Dragging my Summer Heels . . .

Tomorrow, another academic year begins for the students, and my daily routine changes drastically. So this Labour Day weekend, I put thoughts of labour to the side, and we played. It was hard work, all that playing, but I was ready for it.

Friday night, we were lucky enough to get last-minute tickets to see Ray Lamontagne. I’m not sure what was more impressive, his music or his fans’ very obvious devotion. We were probably among the 20 oldest people in the crowd, but I didn’t feel out of place wearing my new Nicole Bridger top (this Vancouver designer, who learned to sculpt fabric while doing an internship with Vivienne Westwood after her Ryerson fashion degree, does great stuff ethically with clothing that works for both young and older women’s real lives), a 3-year old pair of skinny dark denim jeans (Wilfred/Aritzia) my MOTB Fluevog shoes.

Besides being comfortable to wear and easy to pack, this outfit transitions very easily with a change of shoes, the addition of a jacket or cardi. Below, the simple addition of my Bompard cashmere cardi and a pair of pewter ballet flats took me to a family brunch on Sunday. And it’s possible I may have worn it to expedite some retail exploration Saturday afternoon.

I also fit in a long seawall run Saturday morning, some b-sitting (with Pater, bien sûr) on Saturday evening, and got shanghaied into doing the Grouse Grind (Mother Nature’s stairmaster, a 2.9 km trail with an elevation gain of 853 metres — yikes!) yesterday afternoon.

And now the weekend, and with it my Research Leave, my summer vacation, all almost over. . . . new adventures begin tomorrow. For now, a last few hours of weekend sunshine at home on the island, where Paul photographed these outfits for me. Looking at them in this setting, I’m struck by how compatible the palettes are of garments and landscape. . . .makes me think of Une Femme’s recent post on “Style by Natural Selection.”

Does/did Labour Day see you winding down your summer as well? What adventures will fall bring?


  1. Susan B
    6 September 2011 / 12:57 am

    Thanks for the link! Your outfits really do harmonize beautifully with your surroundings.

    It must be especially hard to get back into the grind after your research leave. We're all looking forward to the first day of school (for Sam) tomorrow and getting back into a routine ourselves. He's very excited about returning to school, and does so well with routine.

  2. Anonymous
    6 September 2011 / 1:12 am

    Love your Labor Day outfits. My summer is over also. This is the first summer I won't have a child in the near vicinity–oldest starts grad school, younger is 3rd year. My part-time work will start in earnest tomorrow, and my husband's employment vagabond ways will greatly decrease. We are looking forward to fall together as true empty nesters!


  3. K.Line
    6 September 2011 / 2:32 am

    You look gorgeous! I did a piece on Nicole Bridger earlier in my blog life ( line4line.blogspot.com/search?q=bridger). I really appreciate her aesthetic and principles. But it's still practically impossible to find the brand in TO.

  4. Anonymous
    6 September 2011 / 3:41 am

    the blues look beautiful with the grey top. Best wishes on your return to campus. May your students energize you.

  5. Patricia
    6 September 2011 / 1:25 pm

    School today and so I'm actually watching Canada A.M. in real time! I see that you are having some July weather right now – don't know if that makes it harder to go 'back to work'? (I know you've been working hard during your academic leave!) I too welcome the routine of school – I can get a lot more done. P.

  6. Duchesse
    6 September 2011 / 2:19 pm

    Is it my imagination or is that a look of "Onward!" on your face? Will be interested to hear the results of your leave, and your impressions of returning to teaching!

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    6 September 2011 / 2:51 pm

    Wow your weekend was packed to the brim. I like the lines of the top and it looks like it would be a comfy choice. Imagine working with Vivienne Westwood!

    I'm off to work too…the school bell rings today!

  8. indigo16
    6 September 2011 / 3:55 pm

    I do love that colour combination together, and it definitely taps into the colours of your climate. I hope your term is less grim than mine; I am old enough now to recognise the predictable clumsiness of a weak man trying to make his mark. Someone with more confidence would really not have to try so hard and upset so many committed professionals.
    Emin keeps telling me we need the money! I would love to go but am committed to 3 years more now!
    Still as you can see I am posting after work so at least this will keep me sane.

  9. Susan Tiner
    6 September 2011 / 6:41 pm

    Yes, we're fully in the swing of the back to school schedule here as well.

    Pseu's post on natural palettes informing one's style palette was really interesting, and I do see your garment colors in the natural setting. I wonder if you intuitively gravitate toward the colors around you?

    I hope your foot isn't bothering you at this point. Good luck with that.

  10. LPC
    7 September 2011 / 12:33 am

    You look wonderful. I think that light aqua is the color I most associate with you. Don't you have a necklace of flat stones, same color? And now I see the trim on your house, it all makes sense. I particularly like the cardigan over the top – brings that blue close to your face. So pretty.

  11. materfamilias
    7 September 2011 / 4:05 am

    Sue: I find it challenging to make the 0-to-60 change, but probably wouldn't want 48 weeks of regular either. Trade-offs, right? Glad to hear Sam's ready to enjoy his fall routine.
    Stacy: Rediscovering each other's company in an otherwise empty nest can be a very good time. Enjoy.
    Kristin: Should have known you'd have already discovered this. The line has been getting more and more attention lately, and I happened across the store one day when I was grievously in need of a retail boost. Dangerously, it's within several blocks of Gravity Pope (google that if your wallet dares!) AND a Lululemon store.
    Terry: They do energize us, don't they?! Until they exhaust us, which luckily won't happen for several more weeks 😉

  12. materfamilias
    7 September 2011 / 4:11 am

    Terri: Sorry for mis-spelling your name above — by the time I caught the error, it was too late to fix without deleting that entire comment.
    Patricia: Thanks for making that neat distinction between my being back to work and back in the classroom. I do get frustrated that many don't understand that I still work when not teaching. As for you, you've been working so much all summer, moving, decorating, unpacking . . . I hope you'll take some time simply to breathe and settle in while the house is finally quiet during the school day.
    Duchesse: I should try to write about that transition, if only I can find the time. And yes, there probably is a feeling of "onward" reflected here. You're astute to note it.
    Hostess: Hope your first day back went well. The top is very comfortable and feels lovely on.
    Alison: You have my sympathy — I hope you're able to focus on the students and ignore the annoying chatter from above.

  13. materfamilias
    7 September 2011 / 4:15 am

    Susan: Thanks for asking about my foot. My self-designed physio program (barefoot beach walking, continued easy running, gentle yoga) seems to have done the trick, and I did a comfy 15km. run on Saturday with no discomfort during or after. Crossing my fingers . . .
    Lisa: Wow! Good memory. Yes, I have a chalcedony necklace that I love (by a Californian, Chan Luu). I'm trying to feel my way into a less noisy palette, although I may contradict myself in my next What I Wore. . . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.