It’s the Weekend! More France!

I’m off to my stylist’s for a cut-and-colour refresher, then we’ll head to Vancouver for the weekend  A huge batch of marking to get through, but interrupted by some Nola time, a seawall run, and dinner at my daughter’s place — where not only are there two fully-trained cooks with years of wonderful experience in great restaurants, but there is also a newly-minted, just-passed-all-her-exams Registered Massage Therapist. (doesn’t that combo sound like every mother’s dream?!). Glasses will be raised!

 But today’s list is impossibly long and I have to run. So I’ll leave you with these photos of the Hôtel des Arts et Meacute;tiers in Metz, France. By now, you can probably tell I loved that city. . . .

Have a great weekend. Do leave me a comment, if you have a minute, and tell me what you’re up to.


  1. Mardel
    23 September 2011 / 5:10 pm

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Susan Tiner
    23 September 2011 / 6:12 pm

    I'm familiar with those "marking" breaks :).

    As for us, we're taking my daughter to dinner tonight in SF to celebrate her engagement (happened last weekend), going to a fashion show at Martin's college tomorrow, singing Sunday morning and wearing my newly finished silk jersey party pants and red Dorothy shoes to a cocktail party Sun night.

    Have a lovely weekend with your family!

  3. Lorrie
    23 September 2011 / 6:13 pm

    Good food, time with a stylist,a possible massage and a visit with a grandchild sounds to me like an unparalleled way to spend a weekend.

    I'm getting back into normal life after a couple of weeks away along with visiting with youngest daughter and her husband who are leaving for Europe for a year on Sunday.

  4. LPC
    23 September 2011 / 7:40 pm

    Have a wonderful weekend. My significant other is home, which probably means he and I will be wandering over the to Apple store:).

  5. Duchesse
    23 September 2011 / 9:44 pm

    Meal, then massage, or the reverse? You're right, a dream combo! We are going to Toronto to see Jules and learn more about his new lifestyle requirements.

  6. hostess of the humble bungalow
    24 September 2011 / 1:00 am

    Oh my daughter and I are lunching before getting pampered at the Spa!

    You are fortunate to have so many talented and capable members of the family…I think massage therapists need to keep practicing their craft…perhaps you will be on the receiving end this weekend.

    In any event you'll be sporting a new do and feeling glam.

  7. Patricia
    24 September 2011 / 1:07 am

    I can see that we have made a mistake in encouraging our sons to study what interests them – English and writing for one, medicine for the other. It would be so much better for us for them to learn how to knead (both dough and flesh!). (Insert groan here!)
    I think this weekend we (ie my husband) will be putting the new elliptical trainer together. Saturday evening brings a wine and cheese party at the base – a nice way to make more contacts. Have a lovely time in Vancouver! P.

  8. Anonymous
    24 September 2011 / 1:28 am

    May the massage make the marking go smoothly!

  9. pavlova
    24 September 2011 / 5:15 am

    Your weekend sounds fantastic! Enjoy! I am in Vancouver
    for the week… we visited the UBC Anthropology Museum and the Japanese Garden, then late lunch on Granville Island….a splendid day!!!!
    Tomorrow we will drive down the coast to visit friends on Camano Island and return on Sunday to spend a few days near Stanley Park…husband will work; I will play!

  10. K.Line
    24 September 2011 / 9:29 pm

    Looking at these photos makes me so want to be in Paris! I'm sewing, knitting and having a manicure with the kid. Sewing = tracing / altering / cutting the Clover pattern (to mimic the curves from my sloper, diminish crotch length etc. Knitting is learning and applying knitting in the round, magic loop and altering a pattern to suit my shape better. I'm about 30 percent through with the first sleeve. So not far along, but I've had to figure out a lot to get there…

  11. materfamilias
    24 September 2011 / 10:49 pm

    Thanks, Mardel. You too!
    And Susan, your weekend sounds busy and fun — a cocktail party will be elevated by your red shoes and swish jersey pants.
    Lorrie: Your daughter and SIL will be away for a year? That's a long separation — are you planning to visit them in Europe?
    Lisa: Luckily, so far we haven't succumbed to the lure of the Apple stores, but they look like fun playgrounds, at least from the outside . . .
    Duchesse: Is that your first trip back since the move?
    Hostess: Lunch and spa-ing with a daughter — the perfect weekend activity.
    Patricia: Sounds like the weekend will be fun AND productive. And it sounds as if you've got a nice range in your sons' career hopes. Don't be too envious of my daughter the RMT — it's a case of the cobbler's parent going barefoot 😉
    Terri: You know what it's like!

  12. materfamilias
    24 September 2011 / 10:56 pm

    Pavlova: You're here! And we're just missing each other, too bad! I'm so glad you got out to UBC's MOA — what a busy day that was. If you're looking for a good casual place to eat after a Stanley Park day, and you like Japanese, izakaya-style, I'd check out Kingyo on Denman. And for West Coast seasonal organic in a fab setting, I always like Raincity Grill, altho'I admit I haven't been there for perhaps a year. Enjoy the rest of your visit.
    Kristin: I know, me too! It's often on my mind, that city.
    What a busy weekend you're having — clever of you to have so quickly realized that knitting in the round could be the answer to an aversion to hours spent putting a garment together. Think about making yourself a pair of cashmere socks now that you've got that down pat — you'll love the math/engineering aspect of sock-knitting.

  13. K.Line
    26 September 2011 / 1:41 am

    You know me so well! I am totally trying socks next! BTW, gloves must be a bitch!


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