Christmas is Coming. . . Ready or Not . . .

 Perhaps because I made such a big dent in the marking pile yesterday, perhaps because my blogging peers are so inspiring, perhaps because of those CDs I carolled along with yesterday. . . . who knows, but I’m beginning to anticipate the upcoming celebrations, and I’m noticing beauties of the season all about. The droplets on this barren maple tree, for example, don’t they glimmer like little Christmas ornaments all over the almost red branches?

 Heading out on my run this morning, I had to head back in for my camera, and once I’d captured a few shots here, I spied a few other wintry delights nearby. I’ll show you over the next few days, and I’m going to link back to some favourite Christmas posts from years gone by, if you don’t mind. . .

This one, for instance, letting my little granddaughter show us how to make the most of the small pleasures of Christmas, spreading them out for maximum enjoyment. I’m off to get my hair done this morning, and I’m going to consider the morning a Christmas treat for me, and get my husband to meet me for lunch afterwards, a new tradition of “Festive Lunch With my Man the Penultimate Friday Before Christmas” — let’s see if it catches on! What about you? How are you savouring the season today, this very moment, for yourself?


  1. Susan Tiner
    16 December 2011 / 5:43 pm

    Lovely winter scenes. And the photos of your run along the water, so beautiful.

    I am glad to hear the marking pile is a little bit smaller.

    It's good to focus on the small pleasures, like singing.

  2. Raquelita
    16 December 2011 / 5:46 pm

    I am savoring shopping for little presents here and there and trying to balance work with play by doing things like listening to the She and Him Christmas album while doing a little bit of easy work (writing a syllabus and making a schedule).

  3. materfamilias
    18 December 2011 / 5:25 pm

    Susan T: Yes, singing is the perfect way to bring on the spirit. I especially remember one year when I sang (Alto) in a (Catholic) church choir under the direction of a superb organist. We sang Mozart's Ave Verum, such perfection. And 4 decades later, I still sing an Alto line to Joy to the World . . .
    Raquelita: It helps to have finished marking! I'm going to put off next term's course outlines for a few days. . . And I downloaded She & Him's Christmas album, ran to it yesterday.


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