photo above, taken today, of some energetic outrigger paddlers starting the year out right. And I thought it might be fun to begin a new tradition (although whether I remember this next New Year’s remains to be seen!), so I can compare New Year’s seascape shots here from year to year. Obviously, it’s cloudier today than it was last New Year’s — wonder what it will be like next year. . . 

And posting today allows me to maintain another blogging tradition  — my New Year’s reference to this 2008 New Year’s post, a wish inspired by a colleague that we all might resolve to Want what we Have! It still seems quite eminently sensible and worthy a goal to me (and perhaps you won’t be surprised to know that I managed to work Paris in). Happy 2012!


  1. Raquelita
    2 January 2012 / 2:50 am

    Happy New Year, dear blogging friend! I love the symbolism of your post and the fact that you managed to work in Paris (though for me it would be Madrid).

  2. Anonymous
    2 January 2012 / 6:24 am

    It is a good blessing…and thank you for the reminder.

  3. Mardel
    2 January 2012 / 2:06 pm

    The Sea! The Sea!

    A good reminder of how lucky we are and how much we take what we have for granted.

  4. materfamilias
    4 January 2012 / 8:35 pm

    Raquelita — we're really hoping to get to Barcelona this year, so same country, at least. . .
    Terri: Blessing-counting is so important at New Year's, I think.
    Mardel: Do you know Tim Wynne-Joynes' Zoom at Sea? A wonderful children's book with an exultant cry something like yours above. You and Owen might like it.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.