Thinking Visibility on Monday

I had thought I’d join the Visible Monday brigade today, but I’d be cheating if I did so with this photo. This is not what I’m wearing today, but rather a shot of an outfit that got me many compliments when I wore it the week before last. I’ve been holding it back because the photos (taken by my husband when I arrived at our Vanc’r apartment after a long day, both of us a bit tired, the lighting not great) came nowhere near reflecting how good it felt on nor how great I’m still convinced it looked.

I’ve never got so many compliments — one from a man (who looked normal, well-dressed, reasonable social skills) who told me he’d snapped a shot on his phone because he thought the look would suit his girlfriend well and wanted to come over to tell me how perfect it was, proportions, colour, boots, etc. (I know, more than a bit odd, but he seemed sincere and otherwise balanced).

The Eileen Fisher sweater is not as drapey in this photo as IRL — you get a better idea here. It’s a dream to wear, and a change of colour for me, but judging by the positive feedback it works for my complexion. I’m still convincing myself, which may be part of why I fight the photos a bit. The pants are my new Jbrand cords, a dream to wear, so comfy — and the midrise hits at just the perfect waist height to prevent muffin top. My Acne boots are proving to be the staple I predicted they’d be, justifying their cost quickly, working down that CPW.

And in this closer shot, you can almost see my favourite Karyn Chopik necklace and, if you look closely, the feather extensions in my hair.

Interesting, the fight to stay visible that Visible Monday represents for women over 50 begins here with me wanting to suppress images photos offer, to try to overcome a gap between some imaginary hoped-for me and the reality.

p.s. Amused to see how much the colour palette, and the overall idea of this outfit resembles what Une Femme is modelling today as her entry in the Visible Monday panoply. Of course, hers is a much more elegant interpretation, with a scarf.

And p.p.s I’ve decided I’ll join in, even though this is not a photo of What I Wore Today, especially since I spotLisain the crowd modelling the gorgeous outfit she wore for her birthday dinner last Friday. 


  1. hostess of the humble bungalow
    3 October 2011 / 5:24 pm

    I thought of Deja's post when I saw what you are wearing. Your Eileen Fisher sweater is divine….
    I would love to own another one of her fine creations.

    Visible Mondays sound like fun. I posted about quinoa this morning and now it seems very dull.

  2. WendyB
    3 October 2011 / 5:26 pm

    I love that you got so many compliments!

  3. Susan B
    3 October 2011 / 5:27 pm

    I'll confess I've been eyeing that top myself. It looks GREAT on you!!! Love this color scheme. Aren't we having fun with our colored cords?

  4. Patti @ NotDeadYet Style
    3 October 2011 / 5:27 pm

    Oh yes, Frances, welcome! And we are not strict about what *exact* day we wear our outfits (I snap mine on Sundays, so I can post early). Your look is very warm and chic, and as a fellow curly, I love the natural look of your curls.

    Thanks for participating, and please come again!


  5. Anonymous
    3 October 2011 / 5:39 pm

    Welcome to Visible Monday. I love your look and your blog! (Bonus points for the Buffy quotes). And Patti's right — you're not cheating. (I usually just post an outfit that got a compliment sometime in the last week or so!)

  6. That's Not My Age
    3 October 2011 / 6:55 pm

    That tobacco colour does look good on you. And I bought the Acne boots! Slightly nervous that they're a bit too high for me, will test them out properly once the heatwave dies down.

  7. LPC
    3 October 2011 / 9:11 pm

    I didn't even notice I was cheating:). I love the pants – you have such great long legs – and the color scheme. Don't you love it when the universe gives you such unanimous feedback?

    I've got some new cords, but they are chocolate brown. I plan to go and get some Beautifeel booties to go with, if I like them IRL. We shall see. I so enjoy our mutual inspiration.

    You have to be one of the most adorable people I know.

  8. Tiffany
    3 October 2011 / 10:44 pm

    Wonderful colours! I immediately noticed the similarities between your colours and Pseu's – both outfits are just great. I do love that sweater … and the cords, and the boots. It's an outfit I'd wear in a flash! Again, you've hit the sweet spot as far as casual chic goes.

  9. Debbi@SheAccessorizesWell
    3 October 2011 / 11:48 pm

    I love the colors in this outfit. They look so warm and cozy. I don't always post an outfit I am wearing on a Monday. Usually it is a Sunday outfit so I can get the photos in early Monday instead of waiting until late in the evening. I am glad you posted today!

  10. L'age moyen
    3 October 2011 / 11:59 pm

    The proportions are bang-on. Love the colours – perfectly autumn!

  11. Duchesse
    4 October 2011 / 12:02 am

    YOu and Pseu do look coordinated but each so "you"! (Did you used to call gds in highschool to coordinate your outfits? I did!) I think that attention such as his is well-meant.

  12. Anonymous
    4 October 2011 / 3:23 am

    I love this look–especially the boots. And feather extensions! I'm very, very impressed. And where does one find a man who will take photos of remarkable outfits…

  13. materfamilias
    4 October 2011 / 5:56 am

    Lesley: This is my first EF purchase, but it won't be my last, I'm sure. As for your quinoa post, I didn't find it dull at all!
    Pseu: The merino is so finely knit — it's lovely to wear.
    Patti: Thanks so much for hosting — it was fun!
    FrumpFactor: Thanks for visiting! I won't have time to check out other VM blogs 'til the weekend, but I'm looking forward to it.
    TNMA: You bought them! Yay! I think you'll find them comfortable, even with the bit of height. The only concern I have is with the tightness at the ankles when going up and down stairs, but that is already easing with wear. Too warm for you to wear them now, though — I hear you've got temps in the 30s!!

  14. materfamilias
    4 October 2011 / 6:01 am

    Lisa: I bet you say that to all the bloggers! 😉
    But seriously, yes, the mutual inspiration is fun.
    Tiffany: It did feel like a perfect blend of casual comfort and chic, very easily pulled together. Thanks!
    Debbie: Thanks for the encouragement. I'll get round to your blog when I find some spare minutes.
    l'AM: Thank you. They're not my usual colours, but they do feel right in this season.
    Duchesse: My instincts were that his actions and comments were well meant, so I decided to take him at his word and enjoy the compliment (while keeping an eye out for Alan Funt!)
    Terri: I know, he's pretty good about the camera, so I try not to complain when the results don't match the image in my mind's eye. The feather extensions are fun — I could see you wearing them, when you get bored with your party eyelashes! 😉

  15. Meagan
    4 October 2011 / 7:12 am

    Those pants look fabulous on you! I love the tunic too!

  16. indigo16
    4 October 2011 / 12:01 pm

    The chorus of approval will of course be added to by me, I do appreciate how hard the camera finds it to accurately reflect the colours you are wearing; the mid tones struggle to be recorded in any depth when using digital. The shape of your jumper would be a hit with me too, I love that loose style with no worries about my muffin top, (you don't have one)
    Your visit from the animal kingdom reminds me of My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell have you read it? I find that family amazing talented.
    It is now considerably cooler here so once again I will repack the linen.

  17. Mardel
    5 October 2011 / 5:51 pm

    Jumping onto the bandwagon singing the praises of this outfit. It really looks fabulous on you and you look stylishly comfortable. I perfectly understand though about the flat two dimensionality of the digital photo not capturing the fabulous way you felt in this outfit. But I'm glad you shared.

    The idea of Visible Monday appeals. Perhaps I will participate.

  18. Mardel
    5 October 2011 / 5:57 pm

    I forgot to say how much I like that sweater on you. I've been eyeing it for a while but eventually decided that the colors, although lovely, are not quite me.

  19. materfamilias
    5 October 2011 / 9:31 pm

    Meagan: Thanks, it's a comfy outfit, so I'm pleased it looks good as well.
    Alison: I have a vague memory of reading Durrell decades ago. And yes, this sweater's shape is very forgiving!
    Mardel: You'd have fun with Visible Monday. I did!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.