Festive Visibility

As my last post outlined, I’ve turned the corner from Grinch to Christmas convert,coincidental with marking that last paper and filing that last grade. Of course I’ll have to spend some time this week preparing for the start of next term, but I can afford to take a few days off now. And first on the agenda is some holiday visiting, and I had the outfit all ready to go.

I usually like what I put together to rely mainly on older pieces, supplemented by a few newer items to freshen the look. But except for my necklace (Birks, two years old), everything I’m wearing is sparkling new. . . However, I used to have a pair of black velvet leggings, must have been from the early 90s. Somehow I gave them away along with a silver Lurex long v-neck tunic. I’d hung on to both for many years, and I know why. They’re festive and versatile and as soon as I spotted these two pieces in my local gem of a boutique, I grabbed them.

You may have noticed that my curls have been swapped out for straight hair. My stylist did her magic with the flatiron and I managed to get another day from the look, although it’s not as glam and sleek as she had it the day before. It always amuses me to wear it this way and have people not recognize me, then do a double take. (I know: simple things amuse simple minds, but we curlyheads don’t get too much variety, you know?)

And, of course, I got to wear my new Marc Jacobs studded mouse shoes, not my most frugal or practical purchase ever, but they do say “Christmas spirit,” no?

So, the rundown?

Top: Spanner; leggings: Sandwich; Shoes: Marc Jacob; Beads; Birks; watch: Hermès; First Nations carved silver bracelet, almost 20 years now, spent mainly on my right wrist (So I did end up having an older item in my outfit; it’s just such a part of me I almost forgot it!).

As soon as I post this, I’m going to rush over to Patti’s and see what kind of festivities are going on there at Visible Monday. I’m sure there’ll be a party outfit or two among the participants. You should check it out as well — she always has a great gathering.

I also ended up linking to the Monday Mingle round-up at MomTrends. This is fun to visit as well.


  1. K.Line
    19 December 2011 / 10:24 pm

    I love your hair! And I can't believe you bought those cute shoes. Sometimes it's great to own something that isn't practical – esp. when it's adorable, or festive, or both!

  2. Adrienne Shubin
    19 December 2011 / 10:36 pm

    Those shoes are so great! I would love a pair like that.

    Your outfit looks chic and comfortable and your hair looks terrific straightened.

    See you over at Visible Monday!


  3. Lorrie
    19 December 2011 / 11:31 pm

    Your outfit looks both chic and comfortable. Love the shoes.
    Curly hair is very versatile – if you have a flatiron, or a stylist with one. You look great either curly or straight.

  4. pavlova
    19 December 2011 / 11:44 pm

    You look fantastic!! LOVE the shoes….I think you will
    get lots of use from them….xx

  5. Patti @ NotDeadYet Style
    20 December 2011 / 12:06 am

    You look terrific in your holiday-inspired outfit, Frances. Love your hair styled straight! And of course, MJ shoes, always a good thing. Thanks so much for linking up to Visible Monday.

  6. Duchesse
    20 December 2011 / 12:12 am

    I just love that, when you "meet" an echo of something you loved once, and find its updated version. You look so festive yet relaxed! Admire how the striped meet the vertical block, great effect. Like the curls best, but have my reasons. You can't help but have fun in this!

  7. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    20 December 2011 / 12:50 am

    Very festive outfit. I would love to see a close up of the First Nations bracelet. You look great in the sweater and I have seen those MJ shoes before==they are so unique.

  8. hostess of the humble bungalow
    20 December 2011 / 1:50 am

    I like this look, and your hair looks amazing straight!
    It would be much more work to keep it that way.
    I think change is good and you look like a new woman!

    I can't tell but the necklace is it a pearl one?
    Happy Holidays!

  9. materfamilias
    20 December 2011 / 2:35 am

    Kristin: Glad you approve of the shoes! They were a splurge but they do make me happy and I figure I'll get many years of Christmas wear out of them, at the very least.
    Adrienne: I've been over there — love your dress and accompanying bling!
    Lorrie: Not so very versatile, really, in our climate. I tried to extend the life of the hairstyle but the humidity keeps frizzing it up and tomorrow I'll be back to curls again. Oh well, could be worse. . .
    Pavlova: I think so too — I'll be working down their CPW over many future years 😉
    Patti: Thanks!
    Duchesse: I favour the curls myself, but it's nice to have a change. You've got an observant eye — I really like that vertical block at the sides as well. And what a good way you put "finding an updated version" — meeting an echo of a look I once loved. Exactly!
    Debbie: I'll try to remember to get a photo of it one of these days. It's my most-worn piece of jewelry, almost a talisman for me.
    Hostess: You're so right — it's too much work for me to keep my hair straight, especially in our rainy climate.
    As for the necklace, they're beads of textured "chocolate gold" (with one accent silver bead).

  10. Lisa
    20 December 2011 / 2:00 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Susan Tiner
    20 December 2011 / 9:14 pm

    Your hair looks great but I miss the curls!

    Those shoes are very festive, good choice.

    I like the whole outfit.

  12. Patricia
    21 December 2011 / 4:02 pm

    I love this look! I noticed the vertical block on the tunic too – it's very cool. I've also admired those beads of yours for a while now. A perfect outfit! P.

  13. materfamilias
    21 December 2011 / 4:32 pm

    Susan: Thanks! And don't worry, the curls are back (they started springing into action at the first hint of moisture . . . )
    Patricia: Thank you — I have to admit I'm quite pleased with the combo, comfy yet festive. I suspect it will become a staple.

  14. Raquelita
    21 December 2011 / 5:20 pm

    I think it's fun to change up the hair for a day or two! I like your curls a lot, but your hair looks fabulous straight as well.

  15. Nicole Feliciano
    22 December 2011 / 5:13 am

    Glad you found the holiday spirit. Thanks so much for showing off your style and linking up on Monday Mingle.

  16. materfamilias
    22 December 2011 / 7:23 pm

    Raquelita: Exactly! It's just nice to have some variety.
    Nicole: Thanks for organizing the link-up. Such fun!

  17. LPC
    25 December 2011 / 7:01 pm

    Oh my gosh you look kind of like a movie star! Beautiful.

  18. do,write. read
    10 January 2012 / 12:44 am

    MOM! you look so pretty. I totally see the resemblance between you and Rhi in the last picture. 🙂


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