Visible Indeed! Falling for Red. . .

When I first saw this sweater in my local favourite boutique, I was instantly attracted to it, but walked away knowing it wasn’t entirely practical. By the time it’s cold enough outside to wear it, the classrooms are heating up and the cozy wool-angora mix is sure to trigger this phenomenon peculiar to women “of a certain age.”

But some garments just hook you, and this one brought me back to the shop for a second look, and a try, and then resistance was futile. Perfect for those fall days when temps are in the mid-teens, skies are blue, air is crisp . . .

As you can see, it’s as much tunic as sweater, with a wide flare at both sides, quite a bit of swing. Pater doesn’t love it, preferring garments that divulge shape more clearly, but he concedes that if it makes me feel perky, that’s an attraction of its own. So far, I’ve layered it over a slim denim skirt with dark tights and a heel. It doesn’t work well with pants unless they’re slim, as are these skinny jeans. And while I’m not sure I’d trust its heat in the classroom, it’s great for days when I’m sitting too long at the desk in my drafty office, not generating enough heat on my own. Why, the red alone turns the thermostat up at least two degrees!

Between the red and the large self-fabric flower, this is definitely a qualifier for Visible Monday. We should hop over there now and check out what other garb is being modelled by the fabulous array of womenPatti pulls together once a week.

Jeans: Wilfred by Aritzia

Boots: INK, Paris-bought, Italian-made

T-neck,grey tissue-weight merino-microfibre blend: Wilfred, Aritzia

Sweater: La Fée Maraboutiné


  1. Cindy Swanson
    7 November 2011 / 3:13 pm

    I'm experiencing a serious case of covetousness here! I LOVE that sweater! A great look for you!

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  2. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    7 November 2011 / 3:35 pm

    I do love this sweater. It looks lovely on you. Love the color of red on you. I can see why it called you back to buy it.

  3. Susan Tiner
    7 November 2011 / 4:40 pm

    What a beautiful sweater.

    I know what you mean about needing one when sitting for long periods reading and/or writing at a desk, or in my case, on the sofa.

    I love the thought that red turns the thermostat up a couple degrees by itself :).

  4. Mardel
    7 November 2011 / 7:48 pm

    Fabulous sweater! I love a cozy long sweater even if they do tend to hide the shape beneath. I feel so cozy and happy that hopefully that spark alone is enough. It certainly seems to work for you.

  5. K.Line
    8 November 2011 / 12:06 am

    I totally love the asymmetry of the hem – and the colour! I think it would look fantastic, not only with the slim jeans, but with those American Apparel faux latex leggings. I don't like to promote that shop, but occasionally they do something truly excellent. I think the lady-ness of the tunic sweater would be awesome with the industrial quality of those leggings.

  6. Duchesse
    8 November 2011 / 1:01 am

    When the damp chill sets in this sweater will be an even greater joy! I can see burrowing in it with a book; some sweaters are just so deliciously soft and nourishing. And- beautiful cherry colour.

  7. Meagan
    8 November 2011 / 2:58 am

    I think it's a gorgeous sweater and I love the flower detail!

  8. Raquelita
    8 November 2011 / 9:39 pm

    I have found myself really wishing that I had a lovely red sweater this fall, so I'm especially covetous of this one. It really does look perfect for those days of writing or marking papers in a drafty office!

  9. LPC
    9 November 2011 / 5:24 am

    You look fantastic, and I love the extra-long sleeves.

  10. materfamilias
    9 November 2011 / 7:39 pm

    Thanks Cindy & Debbie. Great to have you visiting from Patti's Visible Monday. Still have to make my way over to all the other blogs featured there.
    Susan: So much of comfort is psychological, right? and colour has to be a big part of that.
    Mardel: Yes, there's just something about that voluminous enveloping warmth — and this is structurally satisfying as well, not just a big blob, altho' the photo doesn't make that clear enough.
    Kristin: That would be pushing the woman of a certain age category, wouldn't it, those leggings. And yet I know exactly what you mean about how they could work with this sweater. Also know what you mean about generally resisting AA (yuck! their advertising!), but nevertheless having to admit that some basics they do are brilliant.
    Duchesse: Exactly. In a damp cold climate, these comforts are necessary. And I love the cherry red especially — funny to think how sure I was for most of my life that I couldn't wear red. Still not sure it's great for me, but sometimes I just love its effect.
    Meagan: Thanks for joining me from Visible Monday — I'll have to come for a visit soon.
    Raquelita: You know the perils of that drafty office, right? Even the teapot, kettle, and mugs I've hauled in can't quite break that institutional chill. . .
    Lisa: Observant eye! Yes, that tissue-weight length is welcome in the winter when I run from my building to our main office . . not quite gloves, but does take the chill off.

  11. Susan B
    10 November 2011 / 4:00 am

    That's really a lovely sweater. I like you in red!

  12. indigo16
    10 November 2011 / 12:45 pm

    I have a feeling it feels divine, the knit looks very soft, how about wearing it with a short skirt just poking out from the bottom?

  13. materfamilias
    12 November 2011 / 9:08 pm

    Pseu: Thanks! And Alison, that's exactly how I've otherwise worn it, you mind-reader, you! And it is soooo soft, feels like a good hug.

  14. Lesa
    13 November 2011 / 11:05 am

    Ohhhh! what a beautiful sweater, love the color, the flower everything about it.

    Come visit if you have a chance!

    Always Summer

  15. materfamilias
    16 November 2011 / 3:37 am

    Lesa: Thanks so much for stopping in and commenting. I look forward to exploring your blog when things settle down a bit here.


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