Christmas Moments — A Child’s Focus

 The last set of family departs later today, taking our little granddaughter away with them. I’ve loved the “five days of Christmas” with a houseful, but I’m ready for some quiet now, already snuggling in my armchair with a book before the rest of the house awakens. Once they’re gone, Paul and I will settle back into our own company, a fridge full of leftovers ensuring our survival should we not wish to leave the house. I’ve got some knitting to sort — old projects need to be rethought and then completed, so that I’m free to begin a new one. In a day or two, I have to write up my course outlines for next week’s classes. And I’ve got a rainy run or two to work off turkey and trifle and tourtière (who knew those T’s could be so hard on the middle!).

 But I think I’ll break up my hibernation with some posts of my favourite Christmas moments. I’m going to try to get these up in a quick series of posts, so that I’m ready to move on to whatever presents itself. I anticipate 4 or 5 quick photo-stories over the next day or two and hope you enjoy the record of our island Christmas.

In these snaps, I was happy to capture that focused absorption that a child can bring to a single, simple gift, excluding all the chaos of opening that beckons from the pile under the tree. By this point, she’d opened several other packages, but these Nativity Scene paper dolls fascinated her. A lesson here, if we wanted to stop and parse it. I won’t, for now, but will let the image speak for itself.

Perhaps it will recall similar moments held in your memories. Would you share?


  1. Susan Tiner
    27 December 2011 / 6:19 pm

    That first image of Nola laying out the nativity figures is so sweet.

    Enjoy your quiet time this week Mater.

  2. Lorrie
    27 December 2011 / 9:01 pm

    I remember a Christmas morning when, after all five of us piled on our bed and opened stockings together, our 8 year-old daughter said, "This is the best Christmas ever."

    Before the tree gifts. Before the dinner and company. I think she was expressing her joy at being together.

    What lovely focus you've caught in these photos, Mater. Enjoy the quiet.

  3. K.Line
    27 December 2011 / 10:21 pm

    Those jammies are the cutest! And I'm always amazed by how kids can sit on the floor with their knees inside out. We'd be crippled by it, but they're all absorbed by gifts, not giving it a second thought 🙂

  4. Mardel
    28 December 2011 / 12:10 pm

    Truly the sweetest photos.

    I had almost forgotten that absorption in a perfect gift but this Christmas reminded me as grandson Owen sat playing with his gift from Santa, the only thing he had asked for,, and sharing it with grandpa while his parents and I made breakfast then sat around the tree enjoying coffee and pleasant conversation while we waited for the next stage.

  5. LPC
    28 December 2011 / 2:52 pm

    And also those toes! We had a similar moment, in which my 8-year old niece, of course, liked the large slow cooker carton as much as anything else. Even at 8, almost 9, she climbed in. I like the abundance of Christmas, but also those little moments, all at once.

  6. materfamilias
    30 December 2011 / 12:38 am

    Thanks, Susan.
    Lorrie: exactly the kind of anecdote I was looking for. Priceless!
    Kristin: Aren't they? She was going to be a polar bear for Halloween. . .
    And yes, the infamous W position — my MIL, a kindergarten teacher, used to assure me it was terrible and should be stopped. Really?? How??!
    Mardel: I love that image of your grandson. We're really good about pacing here, and it's something I love about our Christmases together. The coffee, breakfast, conversation punctuated by gifts. . .
    Lisa: Yes! The co-existence, absolutely. And I love that 8-9 (even 11) age, close to teen, but still willing to offer up innocence, be open . . .to youth, silly fun . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.