Under the Ax . . . Visible Monday!

Back home from our Vancouver weekend, almost finished this round of marking, and I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone — get Pater to get a Visible Monday shot or two and help him chop some kindling. Don’t be deceived by my lack of a coat: It’s chilly outside, hovering around the freezing mark during the daytime, and we need to keep the fire stoked.

To be honest, Pater was managing quite well without me, but it’s been a few years since I’ve swung that ax, and the little kindling ax you see on the chopping stump above was calling out to me. I remembered how well it fit my hand

and couldn’t resist giving it a try.

And it did all come back to me, just like the proverbial bike-riding. . .

My Visible Monday get-up? Gap cord skinnies, a fabulous fit at a great price — I highly recommend these, especially since they have a great mid-rise fit. Worn with a Club Monaco very fine wool blend t-neck, also a very useful item, under a black cashmere tunic by Maiko, several years old, and a pair of black patent leather brogues by Browns, also wardrobe oldsters. Ditto the leopard-print flower brooch by Pleasant Pheasant.

As always, on Mondays, be sure to check out the rest of the gang over at Patti’s. The collection of Visible Women is always inspiring!


  1. Adrienne Shubin
    13 December 2011 / 1:48 am


    I linked up to Visible Monday, too.

    Chopping wood – what great exercise! The kind of exercise that gives you real results in the form of kindling.

    That leopard brooch really caught my eye. It's so chic and feminine.

    Am following you now…thank you for stopping by blog today.


  2. Duchesse
    13 December 2011 / 2:08 am

    You must be the first woman ever to chop kindling in a leopard brooch! Really admire how it 'sparks' your outfit.

  3. Susan Tiner
    13 December 2011 / 2:15 am

    So good to see Adrienne here now too. You look strong and happy. Stay warm.

  4. Patti @ NotDeadYet Style
    13 December 2011 / 2:36 am

    As Duchesse said, this is not an everyday sight – a fashionable woman in a leopard brooch, wielding her ax. I must check out the Gap skinny cords, they look great. Thanks for linking up to Visible Monday!

  5. LPC
    13 December 2011 / 3:09 am

    Oh my god. You look great. Go wood choppers, the sport of Sturdy Gals all over the world:).

  6. Raquelita
    13 December 2011 / 12:41 pm

    That brooch is stellar! I would imagine that chopping wood is good therapy for a long marking session….

  7. Susan B
    13 December 2011 / 2:28 pm

    Love the action shots! Will have to check out those Gap cords. You look smashing, or should I say, "splitting!"

  8. indigo16
    14 December 2011 / 2:46 pm

    I love those cords. In fact since Kitty started working at GAP I have loved all the trousers she has bought. She tell me that having dumped the designed a new look is on its way, which I am looking forward too. I really hope they improve the fabrics if nothing else.

  9. materfamilias
    15 December 2011 / 4:06 pm

    Adrienne: Thanks so much for following me! Visible Monday has been great for discovering new blogs, and I'll be following yours as well.
    Duchesse: I didn't chop for long, I must admit . . . the brooch is fun, isn't it? I was pleased to re-discover it recently, tucked away in a drawer.
    Susan T: Thanks!
    Patti: They're actually the mid-rise Jean Leggings; I double-checked. They're SO comfortable!
    Lisa: Yay! I love boosting my Sturdy Gal street cred!
    Raquelita: Yep! Perfect therapy . . .
    Sue: Fun for a change to shake up the photo sessions a bit, as you did recently. See my comment to Patti re Gap cords
    Alison: They really do fall down on fabric quality. Design is often decent, but just not worth it if the fabric already feels poor even before washing.

  10. CatCat
    22 December 2011 / 7:55 am

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