Weekend food-iness!

This weekend was all kinds of busy family fun although it got off to a frantic start Friday afternoon when I got to the ferry just in time to catch the 3:10, only to realize I’d left my charge card at my hairstylist’s. BC Ferries doesn’t do debit cards, and I didn’t have enough cash. The “no-name cash machine” at the ferry terminal didn’t work for me (1st time my fault, used the wrong pin; 2nd time promised $$ but didn’t dispense — luckily gave receipt admitting truth before shutting down with an Error message), so zipped off to my bank for cash, back to Ronei’s for my card, and made it onto the 5 ferry.

Dinner at La Brasserie Friday night, right in our Vancouver ‘hood, good Alsatian food in a convivial atmosphere. I had oysters, then bouillabaisse; Paul had his usual paté and then pork; we shared a v. nice bottle of Bordeaux.

Ran the seawall Saturday morning, then spent the rest of the day alternating between marking papers and taking breaks to read the weekend newspapers.

Then Saturday night, we walked over to Daughter #3’s apartment, where she and her husband, both professional cooks (although she’s left that career behind) had made a wonderful meal.

I wish I could remember what was in the lovely cocktail they greeted us with — Perhaps she’ll speak up in the comments and advise. All I can remember is gin and lemon bitters, strawberry juice and basil . . . And I can remember it was very good.

And this elegant version of a caesar salad was fabulous! Much easier to eat than the big pieces one chases around a bowl, these nestled spears were easy to cut.  Beautifully assembled on plates beforehand (bottom pic), they were then drizzled with a sumptuous caesar  dressing and lavished with generous shavings of parmesan, then draped with a very, very thin ribbon of flatbread into which a fillet or two of anchovy had been baked — a very nice interpretation of the salad’s usual croutons and anchovies.

As you can see, fresh pasta was also on the menu as was a wonderfully rich cake and a gorgeous cheeseboard.

A lovely meal — this parenting gig can be a very. good. thing.

Then Sunday morning we met little girl Nola and her parents for crepes at our favourite spot. We had our usual #5 with buckwheat; she had a strawberry crêpe which seemed to make her very happy. Followed that up with a little shopping junket up the street at The Gap where Nana got to choose some fun clothes for Nola’s wardrobe.

Missed the 3 ferry coming home, so although I left the Vanc’r apartment at 2:15, I wasn’t home until 7:30. Still, I got some marking done and then had a chance to read the papers — AND I was pleased to find they’ve re-instated Indian Butter Chicken on the BC Ferries menu. Enforced time to myself and someone else is cooking food I like? Could be worse. . . .

Now it’s head down, nose to the grindstone, and into Week 4 of the academic term. The weather’s surrendered completely to the Fall storms and it’s blustery out there, every shade of grey you can think of, sky and sea in gloomy conversation. Are you hunkering down where you are as well?


  1. LPC
    26 September 2011 / 4:33 pm

    What a joy to have adult children who cook for you! And do it so beautifully and foodiciously:). The ferry business sounds as though it might get old, eventually, but on the other hand the island is so beautiful.

  2. Susan Tiner
    26 September 2011 / 6:13 pm

    I should know better than to visit here when I'm hungry :). The food looks so yummy and I know you enjoyed all of the visiting.

    There's something about ferries I kind of like and don't like at the same time. I always remember the views the most.

    I got so many compliments on the outfit last night! It was also fun taking my daughter to dinner and hearing about the wedding plans taking shape. So much going on.

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    26 September 2011 / 6:48 pm

    This foodie post is making me very hungry…
    travel has it's challenges wether by plane or by ferry. I can see it's all worth it in the end though, time to be with family and shopping with Nola, well that is tops in my book.

  4. Tiffany
    26 September 2011 / 11:06 pm

    What a delicious weekend. After a weekend of essentially camping food – followed by a barbecue fest for Kid 2's birthday – I think I'm ready for good food again myself! In my case, however, it will have to be me who does the cooking …

  5. K.Line
    26 September 2011 / 11:34 pm

    I love that your kids are adults and they make you fancy dinners and cocktails!!!! OMG! On weekend, when I went for a manicure with M, she asked me if people can make enough money to live by giving manicures. She seemed insanely pleased to hear that the answer is yes. And for a second, I imagined her, one day, having a fancy spa – where I can go gratis, as often as I'd like!

  6. Anonymous
    26 September 2011 / 11:47 pm

    The salad looks delicious and the cocktail sounds fabulous. I know when I'm marking…that I close out the world for 4-5 hours at a stretch.

    No chefs in our family yet–one carpenter, one hair dresser, one tattoo artist, several waitresses, one salesperson…

  7. Susan B
    27 September 2011 / 12:11 am

    Can you hear my stomach growling from here??? Wow, it all sounds and looks fabulous.

  8. indigo16
    28 September 2011 / 3:13 pm

    28 degrees and rising!! For once our climate is not mirroring yours. It feels almost tropical which is disconcerting as I walk the dog kicking crispy leaves in sandals and short sleeves.
    The salad looks VERY tasty, just what I need especially with something fruity and fizzy, yet the images belie a great deal of rushing and as I use public transport too, like you I get frustrated at the delays but appreciate the compulsory sit down.

  9. Duchesse
    28 September 2011 / 6:20 pm

    Mouth-watering as these are, ma, food pictures do not replace Nola pictures- not that I expect any… just expressing my pining.

  10. materfamilias
    28 September 2011 / 10:56 pm

    Lisa: It does, indeed, get old. But then I remind myself of the tradeoff.
    Susan: So happy to hear how much you enjoyed your outfit — next you'll be planning your MOTB dress!
    Hostess: After all, the ferry is part of what protects our island lifestyle, right? And gets us to the big city when we want that buzz. . .
    Kristin: That girl's going to do something powerful, I'm sure! Imagining manicuring her mom's nails at a posh spa is a good start.
    Terri: That's a handy array of skillsets in one family! And yes, the marking can be pretty isolating — it's good to have some rewards in sight.

  11. materfamilias
    28 September 2011 / 10:58 pm

    Sue: It was pretty yummy!
    Alison: I've been watching your thermometers climbing — impressive late-September temps! And yes, with the public transit, the best response is just to accept the invitation to slow right down — fussing doesn't help anybody.
    Duchesse: I hear you! I had one photo that Paul took and forwarded to me from his phone to mine, but I haven't been able to move it anywhere else. . . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.