Prof as Student, What I Wore

I have been a writing fool, lately, but little of it has made its way toward this blog space. So may I fob you off with another photo or two? These are from a recent What I Wore capture, and perhaps you can tell they were grabbed on the run by a husband pressed into service at the last moment. So I can’t even complain that he failed to fit the shoes (plain black Repettos, albeit with a slight heel). Nor that he only managed to capture slightly goofy facial expressions (or, possibly, that those were the only kind I managed to make while thinking how I would manage to catch the 7:55 ferry off the island).

The outfit is a transitional version of my summer uniform, which has been the white v-neck T (Gap) and jeans (this wide-legged pair is Michael Kors, finally hemmed for flats so that I could wear them more often). The close-toed Repettos made this slightly more work-worthy than my Birks, and I think the (tissue-thin Club Monaco) cashmere cardi adds a bit of polish. Accessorized with my wear-all-the-time Karen Chopik heart pendant and the lovely silk (hand-rolled-hemmed) scarf I won from Hostess worn as a belt. The silk in the scarf is so heavily lustrous that I was in some danger of being distracted by fingering it, but the Moodle course I took was so fast-paced that I didn’t dare. In fact, I felt comfortable yet professionally dressed enough that I didn’t think any more about clothes all morning — and sometimes, really, that’s the goal.

I know. You’re probably wondering how long I managed to keep that tummy sucked in. I’m just glad no (obvious) cameras caught me later in the day to answer that question . . .

Now back to writing fool in other places . . . .what are you up to?


  1. Susan Tiner
    29 August 2011 / 10:44 pm

    I really, really like that outfit a lot. I think it's one of my favorites of yours. Too bad we can't see the shoes. I live with a similarly skilled photographer :-).

  2. Tiffany
    29 August 2011 / 11:25 pm

    Love that outfit. Chic AND comfortable – a difficult thing to pull off sometimes.

  3. Susan B
    29 August 2011 / 11:30 pm

    I wish I looked that good in a white tee! Seriously chic and I love those wide leg jeans on you.

  4. hostess of the humble bungalow
    30 August 2011 / 12:14 am

    Wow mater you look stunning!
    I see that scarf is getting around…
    Paris and now on campus!

  5. L'age moyen
    30 August 2011 / 12:32 am

    Love the wide-legged jeans. They look fabulous. It's a great look nicely accented by the scarf belt. Very Fred Astaire-ish.

  6. K.Line
    30 August 2011 / 2:34 am

    What an elegant, casual outfit. I love it – esp. the CM cashmere. I remember that collection…

  7. Patricia
    30 August 2011 / 5:32 am

    Great outfit Mater, I was wearing something similar myself today, minus the cardigan – we walked to the boys' new school and I had to take my linen jacket off about half-way there (1.7 km); it's still fairly warm here. I'm just waiting really until the boys go back to school – then I feel I can really get down to the business of getting the house in order, painting, etc. Only one more week …. P.

  8. materfamilias
    30 August 2011 / 5:46 am

    Susan: At least he's willing . . .;-)
    Tiffany: It was both, happily!
    Sue: Thanks, I didn't used to think I could wear white, but one of my daughters convinced me and Paul really likes the look (he finds it very fresh, he says). I bought a stack at The Gap.
    Hostess: And London . . . it's very well travelled (and beautiful, thank you again!)
    l'age: So I should polish up a tap step or two? 😉
    K: I so wish I'd grabbed one more piece, altho' it seemed too much of a splurge at the time. I've lived in this sweater!
    Patricia: I know that feeling — there's not much you can really dig into while the house is still full during the day. And those last days of the looser schedule go by so quickly. . .

  9. Mardel
    4 September 2011 / 1:39 am

    Love that outfit, casual yet chic, comfortable yet polished. And I like the expressions your photographer captured as well, not at all goofy but a little sly and knowing, as if you paused, thinking of other things yet still appreciating the pleasure of more "frivolous" matters.

    You and Lisa both shine in your white tees lately. Wish I could pull it off so well, and apparently effortlessly.

  10. materfamilias
    4 September 2011 / 5:36 am

    Mardel: Thanks, I really like it as well. I've found that structure of jeans, white T, and cardi or jacket to be quite useful, even liberating, this summer.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.